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Chemotherapy is the primary means of treating parasitic infections. ... in developing countries) revealed that forged drugs carried no active ingredient ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Seydou Doumbia, MD, Ph.D,
  • Malaria Research and Training Center, University
    of Bamako, Mali

  • Chemotherapy is the primary means of treating
    parasitic infections.
  • Successful chemotherapy depends in a large part
    on the ability to exploit metabolic differences
    between the pathogen and the host.
  • A problem confronting chemotherapy is the ability
    of the pathogen to mutate and become drug

Drug Action
  • Drugs act by specifically interfering with
    cellular or biochemical processes, often called
  • The classic example of a drug target is an
    enzyme (inhibition)
  • Drugs to be effective need to exhibit a selective
    toxicity for the pathogen as compared to host.
    Many factors contributing to this selective
  • unique target in parasite
  • discrimination between host and parasite targets
  • greater drug accumulation by parasite
  • drug activation by parasite

Mechanism of action (CQ)
  • Chloroquine concentrates in the food vacuole of
    the parasite (organelle in which the breakdown of
    hemoglobin and the detoxification of heme
  • This selective accumulation occurs through 3
    possible mechanisms
  • 1) protonation and ion trapping of the
    chloroquine due to the low pH of the food vacuole
    (pH 5.0-5.4)
  • 2) active uptake of chloroquine by a parasite
  • 3) binding of chloroquine to a specific receptor
    in the food vacuole.
  • Chloroquine exerts it toxic effect by
    interferring with the conversion of free heme to

Hemoglobin Degradation and the Food Vacuole
  • The malaria parasite requires amino acids for the
    synthesis of its proteins. The three sources of
    amino acids are de novo synthesis, import from
    host plasma, and digestion of host hemoglobin.
  • Hemoglobin is an extremely abundant protein in
    the erythrocyte cytoplasm and serves as the major
    source of amino acids for the parasite
  • Digestion of hemoglobin free heme toxic to the
    parasite (lyse membranes, inhibition of several
    enzymes activity). Parasite Detoxified free heme
    by sequestration into hemozoin (malarial

Chloroquine and the Food Vacuole
  • Folate metabolism is the target of several
    antimalarials as well as drugs used against other
    pathogens. Due to its high rate of replication
    the malaria parasite has a high demand for
    nucleotides as precursors for DNA synthesis, and
    thus is particularly sensitive to antifolates.
  • The two primary targets of antifolate metabolism
    are the de novo biosynthesis of folates and
    dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). The malaria
    parasite synthesizes folates de novo whereas the
    human host must obtain preformed folates and
    cannot synthesize folate. The inability of the
    parasite to utilize exogenous folates makes
    folate biosynthesis a good drug target.

  • Folate is synthesized from 3 basic building
    blocks, GTP, p-aminobenzoic acid (pABA), and
    glutamate, in a pathway involving 5 enzymes.
  • One of these enzymes, dihydropteroate synthase
    (DHPS), is inhibited by sulpha-based drugs.
    Sulfadoxine and dapsone are two common
    antimalarials that target DHPS.
  • The sulfa drugs are structural anlalogs of pABA
    and are converted into non-metabolizable adducts
    by DHPS. This leads to a depletion of the folate
    pool and thereby reduces the amount of
    thymidylate available for DNA synthesis.

  • The ability of a parasite to survive, what was
    previously determined to be, lethal
    concentrations of a toxic drug
  • Little is known about the mechanisms involved in
    drug resistance, and much of what is known about
    the mechanisms has been obtained based on studies
    on bacteria.

How Resistance Develops and Spreads
  • Fewer new drug, more resistance with existing
  • Search for new cures for heart disease,
    Alzheimer's and other chronic diseases closing
    the door on further research into new drugs
    designed to combat other infections.
  • Natural selection
  • Susceptible organisms will succumb, leaving
    behind only those resistant to the antimicrobial.
    These organisms can then either pass on their
    resistance genes to their offspring by
    replication, or to other related bacteria through
    "conjugation" whereby plasmids carrying the genes
    "jump" from one organism to another.
  • This process is a natural, exacerbated by the
    abuse, overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in
    the treatment of human illness

  • Drug Access and Resistance
  • In many developing nations drugs are freely
    available but only to those who can afford
    them. This means that most patients are forced to
    resort to poor quality counterfeit, or truncated
    treatment courses that invariably lead to more
    rapid selection of resistant organisms.
  • Counterfeit Drugs
  • Between 1992 and 1994, as many as 51 of
    counterfeiting cases uncovered by WHO (70 of
    which were discovered in developing countries)
    revealed that forged drugs carried no active

Potential mechanisms involved in drug resistance
  • Conversion of the drug to an inactive form by an
  • Modification of a drug sensitive site.
  • Increased efflux or decreased influx
  • Alternative pathway to bypass inhibited reaction.
  • Increase in the amount of an enzyme substrate (ie
    to compete with the drug).
  • Failure to activate the drug.

