- Jacqueline D. Goodway
- Crystal F.
Branta - Peng Zhang
2- Motor development is a complex process that
occurs over the lifespan.
3- Rudimentary movements Postural reflexes and the
rudimentary movements - Constraints Newell (1984)
- Task
- Environment
- Individual (both functional and structural)
4- Fundamental motor skills (FMS)
- Locomotors skills such as running,
- Manipulative (also called object control) skills
such as throwing, - Non-locomotor skills such as bending.
- Seefeldt (1980) proposed one of the
earliest models shaped like a pyramid, and called
the Sequential Progression in the Achievement of
Motor Proficiency - In his model, reflexes serve as the basis for all
future movements while the FMS are a broad level
of development built upon the reflex base.
6- Hour Glass (Gallahue and Ozmun (2006) )
- The falling sands into the hour glass represent
the development of motor skills as they are
influenced by both heredity and environment. As
the sands landed in the bottom of the hour glass,
they build the phases and stages of motor
development across the lifespan.
7- The Motor Development Mountain (Clark and
Metcalfe (2002) ) - Clark and Metcalfe proposed that progression up
the mountain was specific to individuals and the
constraints they experienced along the route.
Therefore, individuals could go up different
peaks of the mountain range depending upon their
8- Age is not a primary factor in their model as
progression is determined by these individual
experiences and not by how long an individual
remains on the mountain.
- Two essential ways to understand the
development of specific skill patterns in young
children. - Through identification of sequences of
development - Through the dynamical systems paradigm.
- we contend that much can be gained by
combining the two approaches.
10- Sequences of Development
- The Total Body Approach
- whereby characteristics across body segments
are identified as emerging in the majority of
children fairly simultaneously - The Component Approach
- specific characteristics are identified for a
segment of the body such as arms, trunk or legs.
118.3 Dynamical systems paradigm
- A framework of motor development that is
non-linear is the dynamical systems paradigm. - That means that pattern shifts are not
thought of in linear terms such as immature to
12- Shifts result in individuals performing in a
variety of states commonly called attractors.
Attractors are common forms of movement seen in
specific situations and are typically comfortable
ways of moving to which individuals gravitate as
they practice moving.
- Manipulative skills are a sub-set of
skills that involve manipulating or controlling
objects such as bats and balls. There are many
manipulative skills including throwing, catching,
kicking, punting, striking, rolling, and
14- ---Throwing
- Throwing is one of the most functionally useful
fundamental motor skills as it is inherent in
sports like baseball and softball and involved in
sports such as basketball, soccer and cricket.
15- Development of the Overarm Throw
- Throwing is a complex gross motor skill
that involves the interaction of different body
parts coordinating with each other to apply
sophisticated biomechanical principles in action
resulting in the transfer of significant force to
the ball.
16Total Body Developmental Sequence of Overarm
17??? ???
Line Tracings of the Total Body Five Stages of
18Body Component Developmental Sequences for
Homolateral Step S-3 Contralateral, Short Step
S-4 Contralateral, Long Step
- B-1 No Backswing
- B-2 Elbow and Humeral Flexion
- B-3 Circular Upward Backswing
- B-4 Circular, Downward Backswing
- T-1 No Trunk Action or Forward-Backward Movements
- T-2. Upper Trunk Rotation or Total Block
Rotation - T-3 Differentiated Rotation
FORWARD SWING - H-1 Humerus Oblique
- H-2 Humerus Aligned But Independent
- H-3 Humerus Lags
- F-1 No Forearm Lag
- F-2 Forearm Lag
- F-3 Delayed Forearm Lag
23- Product Measures of Throwing
- Distance thrown, accuracy of the ball thrown, and
velocity or speed of the ball are common product
measures used to evaluate overarm throwing
24- Two major outcomes are known about these product
measures of throwing - There are distinct gender differences in outcome
measures of throwing - There are age-related increases in outcome
measures of throwing
25- Constraints in Throwing
- Motor performance is a product of the interaction
between and among individual, task, and
environmental constraints.
26- Each of these factors below causes throwing
performance to vary in relation to the
constraints operating on the system.
27- Stability and Variability in Throwing Performance
- Often, variability in throwing
performance initially results in poor
performance, but as patterns stabilize, new more
proficient patterns of throwing emerge.
