Other Awards - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Other Awards


The Honorable Order of Saint Martin recognizes those individuals who have ... that is of a nature that emulates Mrs. Catharine Greene and is distinguishing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Other Awards

Other Awards
  • Branch Awards
  • Spouse Awards

Honorable Order of Saint Martin    The
Honorable Order of Saint Martin recognizes those
individuals who have demonstrated the highest
standards of integrity and moral character,
displayed an outstanding degree of professional
competence, served the United States Army
Quartermaster Corps with selflessness, and
contributed to the promotion of the Quartermaster
Corps in ways that stand out in the eyes of the
recipient's superiors, subordinates and peers
alike.       Minimum Criteria Major or below.
Sergeant First Class or below. CW3s or below who
have displayed superior performance. Any
civilian who has made significant contribution to
the Quartermaster Corps. Individual must have
been a member of the Association of
Quartermasters for three years or sign up for a
3-year membership. Five years service to the
Quartermaster Corps. The Honorable Order of
Saint Martin nomination form must be accompanied
by a one page justification which includes a
brief biography of the nominee. The award
authority for the Honorable Order of Saint Martin
has been delegated from the Quartermaster General
to Quartermaster Officers serving as Colonel
level Commanders. Such Commanders may approve the
awards for personnel in or associated with their
commands. When no such Quartermaster Commander is
available, the Quartermaster General is the
approving authority. The nominator is responsible
for inducting the nominee into the Distinguished
Order. It is intended that the induction ceremony
will take place in conjunction with an official
function, i.e. the QM Birthday Ball, Dining
In/Out, or similar dignified ceremony or event.
Catherine Greene Award   General Rules       The
Catharine Greene award was approved by the
Quartermaster General in January 2001 to provide
an award that would recognize significant
contributions and support provided by
Quartermaster spouses.   Any member of the
Quartermaster corps may nominate a deserving
candidate for the Catharine Greene Award. 
Although any member of the Quartermaster Corps
may nominate a spouse, the nominating of your own
spouse is highly discouraged and approving
officials should carefully screen such nomination
requests.   Approval Authority        The
Quartermaster General has delegated approval
authority of the Catharine Greene award to
Quartermaster Corps General Officers and
Quartermaster Colonels(06) in command
respectively.  If there is not a Quartermaster
General or Colonel available in the nominee's
organization, then the nomination must be
endorsed by the nominator's commander and
submitted to the Association of Quartermasters. 
The Association will then review the packet and
coordinate with the Quartermaster General for
further review and approval.    Award
Criteria       In order to maintain the value and
prestige of the Catharine Greene Award we have
established three criteria that must be met in
order for a nomination to be approved for the
Catharine Greene Award.  Any deviation from these
three criteria will cause the nomination requests
to be forwarded to the Quartermaster General for
consideration. 1) The nominee must be the spouse
of a Quartermaster soldier or civilian. 2) The
nominee's spouse must be a member of AQM. 3) The
nominee must have provided a significant
contribution or support to the Quartermaster
Corps, a unit, a community or to their spouse
that is of a nature that emulates Mrs. Catharine
Greene and is distinguishing from other spouse
Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe Selection
Criteria    The purpose of the Ordnance Order of
Samuel Sharpe is to recognize those individuals
who have served the United States Army Ordnance
Corps with demonstrated integrity, moral
character and professional competence over a
sustained period of time. And whose selfless
contributions to the Corps stand out in the eyes
of their seniors, peers and subordinates alike.
Approval Authority    The approval authority
for the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe is
delegated to Ordnance Corps General Officers and
full Colonels (06) respectively. When there is
not an Ordnance General or Colonel available in
the nominees organization, the nomination packet
must be favorably indorsed, as a minimum, by the
nominees Company Commander or higher and
submitted to the Ordnance Corps Association, who
will coordinate for a review and approval by the
Chief of Ordnance. Nomination Procedures Any
member of the Ordnance Corps may nominate a
qualified candidate for the Ordnance Order of
Samuel Sharpe.   Nominators may use the
Ordnance Corps Associations Samuel Sharpe
nomination form or a reasonable facsimile. The
nominator must provide a minimum of six concise
bullet type comments or a maximum one-page
justification, which articulates the candidates
significant contributions to the Ordnance Corps,
over a sustained period of time. The nomination
form must also include the full name, rank, duty
position, phone number and mailing address of the
nominee, nominator and if appropriate the
approval authority.   Forward the completed
nomination form and 35.00 for the cost of the
award, shipping and handling toU.S. Army
Ordnance Corps AssociationP.O. Box 377Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD 21005-0337   The nomination
must be received no later than four weeks prior
to the projected presentation date. If the
desired presentation date is less than four weeks
a 15.00 late fee is required, to cover the cost
associated with expediting and handling of the
awards.   It is expected that recipients will
be presented the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe
during an appropriate and dignified ceremony.
Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe Keeper of the
Flame Selection Criteria Purpose    The purpose
of the Ordnance Corps Association's Keeper of the
Flame award is to recognize and show our
appreciation for the invaluable service Ordnance
