Title: CVC Liver,Lung
1CVC Liver,Lung Thrombus
- Chronic venous congestion (passive venous
congestion) occurs due to prolonged impairment
of venous drainage. - Almost always associated with edema.
3- CVC Liver--- Nut Meg Liver.
- CVC Lung--- Brown Induration.
- CVC Spleen--- Bantis Spleen.
4CVC Liver--- Nut Meg Liver.
- Each lobule will show zonal alterations.
- Central veins and surrounding sinusoids are
dilated and congested. - If severe, microhemmorrhages and pressure atrophy
or necrosis of centrilobular hepatocytes occur.
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8Nutmeg" liver seen with chronic passive
congestion of the liver. Note the dark red
congested regions that represent accumulation of
RBC's in centrilobular regions.
9nutmeg pattern results from congestion around the
central veins usually due to a "right sided"
heart failure.
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11- If chronic hepatic passive congestion continues
for a long time, a condition called "cardiac
cirrhosis" may develop in which there is fibrosis
bridging between central zonal regions, so that
the portal tracts appear to be in the center of
the reorganized lobule. - This process is best termed "cardiac sclerosis"
because, unlike a true cirrhosis, there is
minimal nodular regeneration.
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14CVC Lung--- Brown Induration
- Edema in alveoli, congestion of Septal vessels,
micro hemorrhages, Haemosiderin laden Macrophages
(HEART- FAILURE CELLS), and Septal fibrosis. - No inflammatory cells
- (DD-Pneumonia).
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19- Pulmonary congestion with dilated capillaries and
leakage of blood into alveolar spaces leads to an
increase in Haemosiderin-laden macrophages. - Brown granules of Haemosiderin from break down of
RBC's appear in the macrophage cytoplasm. - These macrophages are sometimes called "heart
failure cells" because of their association with
pulmonary congestion with congestive heart
20CVC Spleen---Bantis Spleen
- Enlargement of Spleen due to marked expansion of
the red pulp, widely separating the lymphoid
follicles of the white pulp. - Sinusoids are dilated and congested.
- Fibrosis of the septae.
- Perivascular Hemorrhages results in Organization
with Haemosiderin laden macrophages and fibrosis
(SIDEROTIC NODULE, GAMMA GANDI BODIES) . - Giant cell rn, Calcification may occur.
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- Thrombosis an intravascular mass of blood
constituents, formed in intact circulation. - Thrombus formed of clumped platelets, fibrin
strands and entangled RBCs. - It is attached to the BV at the point of
initiation of thrombogenesis. - May or may not occlude entire lumen.
23End result of Thrombus
- Infarction- Ischemic necrosis.
- Organization
- Recanalization
- Embolism
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43The fibrous bands of connective tissue across
this branch of pulmonary artery indicate
organization of a remote pulmonary thromboembolus
44"lines of Zahn" which are the alternating pale
pink bands of platelets with fibrin and red bands
of RBC's forming a true thrombus.
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49Acute renal arterial obstruction in this case led
to massive renal infarction in which the entire
cortex is pale yellow, with Medullary hemorrhage.
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57Thank u