Title: IDMS Basics
1IDMS Basics
Laura Love Project Facilitator - IDS
InterActgtDistrict LinkgtA in Action Plan
Updated 08-30-06
2Purpose Outcomes
- Get acquainted with IDMS
- Identify what reports you need
- Learn how to find the reports
- Hands-on practice
- Analyze your school data
- Attend to the content process
- Engage fully in the learning experiences
- Integrate the new learning into your own work
- Open your mind to a new way of working
- Unite in supporting one another to be the best
that you can be
4IDMS Overview
5IDMS Log in Reminder
- InterAct
- Username
- Password
- Data Base
- Teacher Principal Dashboards
7Teacher Dashboard
Enrollment Bar
8Teacher Dashboard
Enrolled student list
9Teacher Dashboard
Class name drop-down menu (for teachers with
multiple classes)
10Teacher Dashboard
Shortcut to generate Assessment Report and Item
11Teacher Dashboard
Shortcut to most recent assessment results
12Teacher Dashboard
13Report Queue
- All reports now sent to report queue
- Allows user to continue working in IDMS while
reports generate - Reports are saved for 7 days
- Ability to share reports with other users
14Pop-up Test Picker
- Filter Test
- Grade
- Subject
- Type
- Search by
- Test ID
15IDMS Hands-On
16IDMS Log in
- InterAct
- Username
- Password
- Data Base
17Results Tab Local Tests Assessment Results
18Assessment Results Screen Item Analysis Selection
19Assessment Results Screen Item Analysis Selection
20Item Analysis Reports
- Item Analysis Report Stats STPT
21Assessment Results Screen
22Assessment Report Screen
23Assessment Reports
24Assessment Query Screen
25Assessment Query Report
26Results Local Tests
27Assessment Analysis
28Assessment Analysis Screen
- Expandable selection list
29Assessment Analysis Report
31Purpose Outcomes
- Get acquainted with IDMS
- Identify what reports you need
- Learn how to find the reports
- Hands-on practice
- Analyze your school data
32Need help? Have questions?
- InterAct IDMS Help
- 765-9867
- InterActgt District Linkgt
- A in Action Plan
33Online Resources
- InterAct Desktop gt District Link gt A in Action gt
IDMS Training Materials
34IDMS Basics
InterActgtDistrict LinkgtA in Action Plan