spouses provide to our Corps.   Approval
Authority    Any member of the Ordnance Corps
may nominate a deserving candidate for the Keeper
of the Flame award.  The approval authority is
delegated to Ordnance Corps General officers and
Colonels (06) respectively.    When there is not
an Ordnance General or Colonel available in the
nominee's organization, the nomination must be
endorsed by the nominator's commander and
submitted to the Ordnance Corps Association.  The
Association will then review and coordinate
approval by the Chief of Ordnance. Nomination
Procedures Any member of the Ordnance Corps may
nominate a qualified candidate for the Keeper of
the Flame.   Nominators may use the Ordnance
Corps Associations Keeper of the Flame
nomination form or a reasonable facsimile. The
nominator must provide a minimum of five concise
bullet type comments or a maximum one-page
justification, which articulates the candidates
significant contributions to the Ordnance Corps,
over a sustained period of time. The nomination
form must also include the full name, rank, unit,
phone number and mailing address of the
nominator, and the endorser or approval authority
as appropriate.   Forward the completed
nomination form and 25.00 for the cost of the
award, shipping and handling toU.S. Army
Ordnance Corps AssociationP.O. Box 377Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD 21005-0337   The nomination
must be received no later than four weeks prior
to the projected presentation date. If the
desired presentation date is less than four weeks
a 15.00 late fee is required, to cover the cost
associated with expediting and handling of the
awards.   It is expected that recipients will
be presented the Keeper of the Flame during an
appropriate and dignified ceremony.
Honorable Order of Saint Christopher     An
individual may be nominated for the Order of
Saint Christopher by anyone who has knowledge of
the individuals service to the Transportation
Corps. Nominator should complete the order form
including full name, rank, desired presentation
date for desired award packet items. Payment must
be included to process your request. Include a
one-page letter of justification with your award
packet. There is no special format for this
letter it simply must contain sufficient details
about the nominee to enable the approval
authority to make an informed decision. For
awards needing the COTs approval, the
Transportation Corps Regimental Association will
refund payment in full if the COT deems the
justification does not merit the honor. Ensure
the complete signature block of the
Transportation Corps commander is printed as you
wish it to appear on the certificate.  Due to
minimum staff, processing may take up to 30 days.
If you are requesting from an overseas location,
allow an additional 30 days. Courier is the US
Postal Service therefore, Express and Priority
mail is only available in CONUS.
he criteria for nominating an individual for the
Patronus Rotae, "Patron of the Wheel," award must
be in accordance with the following - The
nominator of the award must be a Transportation
Corps soldier or a Transportation civilian in
Career Field 24 or 74. - The nominator must also
be a member in good standing in the
Transportation Corps Regimental Association. -
The nominee must have made a significant positive
impact on the Transportation Corps, a unit or the
community and have demonstrated the highest
standards of integrity and moral character. HOW
TO REQUEST AWARD - The approval authority is
delegated to the first Transportation Corps (TC)
Battalion or Brigade Commander in the sponsor's
chain of command. If there is no Transportation
Corps commander available, then the Chief of
Transportation is the approval authority. - The
nominator has the option of forwarding the award
recommendation to the Chief of Transportation for
his approval/signature even if there is a TC
Battalion or Brigade Commander in the sponsor's
chain of command. - All nominations must be
submitted to the Transportation Corps Regimental
Association's (TCRA) National Office at Fort
Eustis, Virginia, for processing. - The TCRA
National Office must receive the complete
nomination packet no later than one month prior
to the presentation date or additional processing
and shipping costs will be incurred. - The
nominator should complete the order form
including full name of the nominee, the desired
presentation date and payment for the award. The
order form is available on the upper left hand
corner of this page. A one-page justification
letter must accompany the nomination form. There
is no special format for this letter. It simply
must contain sufficient details about the nominee
and have the endorsement of the approval
authority. - The nominator is responsible for
ensuring presentation of the award takes place at
a dignified ceremony or event. - The Chief of
Transportation retains final approval authority.
If the justification does not merit the honor,
payment will be refunded in full.
  • Criteria for Justification of a Bronze Order of
  • This award is to be given to members of the
    Association who have served the Regiment well and
    have made a significant contribution to the
    Associations activities in the pursuit of its
    goals. A nominees grade and length of service
    must be considered as to degree of contribution
    to our Regiment, length of Association
    membership, and participation in our
    Association.  Special consideration must be given
    to our functional area officers who have their
    first opportunity to become both members of the
    Regiment and Association only when they become
    Career Field Designated as a major so may first
    only learn of our Association at that time.
  •  The Bronze Order of Mercury can be approved by
    any colonel of the Regiment who is also a
    member in good standing with the Association. The
    nominee must also be an outstanding member of the
    Regiment and a member of the Association.
    Colonels of the Regiment must zealously maintain
    the standard of this award.  If a colonel of the
    Regiment is not available, the nominator can
    submit the recommendation to SCRA National Board
    of Directors where it will be placed before the
    awards board.