28- Learner Constraints
- -----Biological Factors
- -----Gender and Age
29- Task Constraints
- Task constraints are factors related to the
goal of the activity. - In throwing, the commonly investigated areas
have dealt with throwing for accuracy versus
30- From a constraints perspective, the task or
goal of the activity has a powerful influence on
the pattern we demonstrate throwing. - Throwing for distance/force versus throwing
for accuracy only seems to influence the throwing
patterns of more advanced performers.
31- Environmental Constraints
- Environmental constraints deal with those factors
external to the individual. Environmental
constraints include the manipulation of the
throwing environment such as the distance to be
thrown and the size of the target. It also
includes the size of the ball and socio-cultural
influences such as opportunities to practice
throwing, and differential effects of
32- Socio-Cultural Factors
- Ball Mass
- Distance Thrown and Size of Target
33- The Influence of Instruction on Throwing
Performance - A significant environmental constraint is the
influence of instruction on throwing performance.
- Highlights the need to develop teaching
strategies for the overarm throw can help both
boys and girls to improve their throwing
34- Catching
- Catching is a commonly used skill in sports,
games and lifetime activities. It is a
manipulative skill where the goal of the activity
is to retain possession of the object.
35 36- Inexperienced Catchers
- Often he/she turns the head to the side, closes
the eyes, and leans away from the incoming ball
for fear of being hit in the face. - She/he does not track the balls flight and just
responds at the last moment as the ball comes
toward the body. - The arms are often presented in front and the
body and the arms and hands make little or no
adjustments to the spatial characteristics of the
37- Development of Two-Handed Catching
Total Body Developmental Sequence of Two-Handed
??? ???
38Component Developmental Sequence of Two-Handed
- Arm Action Component
- Step 1 - Little Response.
- Step 2 - Hugging.
- Sep 3 - Scooping.
- Step 4 - Arms Give.
39- Hand Action Component
- Step 1 - Palms Up.
- Step 2 - Palms In.
- Step 3 - Palms Adjusted.
40- Body Action Component
- Step 1 - No Adjustment. path.
- Step 2 Awkward Adjustment.
- Step 3 - Proper Adjustment.
41 42- Kicking
- Kicking is a ballistic skill that is a form of
striking with the foot. - Regardless of the type of kicking, children need
to possess eye-foot coordination, balance, and
perceptual motor abilities.
43 44- Inexperienced Kickers
- Unlike skilled kickers that have preparatory,
force production, and follow-through actions
inexperienced kickers tend to show a single
motion that lacks the power producing aspects of
the proficient kick. - Less skilled kickers tend to stand behind the
ball, pick their manipulative foot slightly off
the ground, and push the ball forward with no
observable rear leg swing.
45- There is little, if any, motion of the upper body
and the arms tend to hang by their sides. - When the foot makes contact with the ball the
manipulative leg is often flexed, and once it has
kicked the ball it often retracts.
46four stage sequence for the place kick using the
total body approach.
??? ???
- Proficient Punters
48Inexperienced Punters
- The performance of an inexperienced punter is
very similar to that of a poorly skilled kicker. - Unlike proficient punters that have preparatory,
force production, and follow-through actions, - Inexperienced punters often toss the ball up and
demonstrate a motion that lacks the power
producing dynamics of proficient punters.
49- Less skilled punters will start from a stationary
position. Rather than dropping the ball to their
foot, as their manipulative leg is raised to punt
the ball, their arms raise in tandem with the
leg, and they toss the ball up into the air in a
pattern coined yoking (Seefeldt
Haubenstricker, 1975). - The timing of the toss is characteristically out
of synch with the timing of the leg swing.
50- There is no rear leg swing, and the manipulation
leg is pushed in front of the stability leg
with the ankle at a right angle.
51- Due to the lack of forces generated, the poorly
skilled punter does not require follow through
movements, with little trunk action and the arms
falling to the side once the ball leaves the
52Total Body Developmental Sequence of Punting
53Component Developmental Sequence of Punting
- Ball-Release Phase Arm Component
- Step 1- Upward toss.
- Step 2 - Late drop from chest height.
- Step 3 - Late drop from waist height.
- Step 4 - Early drop from chest.
54- Ball-Contact Phase Arm Component
- Step 1 - Arms drop.
- Step 2 - Arms adduct.
- Step 3 - Arm opposition.
55- Ball-Contact Phase Leg Action Component
- Step 1 - No step or short step ankle flexed. No
step or one short step is taken. - Step 2 - Long step ankle extension.
- Step 3 - Leap and hop.
- Striking is a ballistic, propulsion skill that
takes on many forms in many sports and is taught
across the school-aged physical education
curriculum. There are several forms of striking
such as sidearm, underarm and overarm, one-handed
and two-handed.
