Title: The Cambrian Period
1The Cambrian Period
542-488 MYA
2Cambrian Period Facts
- The Cambrian Period started 542 million years ago
and lasted about 54 million years - It was a very slow evolving period
- Animals evolved the ability to swim and crawl,
and also developed more acute senses of smell and
taste - The sense of sight appeared with small changes in
light - Sight became so useful in detecting a swimming
predator moving over head. Sight helped the
evolution of many different organisms
3Stages of the Cambrian Period
- The Early Cambrian Epoch (542-513 MYA)
- The Middle Cambrian Epoch (513-501 MYA)
- The Furongian Epoch (501-488 MYA)
4Earths Development
- The continents were concentrated in the Southern
Hemisphere near the equator - The land masses were fragmented from the super
continent, Rodinia - Continental plate movement and collisions
generated pressure and heat that led to the
formation of large mountain ranges
5Climactic Changes
- The Cambrian Period was between two Ice Ages
- Global Climate was warmer and more uniform (near
the equator) - Sea level rose at the beginning from ice melting
- Much of the world was covered by sea
- This allowed new habitats where marine life could
6Evidence of Cambrian Explosion
The Cambrian Explosion was a sudden appearance
of a large diversity of animals in a short
geological amount of time
- Pre Cambrian fossils are simple and
two-dimensional - Cambrian fossils are very diverse with many new
- Fossil Records were found to explain this period
- The Burgess Shale of Canada
- Chengjiang, in Yunnan Province of China
- The Wheeler and Marjum Formations of Utah
7Dominant Species
- Bacteria and Protists were in the worlds shallow
seas - Plants had not evolved yet, so no vegetation on
the land - Oxygen mixed into the worlds oceans and was
available to many kinds of animals causing the
Cambrian Explosion - Most of the organisms that lived then were hard
shelled animals according to the fossil record
8Dominant Species
- The Trilobites were the most characteristic
animal. They had highly developed eyes.
Other groups that appeared were sponges and
modern day starfish (echinoderms).
There were also soft-bodied echiurians which were
worm-like creatures that were carnivores.
9Dominant Species
Marine Snails and Molluscs appeared during this
The first chordates or vertebrates (foraminifers)
and shelled amoebas appeared also.
10The Early Cambrian Epoch
542-513 MYA
- Simple worm traces
- Much more diverse shelly animals and molluscs
- All of the modern phyla had evolved
- The seas rose continuously throughout
- Shallow waters allowed for more species
11The Middle Cambrian Epoch
513-501 MYA
- Low Magnesium concentrations occurred in the
seawater making calcium precipitate as calcite - Because of the calcite building up in the sea and
the shallow waters, life could no longer survive - Now the bigger and more mobile organisms could
take advantage of the sea bottom (the first
really large carnivores)
12The Middle Cambrian Epoch
13The Furongian Epoch
501-488 MYA
- Metazoans chewed holes in the sea floor to loosen
it up - Many species flourished
- More molluscs diversified
- Donodonts first appeared (they had eel like
bodies and could swim very fast in deeper water) - Because of environmental changes, natural
selection wiped out species and they were
replaced by similar organisms
14Mass extinctions
- The Cambrian Period was between two Ice Ages
- There are two hypothesis for the Cambrian
extinction - The Glacial Cooling Hypothesis continental
glaciation caused a decline in temperature with
mass extinction of warm water species - Oxygen Depletion Hypothesis cooling and
depletion of water eliminated organisms not able
to tolerate the cold or decrease in oxygen