Assault - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1. Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing any physical injury to another ... Assault committed recklessly pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 or assault ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Assault

  • Chapter 7

Assignment Due
  • Complete Quiz on Affirmative Defenses Ch 6.
  • Read Ch 7, Assault Crimes.

  • Simple Assault
  • Assault Battery
  • Domestic Violence
  • Mayhem
  • Stalking
  • Hate Crime

Arizona - Assault
  • 13-1201 Endangerment classification
  • 13-1202 Threatening or intimidating
  • 13-1203 Assault classification
  • 13-1204 Aggravated assault classification
  • 13-1205 Unlawfully administering intoxicating
    liquors, narcotic drug or dangerous drug
  • 13-1206 Dangerous or deadly assault by prisoner
    or juvenile classification
  • 13-1207 Prisoners who commit assault with intent
    to incite to riot or participate in riot
  • 13-1208 Assault vicious animals classification
  • 13-1209 Drive by shooting forfeiture driver
    license revocation classification definitions
  • 13-1210 Assaults on officers or fire fighters
    disease testing petition hearing notice
  • 13-1211 Discharging a firearm at a structure
    classification definitions
  • 13-1212 Prisoner assault with bodily fluids
    liability for costs classification definition
  • 13-1213 Aiming a laser pointer at a peace
    officer classification definition

Simple Assault
  • 13-1203. Assault classification
  • A. A person commits assault by
  • 1. Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing
    any physical injury to another person or
  • 2. Intentionally placing another person in
    reasonable apprehension of imminent physical
    injury or
  • 3. Knowingly touching another person with the
    intent to injure, insult or provoke such person.
  • B. Assault committed intentionally or knowingly
    pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 is a class
    1 misdemeanor. Assault committed recklessly
    pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 1 or assault
    pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 2 is a class
    2 misdemeanor. Assault committed pursuant to
    subsection A, paragraph 3 is a class 3

Simple Assault
  • What are elements of Assault?
  • What is the mental (intent) element?
  • What conduct might constitute an assault under
    the Arizona Code?

Assault Elements
  • 1. actually causing a physical injury
    intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly.
  • 2. overt conduct that places another in
    reasonable apprehension of receiving physical
  • 3. touching with intent to injure, insult or

Assault Elements
  • Act either actual injury or overt conduct that
    places another in reasonable fear of an imminent
    physical injury.
  • Intent Intentionally, knowingly, recklessly.
    Degree of intent determines classification of

Assault Elements
  • State v. Barnett, 142 Ariz. 592 (1984) court
    said intentionally is used in its ordinary
  • State v. Henley 141 Ariz. 465 (1984) where defd.
    objective was to shoot victim, conduct was
    intentional for purposes of Assault statute.

  • Touching?
  • Throwing a liquid on another?
  • State v. Mathews, 130 Ariz. 46 (1981) said yes
    (urine) was assault.
  • Is person to person contact required?
  • Same case said no person to person contact

Aggravated Assault
  • 13-1204. Aggravated assault classification
  • A. A person commits aggravated assault if the
    person commits assault as defined in section
    13-1203 under any of the following circumstances
  • 1. If the person causes serious physical injury
    to another.
  • 2. If the person uses a deadly weapon or
    dangerous instrument.
  • 3. If the person commits the assault after
    entering the private home of another with the
    intent to commit the assault.
  • 4. If the person is eighteen years of age or
    older and commits the assault upon a child the
    age of fifteen years or under.
  • 5. If the person commits the assault knowing or
    having reason to know that the victim is a peace
    officer, or a person summoned and directed by the
    officer while engaged in the execution of any
    official duties. . . .

Aggravated Assault
  • What additional elements will cause an assault to
    be an aggravated assault?
  • Aggravated Assault is a felony.

Aggravated Assault
  • Karen points a pistol at her boyfriend Fred. The
    pistol is not loaded and Karen intends only to
    scare him because she wants him to leave the
    house. He leaves and calls the police.
  • Aggravated Assault?

Aggravated Assault
  • Attempt to injure another person physically does
    not mean that defendant has to intend that some
    bodily harm results defendant need only intend
    the acts which he performs. Thus, pointing a
    deadly weapon in a threatening manner with
    ability to injure constitutes assault with a
    deadly weapon. State v. Bustamonte, 122 Ariz.105

Other Assaults
  • 13-1201. Endangerment classification
  • A. A person commits endangerment by recklessly
    endangering another person with a substantial
    risk of imminent death or physical injury.
  • B. Endangerment involving a substantial risk of
    imminent death is a class 6 felony. In all other
    cases, it is a class 1 misdemeanor.

