Title: WaterSurface Evaporation in Reservoir
1Water-Surface Evaporationin Reservoir
- Vitoon Thititanapak
- December 1999
Dr. David G. Tarboton
Mark Winkelaar
- To study the effect of evaporation in reservoir.
- To apply GIS technique in the analysis of the
water-surface evaporation.
4Conceptual Map
- Theory Study
- The role of evaporation in reservoir (
water-surface evaporation) - The method for measuring the evaporation
- Data collection
- DEM from USGS
- RF1 from EPA
- Dam site from GIS DATA DEPOT and EPA
- Pan evaporation data from
- NOAA Technical Report NWS 33
- Arc View 3.0
5Theory study
62 of precipitation fall on the land - 97
is evapotranspiration - 3 is
open-water evaporation
Estimating Free-Water Evaporation -
Water-Balance Approach - Mass-Transfer
Approach - Energy-Balance Approach - Penman
or Combination Approach - Pan-Evaporation
Approach ( Class-A pan)
6Data collection
- DEM grid file from USGS http//edcwww.cr.usgs
- rf1 shape file and Dam site shape file from
EPA http//www.epa.gov/OST/BASIN/
- Dam location USGS digital raster graphics
- Pan evaporation data from NOAA technical
report NWS 33
7Step 1 Study area
The Albers Equal-Area projection
Middle Bear Basin
Cutler Dam
8Step 2 Add DEM grid files
9Step 3Locating Dam as outlet grid
Newton Dam
10Step 4Find water-surface area
11Step 5Calculate water-surface evaporation
Evaporation Number of cell count x cell size
x pan coefficient x Class-A pan evaporation
from National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Technical report, Office of
Hydrology National Weather Service, June 1982
Map 4 Map of coefficients to convert Class A
pan evaporation to free water surface evaporation
for May - October
Evaporation in Cutler Dam, Utah U.S.A.
At elevation 1344.00 m
Number of cell count 13910, Cell size 30
x 30 m.
We can apply GIS technique to find water-surface
area in reservoir at the design water level.
This technique is limited on GIS data (DEM
elevation grid data) to find water-surface area.
This method can apply to find the reservoir area
in the dam construction project planning.