Title: The Ritz Carlton Central Park In Room Dining
1ERIC HUBERT _____________________________________
_______________________________________ Pastry
Chef and Dessert Consultant
Help Me Help You !
2Cheese Cake Kiwi Tart Petits
3Classic Hits
Molten Chocolate Cake
Passion Fruit CLUB
Seasonal Shortcake
Vanilla Crème Brulee
Market Price
7 Consulting a la
Carte ___
8________________Small Weddings
9 Larger
__________ __Weddings
10 Just Large Weddings
11Invite many Friends and have a large cake
For your Birthday
12Happy Birthday Mon Chou
13Royal Birthday
14 Plaisirs de Guimauve
15__________Let me treat You like a
------------Celebrity Amenities for Celebrities
17S p e c i a l. More Celebrities A M E N I T I E S
18A Few More __________________________
19And More (and much more on files)_______________
20 Taking care of Kids is the
Work of Grown-ups
21If theyre Innocent Theyre not Foolish
22__________16 for a Day_______________
Then keep Addin
23 Grown-ups taking care of Grown-ups ___________
___What comes after 40 ?
24____Art Resolution_
25Dear Friend I want to thank you very much for
taking this tour I now invite you ,or in the
near future to come visit me in the world of
Pastry Consulting with more picture and numerous
amazing recipes
And let me convince you that a Chef can be your
best friend Introducing a concept to
a Chef Should happen before introducing him to
the Kitchen . His Collaboration is
very Precious And you can find him Sublime For
having the Ability To bring your Ideas
into Reality
Sincerely ________________ Eric