Title: Enhanced Production Audit Program EPAP
1Enhanced Production Audit Program(EPAP)
CAPPA Conference Panel Hosted by Al McCue 21
October 2009
2How we will proceed
- Each panellist will present for 6 7 minutes
- Well spend the bulk of the time responding to
your questions - Well close with short remarks from some
3Question period
- After all panellists have made their
presentations, we will open up the session to
your questions - Your package contains index cards
- Write your questions legibly on a card
- Hold it high in the air where a volunteer will
run it up to the podium
4Todays Panel
- Colby Ruff
- Rhon Rose
- Al Davis
- Eric Hazeldine
- Yogi Schulz
- Earl Quantz
- BP Canada (IMG)
- NAL Resources (CAPPA)
- Quorum Business Solutions
- Corvelle
- (ERCB EPAP Project Manager)
5Enhanced Production Audit ProgramERCB Overview
CAPPA Conference Panel Presented by Colby
Ruff 21 October 2009
6Presentation Outline
- EPAP Goals
- EPAP Philosophy
- EPAP Benefits
7EPAP Goals
- Raise level of compliance to ERCB measurement and
reporting requirements - Raise level of assurance over compliance to ERCB
measurement and reporting requirements
8EPAP Philosophy
- Trust, but verify
- - Ronald Reagan
9Benefits to Operators
- Appropriate level of assurance over compliance
with ERCB requirements - Improved compliance with ERCB requirements
- Improved volumetric business processes controls
- Higher quality volumetric data
10Enhanced Production Audit ProgramNew Business
CAPPA Conference Panel Presented by Rhon Rose 21
October 2009
11General Context
- EPAP targets long term improvement in the
compliance to - Directive 007 reporting
- Directive 017 measurement
- Reporting is more visible
- IMG is building a set of business practices for
measurement - Most of the IMG areas will impact/involve the
Production Accounting community
12IMG Business Practices
- PA Impact
- Schematic Metering Diagrams High
- Gas and Liquid Analysis High
- Gas Chart Readings Low
- Calibrations and Proving Low
- SCADA/EFM/Automation Low
- Fuel, Flare, and Vent Medium
- Oil Well Testing Medium
- Gas Well Testing Medium
- Effluent Well Testing Medium
13Impacts on You from Measurement Practices
- In the Compliance Assessment Report you will get
bad point (s) for - Data anomalies
- Field inspection findings
- Your Senior Executives will have to sign an
annual Declaration - You will generally need to implement more
controls and have clearer lines of accountability
14Metering Schematics
- Do you have current ones?
- Does it match how you do your allocations?
- Do they contain the required information?
- Has someone been assigned responsibility to
maintain them? - Does your company have a control in place to
ensure they are done and kept up to date?
15Metering Schematics
Note Any party tied to a BP plant is asked to
request and review these with your PA
16Enhanced Production Audit ProgramPA Business
Process Best Practices
CAPPA Conference Panel Presented by Al Davis 21
October 2009
17CAPPA Objectives
- Strengthen the profession of Production
accounting - Represent P.A. industry technically and
procedurally - Provide education program for P.A.
- Promote cordial relations among members
- Provide production statistics forum
18CAPPA Best Practices Committee Mandate
- To develop and document Production Accounting
best practices - initially focusing on required EPAP procedures
- ERCB has identified 74 non-compliance issues
- CAPPA has determined that 33 of these are
production accounting - Committee is developing processes
- Using ERCB process template
- 33 processes to be developed
- 9 are high risk, 24 are low risk
- Draft completed for 6 high risk processes
- Draft completed for 16 low risk processes
- 66 have drafts completed
- currently starting draft reviews
21Next Steps
- Complete remaining drafts Nov.
- Review and finalize all drafts Jan.
- Standardize formats Feb.
- Review with CAPPA board - ongoing
- Post on CAPPA website, access to industry
- Plan to post some processes for year end
22ERCB Process Template Components
- Process Description
- Process background
- Risk of noncompliance
- Process owners
- Process description
- Process map/flow chart
- Process control matrix
23Process ExampleGas Disposition Reporting
- Background
- Gas disposition volumes are used to calculate gas
volumes at a facility or well therefore the gas
volumes must be reported in an accurate and
timely manner
24Process ExampleGas Disposition Reporting
- Associated risk of non-compliance
- Incorrect reporting results in inaccurate
production, inaccurate revenue, incorrect royalty
payments, increased government monitoring, audits
and penalties, incorrect partner information and
additional costs associated with reworks.
