Title: Catholicism in One Hundred Years of Solitude
1Catholicism in One Hundred Years of Solitude
Patricia Clevenger and Christina Echternach
2History of the church
- 1493-1800s Colonial era and period of
introduction of Catholicism - Church and state same thing
- Catholic ideals legitimized colonialism and
indigenous repression - Bartolomé de Las Casas
- Cultural Collisions and trans-cultural
Catholicism - Early to late 1800s (1819)
- Independence and breakdown of Catholic rule
- A time of hostility and tension between secular
state and the Catholic Church. - Late 1880s to 1950s Neo-Christendom The Catholic
church attempts to regain privileges.
3Expected Gender Roles in Catholicism
- Semidivinity, moral superiority and spiritual
strength (Stevens 94). -
- Rigid adherence to Catholic morals
- Submissive Beneath the submissiveness, however,
lies the strength of her conviction (95). - Sadness
- Premarital chastity post-nuptial frigidity (96)
- Buendía Men
- Lack spiritual stamina 95
- Sinful (in this life)
- Simple
- Stubborn
- Aggressive (sexually and physically)
4Aspects of Catholicism in Macondo
- Women perpetuate Catholicism
- Úrsula- enduring pillar of the
- Buendía family
- Chastity belt
- Enforcement of Sunday Mass under Arcadios rule
- Papal education of José Arcadio
- Fernanda static conservative
- Her severity made the house a redoubt of old
- customs in a town convulsed by the vulgarity
with - which the outsiders squandered their easy
- fortunes (237).
- Marital nightgown
- Strict adherence to Catholic rigidity
5Aspects of Catholicism in Macondo
- Death
- Mourning
- Úrsula ordered a mourning period of closed
doors and windows, with no one entering or
leaving except on matters of utmost necessity.
She prohibited any talking allowed for a year and
she put Remedios daguerreotype in the place
where her body had been laid out, with a black
ribbon around it and an oil lamp that was always
kept lighted (88). - Confession
- Amaranta answered simply that she did not need
spiritual help of any kind because her conscience
was clean (281). - Sex
- Courting Pietro and Rebecca, General Marquez and
Amaranta - Virginity Amaranta
- Thereupon Amaranta lay down and made
Úrsula give public give public testimony as to
her virginity (282).
6Aspects of Catholicism in Macondo
- Baptism
- Baptism of Colonel Aureliano Buendías seventeen
sons - Sin
- Suicide Father Nicanor was against a religious
ceremony and burial in consecrated ground. Úrsula
stood up to him. In a way that neither you nor I
can understand, that man was a saint, she said.
So I am going to bury him, against you wishes,
beside Melquíades grave (110). - Adultry Aureliano Segundos relationship with
Petra Cotes during his marriage to Fernanda.
7Catholicism in Politics
- Liberals
- secular theory - as society modernizes, religion
becomes less important and organized religion
declines (Stephens 17). - He sequestered Father Nicanor in the parish
house under pain of execution and prohibited him
from saying mass or ringing the bells unless it
was for a liberal victory (104). - But were fighting this war against the priests
so that a person can marry his own mother
(148). - Conservatives
- Oppose secular theory
- Closer ties with moral uprightness associated
with the church - The conservatives, on the other hand, who had
received their power directly from God, proposed
the establishment of public order and family
morality. They were the defenders of the faith of
Christ, of the principle of authority (95).
8Cardinal Sins in One Hundred Years of Solitude
9Lust intense, unrestrained sexual craving
- Meme and Mauricio Babilonia
- Seventeen sons of Colonel Aureliano Buendía
- Prostitution Pilar Tenera, Petra Cotes and
Catarinos Store, French Women - Catholicisms Blind eye At the urging of Father
Nicanor, Don Apolinar Moscote arranged for the
transfer of Catarinos store to a back street and
he closed down several scandalous establishments
that prospered in the center of town (90). - Bestiality José Arcadio Segundo and the donkey
10Gluttonyover indulgence to the point of waste
- Aureliano Segundo and The Elephant
- He lost consciousness. He fell face down in the
plate filled with bones, frothing at the mouth
like a dog, and drowning in moans of agony
(241). - Aurelaino grey fat, purple-colored,
turtle-shaped, because of an appetite comparable
only to that of José Arcadio when he came back
from traveling the world (255). - The bodies of the Aurelianos were no sooner cold
in their graves than Aureliano Segundo had the
house lighted up again, filled with drunkards
playing the accordion and dousing themselves in
champagne, as if dogs and not Christians had
died, and as if that madhouse which had cost her
so many headaches and so many candy animals was
destined to become a trash heap of perdition
11Greed Hoarding money when it could be given to
the poor the church.
- Úrsula and her gold stashes
- José Arcardio and land rights
- Mr. Brown and The United Fruit Company
- Colonel Aureliano Buendía
- No one knew why a man who had always been so
generous has begun to covet money with such
anxiety, and not the modest amounts that would
have been enough to resolve an emergency, but a
fortune of such mad size that the mere mention of
it left Aureliano Segundo awash in amazement
12Sloth - the sin of sadness, or laziness,
- José Arcadio Buendía
- Remedios the Beauty
Wrath - Forceful, vindictive anger
- Arcadio Buendía People who protested were put on
bread and water with their ankles in a set of
stocks that he had set up in a school room At
the head of a patrol he assaulted the house,
destroyed the furniture, flogged the daughters
and dragged out Don Apolinar Moscote (105). - Colonel Aureliano Buendía
- Amaranta
- Banana Massacre
- Amaranta She knew her sisters character, the
haughtiness of her spirit, and she was frightened
by the virulence of her anger (74). (Rebecca
regarding Amarantas jealously over engagement
with Pietro Crespi.) - Dont get your hopes up, even if they send me
to the ends of the earth, Ill find some way of
stopping you from getting married, even if I have
to kill you (73).
- Colonel Aureliano Buendía The omen of the dead
father stirred up the last remnant of pride that
was left in his heart, but he confused it with a
sudden gust of strength (227).
14Works Cited
- García Márquez, Gabriel. One Hundred Years of
Solitude. Trans Gregory Rabassa. Harper
Perennial, New York 2003. - Gill, Anthony James Rendering unto Caesar The
Catholic Church and the State in Latin University
of Chicago Press, Chicago 1998 - Stevens, Evelyn P. Marianismo The Other Face of
Machismo in Latin America University of
Pittsburgh Press 1973. - Williams, Edward J. The Emergence of the Secular
Nation-State and Latin American Catholicism
Compartive Politics vol. 5 (January 1973)