Title: HQ AMC BRAC Relocation to Redstone Arsenal
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21HQ AMC BRAC Relocation to Redstone Arsenal
22HQ AMC USASAC Future Facility
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47Quantifying the Workforce Shortage
Technical Business
Gross shortfall 2,700 4,400 (7,100)
Transfers (28) 750 1,230 (1,980)
Net Shortfall 1,950 3,170 (5,120)
Including retirements contractors expect 10,000
person shortfall
48BRAC Workforce Facts
- Relocation percentages are typically low
(many job opportunities in DC) - Very high percentage of employees will be
engineers and logisticians - Employees must qualify for security clearances
- Other organizations and commands likely to follow
- Raiding from local workforce (government and
contractors) already occurring
49Challenges Getting People to Relocate
- Many misconceptions about Alabama
- Spousal jobs
- Housing market is impacting relocation decisions
- Families in the area
50TV-BRACs Role in Filling Positions
- Presentations to current employees (MDA, AMC)
- Publicity materials
- On the Road trips
- Participation in job fairs
- Rapid response to issues (e.g., healthcare)
- Focus groups
51Other Solutions to the Shortage
- Universities
- Expand co-op and fresh out hiring
- Continue nationwide recruiting of qualified
people () - Encourage commands to hire from outside our area
52Annual Impact of 2005 BRAC to Alabama
- Average annual salary is 80,000
- 42,000,000 each year in Alabama STATE taxes
- Each new BRAC employee will pay an average of
4,227 annually to the State of Alabama - This could fund a 550,000,000
- 20-year bond issue
53State Support Economic Development
- Mercedes Benz to Tuscaloosa 391M for 3900
jobs - an investment of 100,172 for each job
- Hyundai to Montgomery 253M for 2522 jobs
- an investment of 101,150 for each job
- ThyssenKrupp to Mobile 811M for 2700 jobs
- an investment of 300,513 for each job
- EADS/Northrop to Mobile ?M to for 1,500 jobs
- an investment of X for each job
- BRAC moves to Huntsville 3.9M for 9,700 jobs
- an investment of 402 for each job
54Our Websites
- www.tennessee-valley.org
- www.asmartplace.com
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