Title: Pharmaceutical Excipients on MedicinesComplete
1Pharmaceutical Excipientson MedicinesComplete
- Edited by Raymond C Rowe, Paul J Sheskey and
Siân C Owen
2A comprehensive reference text written by
pharmaceutical scientists for the pharmaceutical
and related industries
3An essential source of the physical and chemical
properties of excipients
4New easy-to-use interface
5270 excipients monographs
Each monograph includes
- Physical and chemical characteristics
- Functional categories
- Applications in pharmaceutical formulation or
technology - Pharmacopoeial specifications
- Method of manufacture
- Stability, storage conditions and safety
- Regulatory status
- References
6Scanning electron microphotographs and structural
7References to scientific texts
Many references linked to their abstracts on
8Finding the information you need
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17Appendix I - Suppliers Directory
Listed alphabetically, by country, excipient and
trade name
18Appendix I - Suppliers Directory
Listed alphabetically
19Appendix I - Suppliers Directory
Listed by country
20Appendix I - Suppliers Directory
Listed by excipient
21Appendix I - Suppliers Directory
Address, telephone, fax, and linked email and web
Trade names listed for many suppliers
22Links from trade names
Links between monograph and Suppliers Directory
23Appendices II-IV E numbers, EINECS numbers and
molecular weights
24Context-sensitive Help
Click on a link
25For more details contact the MedicinesComplete
sales team
- email excipients_at_medicinescomplete.com