Title: Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
1Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
2Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- Say these sounds.
- /pl/ /o/ /t/
- What word do you hear?
- plot
3Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- Say these sounds.
- /gr/ /a/ /b/
- What word do you hear?
- grab
4Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- Say these sounds.
- /sl/ /i/ /p/
- What word do you hear?
- slip
5Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- grab
- plot
- slip
- Each consonant keeps its sound when blended.
6Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- trade
- What is the consonant cluster?
- tr
- plan
- What is the consonant cluster?
- pl
7Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- street
- What is the consonant cluster?
- str
- spring
- What is the consonant cluster?
- Spr
- Notice that street and spring begin with
three-letter clusters.
8Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- p i l g r i m
- v c c c v
- pilgrim
- Consonants form a cluster that often stays
together in the same syllable. - pil / grim
9Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- i n s t a n t
- v c c c v
- instant
- Consonants form a cluster that often stays
together in the same syllable. - n / stant
10Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- u n s p e n t
- v c c c v
- unspent
- Consonants form a cluster that often stays
together in the same syllable. - un / spent
11Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- Read the following words
- flip
- swat
- grip
- message
- explode
- plum
- strap
12Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- Read the following sentence.
- They shall complete the race.
- Which word has a consonant cluster?
- Complete
- What is the cluster?
- pl
13Consonant Clusters (r, l, s)
- Read the following words
- drum
- hundred
- stripe
- crop
14Your Turn
- Turn your practice book to page 90.