Title: Watts Ames Service Procedures
1Watts / AmesService Procedures
- Models
- 007 / 2000B, 007DCDA, 009 / 4000B
- 709, 709DCDA, 909, 909RPDA
- 2000SS / 774, 3000SS / 774DCDA
- 4000SS / 994, 5000SS / 994RPDA
- C200 / 757, C300 / 757DCDA
- C400 / 957, C500 / 957RPDA
- M200, M300, M400, M500
- 719 / 200B, 919 / 400B
- Model
- 007 / 2000B ¾- 2
- 009 / 4000B ¾ - 2
- 007, 009 21/2- 3
- 709, 909 ¾- 2
- 709, 709DCDA 21/2- 10
- 909, 909RPDA 21/2- 10
- 774 / 2000SS, 3000SS 21/2-10
- 994 / 4000SS, 5000SS 21/2-10
- 757 / C200, C300 21/2- 10
- 957 / C400, C500 21/2- 10
- M200, M300 21/2- 10
- M400, M500 21/2- 10
- 719 / 200B ¾- 2
- 919 / 400B ¾-2
- Page
- 2
- 2
- 8
- 13
- 19
- 19
- 24
- 30
- 41
- 41
- 41
- 41
- 50
- 50
3007(M1,M2,M3) / 2000B009 (M2,M3) / 4000B½-2
4Modification Overview- 007 / 2000B
- ½ 007
- ¾-1 007
- ¾-1 007M1
- ¾ 007M2
- ¾ 007M3 (Current)
- 1 007M1 (Current)
- 11/2-2 007
- 11/2-2 007M1
- 11/4-11/2 007M2 (Current)
- 2 007M1 (Current)
5Modification Overview- 009 /4000B
- ½ 009
- ¾-1 009
- ¾ 009M2
- ¾ 009M3 (Current)
- 1 009M2 (Current)
- 11/4-2 009
- 11/4-2 009M1
- 11/4-11/2 009M2 (Current)
- 2 009M2 (Current)
6Single Access Cover Removal
- Cover is o-ring sealed.
- 007 Cover has no spring load.
- 009 Cover has spring load from the RV spring.
- Hold cover firmly while removing bolts.
- RV stem may come out with cover.
- Lift cover straight off.
7Check Valve Removal
- Check valve modules.
- Modules sealed by o-ring and secured by a
retainer. - Slide retainer straight out of body.
- Modules can now be removed by hand or with a
screwdriver flat.
8Check Seat Removal
- Check seats are attached to the cage with a
bayonet type locking system. - Module is spring loaded- Hold firmly.
- Hold the cage in one hand, push the seat
inward and rotate clockwise. - ¾ M2 modules snap apart.
9Check Disc Replacement
- Check disc and disc holder can be replaced as one
10Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Reassemble in reverse order.
- Apply lubricant to o-rings.
- If check retainer does not slide into place
easily, make sure checks are seated properly.
11RV Stem Removal
- The RV stem and spring are situated between the
check valves and are free once the single access
cover is removed.
12RV Seat Removal
- Unless damaged, there is no need to remove RV
seat. - The seat is pushed firmly into the body and is
o-ring sealed.
13RV Rubber Replacement
- The RV molded disc is on the lower stem. Simply
unscrew the guide from the stem. - The diaphragm is on the upper stem. Simply
unscrew the stem cap from the stem.
14RV Reassembly Notes
- Center the spring on the seat and insert the
cover and RV assembly as a unit straight into the
body. - Make sure that the lower guide on the RV stem
goes through the guide hole in the seat. - If the cover will not press flat against the
body, the stem is crooked and must be realigned.
15007,007DCDA009 21/2-3
16Single Access Cover Removal
- Cover is o-ring sealed.
- 007 cover has no spring load.
- 009 cover has spring load from the RV spring.
- Remove bolts while holding cover down.
- RV Stem may come out with cover.
- Lift cover straight off.
17Check Valve Removal
- Check valve modules.
- Modules sealed by o-ring and secured by a
retainer. - Slide retainer straight out of body.
- Modules can now be removed by hand or with a
screwdriver flat.
18Check Seat Removal
- Check seats are part of each module.
- Check seats are attached to the cage with a
bayonet type locking system. - Check spring is contained.
- Hold the cage in one hand, push the seat
inward and rotate counter-clockwise.
19Check Disc Replacement
- Remove retaining nut from disc holder and replace
20Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Reassemble in reverse order.
- Apply lubricant to o-rings.
- If check retainer does not slide into place
easily, make sure check valves are seated
21RV Stem Removal
- The RV Stem and spring are situated between the
check valves and are free once the single access
cover is removed.
22RV Seat Removal
- Unless damaged, there is no need to remove RV
seat. - The seat is pushed firmly into the body and is
o-ring sealed.
23RV Rubber Replacement
- The RV molded disc is on the lower stem. Simply
unscrew the nut from the guide. - Replace the o-ring behind the disc.