Other Assaults
  • 13-1202. Threatening or intimidating
  • A. A person commits threatening or intimidating
    if the person threatens or intimidates by word or
  • 1. To cause physical injury to another person or
    serious damage to the property of another or
  • 2. To cause, or in reckless disregard to causing,
    serious public inconvenience including, but not
    limited to, evacuation of a building, place of
    assembly or transportation facility or
  • 3. To cause physical injury to another person or
    damage to the property of another in order to
    promote, further or assist in the interests of or
    to cause, induce or solicit another person to
    participate in a criminal street gang, a criminal
    syndicate or a racketeering enterprise.

Other Assaults
  • Elements of Assault Exercise
  • What is the difference between simple assault and
  • What is the difference between threatening or
    intimidation and simple assault?

Domestic Violence
  • 13-3601. Domestic violence definition
    classification sentencing option arrest and
    procedure for violation weapon seizure notice
  • A. "Domestic violence" means any act which is a
    dangerous crime (statutes listed), if any of the
    following applies
  • 1. The relationship between the victim and the
    defendant is one of marriage or former marriage
    or of persons residing or having resided in the
    same household.
  • 2. The victim and the defendant have a child in
  • 3. The victim or the defendant is pregnant by the
    other party.
  • 4. The victim is related to the defendant or the
    defendant's spouse by blood or court order as a
    parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother
    or sister or by marriage as a parent-in-law,
    grandparent-in-law, stepparent, step-grandparent,
    stepchild, step-grandchild, brother-in-law or
  • 5. The victim is a child who resides or has
    resided in the same household as the defendant
    and is related by blood to a former spouse of the
    defendant or to a person who resides or who has
    resided in the same household as the defendant.

Domestic Violence
  • What elements cause a crime to become a violation
    under the domestic violence statute?

Other Assaults
  • 13-1208. Assault vicious animals
    classification exception
  • A. A person who owns a dog which the owner knows
    or has reason to know has a propensity to attack,
    to cause injury or otherwise endanger the safety
    of human beings without provocation or which has
    been found to be a vicious animal by a court of
    competent authority, which bites, inflicts
    physical injury on or attacks a human being while
    at large is guilty of a class 6 felony.

Assault vicious animals
  • What are the elements?
  • What conduct is required?
  • What mental state is required?
  • Any affirmative defense?

Other Assaults
  • 13-1209. Drive by shooting forfeiture driver
    license revocation classification definitions
  • A. A person commits drive by shooting by
    intentionally discharging a weapon from a motor
    vehicle at a person, another occupied motor
    vehicle or an occupied structure.
  • D. Drive by shooting is a class 2 felony.

Drive By Shooting
  • What conduct is required?
  • What mental state is required?
  • Why is this a separate offense? What might be a
    lesser included offense?

Other Assaults
  • 13-1213. Aiming a laser pointer at a peace
    officer classification definition
  • A. A person commits aiming a laser pointer at a
    peace officer if the person intentionally or
    knowingly directs the beam of light from an
    operating laser pointer at another person and the
    person knows or reasonably should know that the
    other person is a peace officer.

Other Assaults
  • 13-2923. Stalking classification definitions
  • A. A person commits stalking if the person
    intentionally or knowingly engages in a course of
    conduct that is directed toward another person
    and if that conduct either
  • 1. Would cause a reasonable person to fear for
    the person's safety or the safety of that
    person's immediate family member and that person
    in fact fears for their safety or the safety of
    that person's immediate family member.
  • 2. Would cause a reasonable person to fear death
    of that person or that person's immediate family
    member and that person in fact fears death of
    that person or that person's immediate family

  • For the purposes of this section
  • 1. "Course of conduct" means maintaining visual
    or physical proximity to a specific person or
    directing verbal, written or other threats,
    whether express or implied, to a specific person
    on two or more occasions over a period of time,
    however short, but does not include
    constitutionally protected activity.

  • Conduct required must be more than a single
  • For death threat requires both an objective and
    subjective fear of death.
  • What types of intent are required?

Hate Crimes
  • Add an element to existing assault crimes.
  • Prohibit intimidation based on class.
  • Prohibit conduct motivated by bias.
  • Enhanced penalties for bias motivated crimes.

  • Groups Discussion Questions p. 120
  • Complete Quiz Assaults
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