Competencies for ESD teachers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Competencies for ESD teachers


... major objective of ENSI, an international non profit organisation is to ... Actions allow applying the solidarity developed through empathy and compassion. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Competencies for ESD teachers

Competencies for ESD teachers
A framework to integrate ESD in the curriculum of
teacher training institutions Curriculum,
Sustainable Development, Competencies, Teacher
Training (CSCT) Project
ENSI Environment and Schools Initiative
  • First phase 1986-1988 11 countries
    participated with teachers and students at the
  • The aim gathering experiences and exchanging
    them nationally and internationally on the
    level of teachers and students.
  • The promotion of political discourse
  • Phase 2 1989-1994 19 countries to anchor
    environmental education in schools
  • Conferences occurred in member countries
    which mirrored the thematic focus
  • ENSI was promoted as a bottom-up approach,
    offering a network including teachers and
    students facilitated by politics and

  • Phase 3 1995-Ongoing
  • Focus on Eco-schools Teacher Education
  • EU Comenius III Project SEED (2002-2005)
    publications on Quality Criteria for ESD
    schools, tools for evaluation
  • EU Comenius Project CSCT Competencies for
    ESD Teachers (2005- 2008) 15 partners (8
    countries) case studies on ESD in Teacher
  • The major objective of ENSI, an international non
    profit organisation is to introduce new
    educational methods, to stimulate new types of
    collaboration and the development of so called
    dynamic qualities of learners.
  • ENSI Partners Council of Europe UNESCO
    Governments who make the commitment to ESD

  • ENSI received European funding (Comenius 2) and
    developed a competency model for teachers of ESD
    entitled the CSCT Project.
  • The present Comenius-2-project, CSCT (Curriculum,
    Sustainable development, Competences, Teacher
    training) was developed as a response to the call
    of the UNECE Ministers of the Environment in 2003
    for including education for sustainable
    development (ESD) in curricula from pre-school to
    higher and adult education to offer curriculum
    models to teacher training institutes which are
    searching for attainable possibilities to
    integrate ESD in their curricula.
  • The CSCT competence model was developed by the
    whole international group in a three year long
    process both at workshops and discussions at the
    meetings and in between.

How to read the Model?
Blue Triangle Professional Dimension
Teacher in society
Teacher in the educational institute
Teacher as an Individual
Professional Dimensions
How to read the Model?
Red Triangle Overall Competencies for ESD
Reflecting Visioning
Overall Competencies
How to read the Model?
Five Domains
Values Ethics
Future Orientation Learning Processes for
SD Local and global orientation
Systems Thinking
(No Transcript)
The five domains of competencies for the
  • Five competences domains were identified, of
    which each must have a specific profile for ESD.
  • Even though these domains may appear as separate
    elements in the graph, they interact intensively
    and are in reality inseparable.
  • Knowledge specific features of knowledge for ESD
    defined included conceptual, factual and action
    related knowledge. Knowledge has to relate to
    time (past present future) as well as to
    space (local global) and it is inter-, trans-,
    pluri- or cross-disciplinary constructed.
  • Systems Thinking The complexity and
    interconnectedness of todays world asks for
    thinking in systems. Different kinds of systems
    are addressed biological, geographical,
    ecological, political, economical, social,
    psychological ... including interrelationships in
    time and space. It implies the awareness of being
    part of the living system earth in space and

  • Emotions Thinking, reflecting, valuing, taking
    decisions and acting are inseparably tied with
    emotions. Emotional competence is therefore
    indispensable for ESD-commitment and processes.
    Empathy and compassion play thereby a key role.
    Feeling inter-connectedness with the world is
    basic for intrinsic motivation in ESD.
  • Ethics and Values Norms, values, attitudes,
    beliefs and assumptions are guiding our
    perception, our thinking, our decisions and
    actions. They also influence our feelings. The
    main guiding principle of ESD is equity (social,
    intergenerational, gender, communities ).
    Equality between man and nature is explicitly
    included only in some SD-concepts.
  • Action Action is the process, where all the
    competences of the other four domains merge to
    meaningful creations, participation and
    networking in SD. It needs additional special
    practical skills, abilities and competences in
    the field of project management and cooperation.
    All four levels of action have to be considered
    for a successful ESD individual,
    classroom/school, regional and global. Actions
    allow to experience conflicting interests,
    change, to be involved (participation), learning
    from mistakes, synergies and success. All of them
    can increase motivation for further learning and
    continuing action if they are chosen wisely.
    Actions allow applying the solidarity developed
    through empathy and compassion.

  • For each of these five domains competences were
    developed on three different levels
  • The teacher as an individual connected with
    reflection and visioning
  • The teacher in the educational institution
    connected with teaching and communication
  • The teacher in the society connected with
    cooperation and networking
  • ENSI has developed this framework and currently
    UNECE are using it as a framework for their
    working group on teacher competencies at a
    European level.
  • Handbook of Competencies for ESD (Education for
    Sustainable Development) teachers A framework
    to integrate ESD in the curriculum of teacher
    training institutes is available for download

  • Discussion
  • What competencies should teachers have entering
    the profession?
  • How can we educate students to achieve these
  • Are we educating teachers to meet these
    competencies pre-service, induction and

Ubuntu Network
  • Further information
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