25Process ExampleGas Disposition Reporting
- Process owners
- Field operator
- Production accountant for the receiving facility
- Production Accountant for the delivering
26Process ExampleGas Disposition Reporting
- Process description
- The following process is performed monthly
- The receipt facility/pipeline field operator
measures gas volumes coming into the receiving
facility/pipeline with a compliant gas
measurement device and also spot checks gas
analysis as required.
27Process ExampleGas Disposition Reporting
- Process map/flow chart
- Outlines the process steps, how they all hang
together and associated controls.
28Process ExampleGas Disposition Reporting
- Process control matrix
- Defines the details of every associated control
29Enhanced Production Audit ProgramPreparing for
CAPPA Conference Panel Presented by Eric
Hazeldine 21 October 2009
30High-Level Considerations
- All operators have measurement and reporting
business processes - Are they documented?
- Do they leave an audit trail?
- Also have controls that assure timely and quality
results from processes - Automated or manual?
- Facility-level or Company-level?
- Do they assure D007 D017 compliance?
- Answers influence EPAP approach
31Measurement ProgramBest Practices
- Processes and Controls
- Strengthening is easier than creating and
replacing - Modifications that move toward automation with
full audit trail are most valuable - Consideration of D-007 and D-017 requirements in
context of process modifications will yield
appropriate controls
32Measurement ProgramBest Practices, continued
- Strive for uniform processes and controls across
fields / assets - Greatly simplifies evaluations of controls
- Lower cost to implement and maintain processes
and controls - Job sharing and job transfers are easier
- Change Management is key when processes are being
changed - Increases long-term adherence and buy-in
- More than documentation and training
33Specific Example
- D017 8.4 Sampling and Analysis Frequency
- Process Considerations
- Does your meter setup process include designation
of required sample frequency? - Is your sampling process driven off a schedule?
- Are all new and accepted samples recorded
centrally? - Controls
- Preventive Control The sample schedule itself
- Detective Control A report of overdue samples
34Specific Example
- D017 4.3.3 Measurement Data Audit Trail
- Process Considerations
- Where are raw volumes first recorded?
- Raw volumes EFM, SCADA, Data Historian, Chart
Integrator, 3rd Party - How do they propagate into
- Field Data Capture / Measurement system?
- Production Accounting system?
- Registry?
- Controls
- Detective Controls Reconcile
- Production Accounting inputs to Registry inputs
- Field Data Capture inputs to Production
Accounting inputs -
35Enhanced Production Audit ProgramProject Summary
CAPPA Conference Panel Presented by Yogi
Schulz 21 October 2009
36Presentation Outline
- EPAP development
- EPAP components
- Implementation schedule
- Operator role
Please e-mail any questions you may have to
epap_at_ercb.ca EPAP is further described under
Projects Issues at www.ercb.ca
37EPAP Development
38EPAP Components
- Operator evaluations of controls
- Declaration process
- Compliance assessment process
- Action item process
- D-019 Enforcement
39Overview of Relationship
Evaluation of Control
Business Process
40Oil Gas Example
For sample of Well Tests, examine review of the
Review Well Test logs
Conduct Well Tests
41Implementation Schedule
42Operator Role
- Operations Production Accounting
- Execute business processes
- Execute controls
- Implement remediation plan
- Audit group
- Create the annual evaluation plan
- Evaluate strengthen controls
- Develop remediation plan for findings
- Senior management
- Review / approve annual evaluation plan
- Review evaluation results
- Issue declaration
43Operator Next StepsInternal EPAP implementation
- Conduct an assessment
- Plan for evaluations of controls
- Communicate EPAP implementation plan internally
- Respond to Compliance Assessment Report
- Conduct trial evaluations of controls
- Strengthen processes controls
44Enhanced Production Audit ProgramEPAP Actions
for PA
CAPPA Conference Panel Presented by Earl
Quantz 21 October 2009
45EPAP Actions forProduction Accountants
- Embrace and build EPAP visibility
- Action monthly compliance assessment report
- Collaborate with field operations and measurement
staff - Identify the controls on your desk and confirm
are they working - Respond to evaluation of controls findings
46Annual Operator EPAP Work
- Create annual evaluation plan
- Conduct evaluations of controls
- Remediate deficiencies
- Collaborate in the compliance assessment process
- Submit the annual declaration
48Extra Slides
49ERCB RoleProduction Audit Team
- Review declarations
- Perform compliance assessment process
- Interact with operators on action items
- Monitor execution of remediation work
- Perform operator escalation process
- Apply D-019 compliance enforcement