Title: CHORD
1CHORD peer to peer lookup protocol
Shankar Karthik Vaithianathan Aravind Sivaraman
University of Central Florida
- History
- General definition of a DHT system
- Chord
- Applications
- Implementation
- Demo/Open questions
3History client-server model
data transferring
4History peer-to-peer model (Napster)
5History peer-to-peer model (Gnutella)
data transferring
6History peer-to-peer model (DHT systems)
data transferring
7Distributed Hash Table
What is normal hashing ? Putting items into say n
buckets, often solved by a static solution(e.g
H(key)mod N) Problems N changes ? We must move
every thing (simple solution) or could we move
just (items) / (buckets) on an average (optimal
solution) what if we do not know the number of
buckets ?
8Distributed Hash Table
Consistent Hashing
- Let A B be Hashing. They send an object k to
two - different buckets, say y and z, respectively.
Then either - A cannot see bucket z or B cannot see bucket y.
- Each bucket is a assigned a number in (0,1), and
- each item gets a value (0,1). You could then be
in - according to least distance or always round
down(or - up) and wrap at the edges.
9Distributed Hash Table
Consistent Hashing ctd
If a new bucket is added, we therefore need to
move the Contents of bucket immediately before
it. If we let each bucket have m elements and (M
log n) then each bucket gets a fair share of
load and on an average we move only the average
contents of the bucket around. If we let each
bucket have m elements and (M log n) then each
bucket gets a fair share of load and on an
average we move only the average contents of the
bucket around.
10Distributed Hash Table
- a new class of peer-to-peer routing
infrastructures. - support a hash table-like functionality on
Internet-like scale - Consider the buckets to be computers on the
internet and that given a key, they should find
the value(IP address) - The challenges with such a system are
- Load balancing
- Scalability
- dynamic nature
- no critical point
- deterministic.
11Basic DHT components
- an overlay space and its partition approach
- a routing protocol
- local routing table
- next-hop decision
- a base hash function
- variants proximity-aware, locality-preserving,
12Consistent hashing
13Chord Stoica et al. Sigcomm2001
- Overlay space
- - one-dimensional unidirectional key space 0
2m-1. - Given two m-bit identifiers x and y, d(x,
y)(y-x2m) 2m - - Each node is assigned a random m-bit
identifier. - - Each node is responsible for all keys equal to
or before its identifier until its predecessor
nodes identifier in the key space.
14Chord routing protocol
- Routing table (finger table)
- - (at most) m entries. The ith entry of node n
contains the pointer to the first node that
succeeds n by at least 2(i-1) on the key space, 1
? i ? m. - Next-hop decision
- For the given target key k, find the closest
finger before (to) k and forward the request to
it. - Ending condition The request terminates when k
lies between the ID range of current node and its
successor node. - - The routing path length is O(log n) for a
n-nodes network with high probability (w.h.p.).
15Chord an example (m8)
Network node
A Chord network with 8 nodes and 8-bit key space
16Chord routing table setup
Network node
A Chord network with 8 nodes and 8-bit key space
17Chord a lookup for key 120
18How to look up a key quickly ?
19How to look up a key quickly ?(cont.)
20How to look up a key quickly ?(cont.)
Predecessor(1) ? successor(1)
Value of key 1 ?
21Node joins
- Two challenges
- Each nodes finger table is correctly filled
- Each key k is stored at node successor(k)
- Three operations
- Initialize the predecessor and fingers of the new
node n - Update the fingers and predecessors of existing
nodes - Copy to n all keys for which node n has became
their successor
22Initialize the predecessor and fingers of node n
- Idea Ask an existing node for information needed
Join in
23Update the fingers and predecessors of existing
- Observation when node n joins the network, n
will become the ith finger of a node p when the
following two conditions meet - P proceeds n by at least 2i-1
- The ith finger of node p succeeds n
- Solution Try to find predecessor(n- 2i-1) for
all 1ltiltm and check whether n is their ith
finger, and whether n is their predecessors ith
24Update the fingers and predecessors of existing
nodes (cont.)
Predecessor(6-21-1) 3, update
Join in
25Copy to n all keys for which node n has became
their successor
- Idea Node n can become the successor only for
keys stored by the node immediately following n
Join in
26Extended Chord protocol
- Concurrent joins
- Failures and replication
- Beyond are project scope. Ref. Stoica et, all
sigcomm 2001
27- Example applications
- Co-operative Mirroring
- Time-shared storage
- Distributed indexes
- Large-Scale combinatorial search
28Implementation Our current implementation is
simulation of the Chord protocol in O(log n)
steps in java. The framework can be shown as
29Methods Implemented
30Conclusion Questions ? Reference Chord A
Scalable Peer to peer Lookup Service for
Internet Applications Ion Stoica , Robert Morris,
David Karger, M. Frans Kaashoek, Hari
Balakrishnan MIT Laboratory for Computer
Science chord_at_lcs.mit.edu http//pdos.lcs.mit.edu/