57 58- Inexperienced Strikers
- The unskilled performance of inexperienced
strikers is very similar to the chopping motion
of poorly skilled throwers. - Low skilled strikers often face the object they
are trying to strike, have an overarm pattern of
chopping, and swing the implement from high to
low with flexion and extension of the arm.
59- There is little or no backswing and often no
step if there is a step it is with the
ipsilateral foot. - There is also no trunk and hip rotation. The
arms are often rigid along with a rigid wrist
that is unable to change the angle of the racket
or bat to the oncoming object.
60Development of Two-Handed Striking (Batting)
Total Body Developmental Sequence of Striking
with a Bat
??? ???
- Motor skills that allow individuals to navigate
through space are referred to as locomotor
skills. - Running, galloping, hopping, skipping, and
jumping are the most common forms of locomotion
62- Running
- Running is a form of locomotion that involves
projecting the body forward on alternating feet
as the bases of support. - An extension of walking, running incorporates an
airborne phase during which both feet are off the
63 64- Inexperienced Runners
- Less experienced runners keep their bodies in a
vertical plane when running and utilize their
arms more for balance than for contributing to
the forward movement of the run. - Novice runners will have wide stances and short,
flat-footed strides
65- They will lift their knees upward, and hold their
arms in a high guard or middle guard position.
These arm positions help to stabilize the trunk
during the run and offer some degree of
protection if the young runner falls forward.
66Development of Running
Total Body Developmental Sequence in Running
??? ???
67Leg Component L-1 Minimal flight, flat-footed.
Feet toe out and swing leg curves outward. L-2
Flight time increases, often still flat-footed.
Longer stride and recovery knee flexed to at
least 90 degrees. Thigh has lateral swing causing
recovery foot to cross midline of the body in the
rear. L-3 Complete extension at take-off. Foot
contact is heel or ball of the foot. Higher heel
recovery in swing phase and knee lift in forward
68- Arm Component
- A-1 High guard to middle guard. Do not
contribute to the running action. - A-2 Swing bilaterally to counter hip and leg
swing. - A-3 Opposition but swing across the body in
oblique plane. Elbow flexion forward and
extension backward. - A-4 Opposition but arms driven in forward or
backward plane with elbows flexed
69- Jumping
- Jumping is a body projection skill that involves
a take-off and landing on both feet. As an
explosive movement, jumping requires strength and
dynamic balance in order to be executed
correctly. - Arms, legs, and trunk must be coordinated at
take-off, repositioned in flight, and be ready to
absorb the impact of landing.
70- Proficient Horizontal Jumpers
71- Inexperienced Jumpers
- They often fail to get airborne or, they just
clear the surface in a small jump up. - Novice jumpers do not crouch with their knees
flexed about 90 degrees and rarely extend the
arms, body, and trunk simultaneously with force.
72- Because their timing, balance, leg strength, and
coordination are not well established, young
jumpers often fail to take-off from both feet at
the same time. They exhibit extraneous arm motion
that does not contribute to an effective,
efficient movement and many times lose their
balance upon landing.
73- Development of Horizontal Jumping
Total Body Developmental Sequence of Jumping
??? ???
74Body Component Developmental Sequence of Jumping
- Leg Component
- L-1 One foot take-off. Little preparatory knee
flexion. - L-2 Knee extension begins prior to heel lift
from surface - L-3 Simultaneous extension of knees with heel
lift - L-4 Heels up first, knees extend next. Jumper
appears to tip forward
75- Arm Component
- A-1 No action or shoulder girdle retraction.
- A-2 Arms start out to side and swing forward or
to the side - A-3 Arms swing forward at take-off but do not
fully extend overhead - A-4 Arms extend overhead at point of take-off.
76- Vertical Jumping
- The primary difference in the vertical jump as
compared to the horizontal jump is in body
position, angle at take-off, and movement speed. - In the horizontal position, the hips have to
extend faster, while in the vertical jump the
ankles and knees extend faster (Clark, Phillips,
Peterson, 1989).
77- In the vertical jump, the body must be lifted
directly upward against gravity and necessitates
a coordination and timing pattern that is
slightly different biomechanically from the
horizontal jump.
78Developmental Sequence for Vertical Jumping
79- Hopping
- Hopping is another body projection skill that
requires strength, timing, and balance. - In this skill, children must take-off and land
on the same foot therefore, hopping is
considered more difficult than jumping.