- The diaphragm is on the upper stem. Simply
unscrew the stem cap from the stem.
24RV Reassembly Notes
- Center the spring on the seat and insert the
cover and stem assembly as a unit straight into
the body. - Make sure that the lower guide on the RV stem
goes through the guide hole in the seat. - If the cover will not press flat against body,
the stem is crooked and must be realigned.
25709 , 909 3/4-2
26Modification Overview
- The 909M1 (1989) in the ¾-2 sizes only.
- Change was in the body only- internal components
are the same. - The 709 in ¾-2 sizes only, was discontinued in
27Check Cover Removal
- Cover is o-ring sealed.
- Check valve assembly is attached to the cover and
spring is contained. - Pull cover and assembly straight out of the body.
(Do not twist)
28Check Valve Removal
- The check valve is attached to the cover with a
bayonet locking system. - Check valve assembly is spring loaded.
- Holding the assembly in both hands, rotate the
seat (cage) ¼ turn.
29Check Seat Removal
- Once the cover and check valve are removed the
seat or (cage) is free. - Seat is sealed by an o-ring.
30Check Disc Replacement
- Check disc and disc holder can be replaced as one
31Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Reassemble check valve in reverse order.
- Apply lubricant to seat o-ring and lid o-ring.
32RV Cover Removal
- RV Cover is sealed by the diaphragm.
- Spring load is contained.
33RV Stem Removal
- The stem subassembly can be pulled straight out
of the body.
34RV Seat Removal
- Unless damaged, there is no need to remove the RV
seat. - The RV seat is threaded and sealed by an o-ring.
35RV Rubber Replacement
- Replace diaphragm and RV disc assembly.
- Simply unscrew the stem cap from the stem.
- Replace stem o-rings.
- Apply lubricant to o-rings.
36RV Reassembly Notes
- Insert RV stem assembly into body.
- Carefully guide and depress spring tension
until the piston is completely into position. - Insert screw driver up into vent opening to
hold stem in place. - Bolt cover down evenly.
37709,709DCDA 909, 909RPDA 21/2-10
38Modification Overview
- The 909M1 (1989) in the 8-10 sizes only.
- Change was downsizing the relief valve assembly.
- Changed RV housing from bronze to cast iron epoxy
39Check Cover Removal
- Cover is o-ring sealed.
- Loosen bolts ½. Spring load is now released from
the cover and retained by the check subassembly. - Verify spring load before removing all the bolts.
40Check Valve Removal
- Center stem guided check assembly.
- Disc spring subassembly.
- Slide subassembly straight out of seat and body.
41Check Seat Removal
- 21/2-3 Seats removed by ¼ turn twist.
- 4-10 Seats secured by two retaining wires. Each
wire 10 long. - Pull one wire clockwise / one wire counter
clockwise. - Seats are o-ring sealed and pull straight out of
42Check Disc Replacement
- Remove retaining nut for sizes 21/2-4.
- Remove allen head screws in retainer plate for
sizes 6-10.
43RV Cover Removal
- RV Cover is sealed by the diaphragm.
- Loosen cover bolts ½. Spring load is now
released from the cover and retained by the
bottom plug assembly. - Verify spring load before removing all the bolts.
44RV Stem Removal
- The piston subassembly can be lifted straight up
and out of the body. - The bottom plug subassembly (4-10) contains the
spring and does not need to be removed for normal
service. - For removal simply unscrew from outside the
RV body.
45RV Seat Removal
- Unless damaged, there is no need to remove the RV
seat. - RV seat is threaded and o-ring sealed.
46RV Rubber Replacement
- Replace diaphragm.
- Replace wiper seal and piston o-ring. Apply
lubricant to the o-ring. - Replace RV disc.
- Hold upper guide fin and unscrew pressure
plate. Replace disc assembly and stem o-ring.
472000SS / 7743000SS / 774DCDA21/2-12
48Modification Overview
- Model 2000SE, 3000SE, 774X, 774XDCDA were
produced in the 21/2,6, and 8 sizes only. - These assemblies use check modules that are one
size smaller than the pipe size. - Example 8 size assembly uses 6 parts
49Single Access Cover Removal
- Cover is secured by a grooved coupling.
- Cover has no spring load.
50Check Valve Removal
- Check valve modules called Cam Checks.
- Checks are o-ring sealed.
- 21/2-6 Cam Checks are threaded into body.
- 1 Check must be removed before 2 can be
removed. - 8-10 Checks are simply bolted into body.
51Check Valve Removal
- 21/2-6 cam checks unscrew counterclockwise by
hand if possible. - Do not use cam arm as a handle to unscrew.
52Check Valve Removal
- 21/2-6 Cam Checks.
- If too tight, place a drift punch or solid rod
(long screwdriver) in one of the holes on the
outer edge of the check module. - Tap with hammer in correct direction
(counterclockwise) to loosen.