Adjutant General
  • ??

CRITERIA A nominee for the Order of Saint
Michael must have served Army Aviation or the
civilian aviation community with distinction and
have demonstrated a significant conspicuous
contribution in support of the Aviation Branch
must represent the highest standards of
integrity, moral character, professional
competence, and dedication to duty and must be
nominated for the award by an active AAAA member.
The nominee need not be an active AAAA member.
Specific award criteria are as follows 3
Bronze Medal The awardee has made a conspicuous
contribution to Army Aviation and support of the
Branch. DOCUMENTATION The official nomination
form should be used and is attainable from the
AAAA National Office, 755 Main Street, Suite 4D,
Monroe, CT 06468-2830. Telephone (203) 268-2450
Fax (203) 268-5870. These forms may be
reproduced locally. All forms should be provided
to the local AAAA Chapter President for
approval. A brief outline of not more than 100
words citing the main reason(s) for the
nomination should be provided. Additional
supporting information may be attached as
enclosures and is limited to 1,500 words or three
pages (whichever is greater). Justification must
contain sufficient details about the nominee to
enable the Approving Authority to make an
informed decision. The nomination should include
a photograph of the nominee in any size. TYPE
all entries to assist in the photo copying of
data. SUBMISSION Any active AAAA member may
submit the official nomination form to their
local Chapter for consideration, subject to the
following 1 Submission of the Order of Saint
Michael Award Nomination should be made through
the local AAAA Chapter. If there is no local
chapter, nominations should be sent directly to
the AAAA National Executive Director. The
nomination packet should contain a nomination
form, a photograph, a request form, and the
appropriate payment. 2 For Bronze Nominations
The local chapter will retain the nomination
locally. 4 Award nomination materials, to
include photographs, will not be
Approving Authority for the Order of Saint
Michael Award is c. Bronze Award The President
of the local AAAA Chapter (allow 30 days for
processing). In instances where a local AAAA
Chapter is not applicable or when the local
President is nominated, the Approving Authority
is the National Executive Board, AAAA (allow
sixty days for processing action). When the
nomination cannot be processed in a timely
fashion by the National Executive Board, the
Order of Saint Michael Selection Committee
consisting of the Chairman of the AAAA Awards
Committee and two members of the Awards Committee
appointed by the Awards Committee Chairman, are
authorized to act for the National Executive
Board (allow sixty days for processing). AWARD
shall receive the Medallion of the Order of St.
Michael, a Certificate, and a Lapel
National Office will notify the recipient through
the nominator for Silver and Gold awards. Bronze
award nominees will be notified by the local
Chapter President. 2 The nominator will be
responsible for induction of the recipient into
the Order of Saint Michael and presentation of
the medallion and certificate.
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