Potential mechanisms involved in drug resistance
  • These modifications can arise in a population of
    parasites by a number of mechanisms.
  • Physiological adaptations
  • Differential selection of resistant individuals
    from a mixed population of susceptible and
    resistant individuals.
  • Spontaneous mutations followed by selection.
  • Changes in gene expression. (gene amplification)

Chloroquine Resistance
  • Early in the 20th century, intense demands for an
    effective quinine substitute led to the discovery
    of Chloroquine in 1934.
  • Chloroquine was designated the drug of choice
    against malaria near the end of World War II.
    Chloroquine quickly proved to be one of the most
    successful and important drugs ever deployed
    against an infectious disease.
  • The wide distribution and ready availability of
    chloroquine made it the first choice, especially
    in villages of sub-Saharan Africa, where malaria
    parasites each year infect nearly every child.
  • The tremendous success of chloroquine and its
    heavy use through the decades eventually led to
    chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum
    and Plasmodium vivax ?

Chloroquine Resistance
  • Foci of resistant P. falciparum were detected in
    Colombia and at the Cambodia-Thailand border
    during the late 1950s.
  • Resistant strains from these foci spread steadily
    in the 1960s and 1970s through South America,
    Southeast Asia, and India. Africa was spared
    until the late 1970s, when resistance was
    detected in Kenya and Tanzania the sweep of
    resistant P. falciparum across that continent
    followed within a decade.

Mechanism of Chloroquine Resistance
  • Chloroquines efficacy lie in its ability to
    interrupt hematin detoxification in malaria
    parasites as they grow within their hosts red
    blood cells
  • Hematin is released in large amounts as the
    parasite consumes and digests hemoglobin in its
    digestive food vacuole. Hematin normally is
    detoxified by polymerization into innocuous
    crystals of hemozoin
  • pigment and perhaps also by a
    glutathione-mediated process of destruction .
  • Chloroquine binds with hematin and also adsorbs
    to the growing faces of the hemozoin crystals,
    disrupting detoxification and poisoning the
  • Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum survives by
    reducing accumulation of the drug in the

Efflux of chloroquine from resistant and
susceptible parasites. The resistant P.
falciparum parasite releases chloroquine 40- to
50-fold more rapidly than the susceptible
parasite (Krogstad et al, 1988)
Mechanism of Chloroquine Resistance
  • Mechanisms involve alterations of digestive
    vacuole pH or changes in the flux of chloroquine
    across the parasites cytoplasmic or digestive
    vacuole membrane.
  • The fact that chloroquine resistance took many
    years to develop in a limited number of foci
    contrasts with observations that resistance to
    another widely used antimalarial,
    pyrimethamine,arose rapidly on many independent
  • Therefore, chloroquine resistance has been
    thought to involve greater genetic complexity
    than pyrimethamine resistance (which can be
    conferred by a single mutation in the gene
    encoding dihydrofolate reductase.

Mechanism of Chloroquine Resistance
  • Such genetic complexity can be explained by
    multiple mutations in the gene responsible for
    chloroquine resistance.
  • This gene, pfcrt, was identified in the single
    chromosomal segment associated with the
    inheritance of chloroquine resistance in a P.
    falciparum laboratory cross.
  • The gene product, PfCRT, is a predicted
    transporter that localizes to the digestive
    vacuole membrane and may be involved in drug flux
    and/or pH regulation.

Mechanism of Chloroquine Resistance
  • Eight point mutations in PfCRT (M74I, N75E, K76T,
    A220S, Q271E, N326S, I356T, and R371I)
    distinguished chloroquine-resistant from
    chloroquine-sensitive progeny of the cross.
  • Seven of these 8 mutations were detected in each
    of 14 other chloroquineresistant parasite lines
    from diverse regions of Asia and Africa (the
    I356T mutation was not always detected in these
  • PfCRT mutations, including K76T and A220S, also
    were detected in each of 9 chloroquine-resistant
    lines from South America, although the exact
    number and positions of all of the mutations
    indicated haplotypes distinct from those in
    Southeast Asia and Africa.
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