80- The skill of hopping is initiated about 6 months
to one year after the initial jumping pattern is
begun - Hopping is also an integral part of childhood
games and dances.
81- Proficient hoppers demonstrate
82- Inexperienced Hoppers
- Children with little experience in hopping
maintain a more vertical body position, must rely
on their arms to assist in the lift, and use the
non support thigh for balance.
83- Novice hoppers will keep their thighs in the
frontal plane of the body either in a horizontal
or diagonal position. This position allows them
to be able to step onto the non support foot if
they lose their balance. They also execute small
hops that are projected almost directly upward,
covering little horizontal distance. The vertical
movement allows them to keep the support foot
directly under their bodies, assisting in
maintaining balance.
84- Young hoppers often lose their balance easily and
can only accomplish a few hops at a time without
stepping onto the non-support foot, with few
children who are younger than three being able to
hop at initial levels or hop repeatedly (Bayley,
1969 McCaskill Wellman, 1938 Haubenstricker,
Branta, Seefeldt, Brakora, 1989 Seefeldt
Haubenstricker, 1982).
85- Halverson and Williams (1985) reported that
hopping on the non-preferred leg lagged
developmentally behind hopping on the preferred
86- Development of Hopping
- Total Body Developmental Sequence in Hopping
- Leg Component
- L-1 Momentary flight with swing leg held in
front or to the side. Body is pulled up rather
than projected - L-2 Fall and catch with swing leg inactive.
Slight lean forward with small knee and ankle
extension that helps body fall forward - L-3 Projected take-off. Swing leg assists but
stays in front of body - L-4 Swing leg leads, full extension of support
87- Arm Component
- A-1 Bilateral inactive. Arms usually held high
with little action - A-2 Bilateral reactive. Arms swing up, move to
winging in reaction to loss of balance - A-3 Bilateral assist. Arms pump up and down as
a unit - A-4 Semi-opposition. Swing leg and slight
opposition of arm - A-5 Opposing assist. Arms work in opposition to
the support and swing legs and assist in the
force produced.
88- Galloping and Sliding
- The skills of galloping and sliding are
closely related. They both require a rhythmic
step accompanied by a leap step to the other foot
and use asymmetrical, or uneven, gaits. - Galloping is the first asymmetric locomotor skill
learned by children and has a forward
orientation, while sliding uses a sideways
89 90- Inexperienced Gallopers
- Less experienced gallopers have more difficulty
on several key aspects of the skill. They are
unable to use both legs as lead legs, with
performance on the non-preferred foot lagging
behind that of the preferred lead leg.
91- Novice gallopers cannot maintain the step
sequence and, therefore, have poor rhythmical
flow. They often revert to a run during the
attempts at performing the gallop. - Inexperienced gallopers need to concentrate on
their movement pattern often resulting in
extraneous force with heavy landing or stepping.
92Total Body Approach Sequence in Galloping
??? ???
93- Skipping
- It is a combination movement sequence that
requires individuals to execute a step-hop on one
foot followed by a step-hop on the alternate
foot. - Skipping is the most complex of the locomotor
skills as it requires two skills to be performed
on the same leg before weight transfer occurs to
the other lead leg. - From initiation to maturity it develops in the
shortest amount of time, from about ages 4 ½ to 6
½ years
94- Proficient skippers demonstrate
95- Inexperienced Skippers
- Inefficient skippers appear to be quite segmented
in their approach to the skip. - They have to use a lot of concentration in order
to be able to sequence the step into a hop on the
same foot and then repeat on the opposite side.
96- Novice skippers also will use exaggerated force
and, therefore, tire easily as they are learning
the skill. The arms do not contribute greatly to
the execution of the skip in the earliest stage
of the skip.
97Total Body Developmental Sequence in Skipping
??? ???
98Body Component Developmental Sequence of Skipping
- Leg Component
- L-1 Skip on one side only. The other side just
steps. - L-2 Alternating step-hop pattern with
flat-footed landing - L-3 Alternating step-hop pattern with landing
on the ball of the foot
99- Arm Component
- A-1 Bilateral assist. Arms pump up and down in
unison, helping to lift the body on the hop. - A-2 Semi-opposition. Arms move forward together
at first, then break into semi-opposition. - A-3 Opposition. Arms move in opposition to the
non-support leg.
- When children receive instruction, there is a
significant improvement in FMS development - A critical task for the young child is developing
competency in FMS that serve as the foundation
for future sports, games, and lifetime