Title: Optical Tweezers
1Optical Tweezers
- Dielectric spheres trapped by tightly-focussed
laser beam
Manipulate micron-sized materials, measure forces
Particle is trapped where gradient and scattering
forces balance
Adapted from M. Prentiss
2Sphere is Pushed Towards Focus
Net force up
Net force down
Adapted from M. Prentiss
Net force left
3Tweezers Instrumentation
M. Prentiss
4Optically-Controlled CollisionsAdhesion and
- Two optical traps to collide cell with
virus-coated particle measure adhesion
Virus-coated microsphere
Red blood cell
Study adhesion as function of inhibitor colli
sion velocity osmotic stress other solution
5Manipulation of Lipid Membranes Using Optical
10 mm
10 mm
Solid lipid inclusions within initially spherical
vesicles were held in an optical trap while the
stage was translated, resulting in these
deformations of the liposome membrane.
6Optical Trapping of Bacteria Encapsulated within