53Check Valve Removal Notes
- 21/2-6 Cam Checks.
- There are special tools available to help
remove check modules.
54Check Seat Removal
- Check seats are part of each module and can not
be removed. - If the seat is damaged, the complete check module
will need to be replaced.
55Check Disc Inspection
- 21/2-6 Cam Check disc assembly is part of the
module and can not be removed. - For inspection and cleaning 21/2 -4, lift the
cam arm and hold in open position. - Raise the clapper so that the end of the cam
arm rests between the roller and clapper.
56Check Disc Inspection
- For inspection and cleaning of the 6size only.
- Locate the stud on the outlet flange of the
assembly. - Place the cam arm hole on the stud and open the
check valve so that the cam rests between the
roller and clapper.
57Check Disc Inspection
- For inspection and cleaning of the 8-10 size cam
checks. - Using a 3/8 nut driver or a piece of small
diameter pipe, place on the end of the torsion
spring and move away from and around the
retaining bracket. - This will free the cam arm and clapper.
58Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Change and lubricate check o-ring.
- Install 2 check first then 1 check.
- 2 check should be tightened with a long
screwdriver. - Tighten 1 check firmly by hand only.
- Lubricate the outside edge of the groove couple
594000SS / 5000SS994 / 994RPDA21/2- 10
60Single Access Cover Removal
- Cover is secured by a grooved coupling.
- Cover has no spring load.
61Check Valve Removal
- Check valve modules called Cam Checks.
- Checks are o-ring sealed.
- 21/2-6 Cam Checks are threaded into body.
- 1 Check must be removed before 2 can be
removed. - 8-10 Checks are simply bolted into body.
62Check Valve Removal
- 21/2-6 cam checks unscrew counterclockwise by
hand if possible. - Do not use cam arm as a handle to unscrew.
63Check Valve Removal
- 21/2-6 Cam Checks.
- If too tight, place a drift punch or solid rod
(long screwdriver) in one of the holes on the
outer edge of the check module. - Tap with hammer in correct direction
(counterclockwise) to loosen.
64Check Valve Removal Notes
- 21/2-6 Cam Checks.
- There are special tools available to help
remove check modules.
65Check Seat Removal
- Check seats are part of each module and can not
be removed. - If the seat is damaged, the complete check module
will need to be replaced.
66Check Disc Inspection 21/2- 6
- 21/2-4 first check and 6 sizes.
- Locate the stud on the outlet flange of the
assembly. - Place the cam arm hole on the stud and open the
check valve so that the cam arm rests between the
roller and clapper.
67Check Disc Inspection 21/2-6
- 21/2 -4 second check.
- Lift the cam arm and hold in open position.
- Raise the clapper so that the end of the cam
arm rests between the roller and clapper.
68Check Disc Inspection 8-10
- 8-10 first check.
- Place two 3/8 X 14 all thread rod through the
two holes of the spring retaining plate. - Screw the rods into the disc holder about ½.
- Secure both rods with 3/8 nuts.
69Check Disc Inspection 8-10
- 8-10 first check.
- Tighten both nuts evenly to compress spring.
- Compress the spring until the clapper has moved
about 1 from seat and inspect. - To remove rod, loosen nuts evenly be careful
not to unscrew rod.
70Check Disc Inspection 8-10
- 8-10 second check
- Using a 3/8 nut driver or a piece of small
diameter pipe, place on the end of the torsion
spring and move away from and around the
retaining bracket. - This will free the cam arm and clapper.
71Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Lubricate check o-ring.
- Reassemble check modules in reverse order.
- Lubricate outside edge of groove coupler gasket.
72Relief Valve Removal
- RV assembly is threaded onto body and o-ring
sealed. - Disconnect RV Hose.
- Unscrew complete RV assembly from the main body.
- Do not place wrench on RV housing.
- Place wrench on flange and cover only.
73Relief Valve Removal
- Remove cover bolts.
- Remove piston and sleeve by sliding them out
through the flange side of the RV housing.
74RV Seat Removal
- The RV seat is a machined part of the RV housing.
- To replace the seat, you must replace the housing.
75Relief Valve Disassembly
- Remove sleeve from piston assembly.
- The piston assembly is spring loaded.
- Hold the piston firmly in one hand and unscrew
the hex head bolt.
76RV Disc Replacement
- Replace the RV disc in the disc holder.
- Replace the o-rings on the hex head bolt.
77RV Diaphragm Replacement
- Reassemble the disc holder and spring to the
diaphragm / piston assembly. - Slide sleeve over diaphragm.
- Position the bead of the diaphragm over the edge
of the sleeve.
78RV Diaphragm Replacement
- While holding the sleeve in one hand, place the
bolt end of the assembly on a flat surface. - Using the other hand, cup the palm slightly over
the diaphragm to form an air trap.
79RV Diaphragm Replacement
- Rapidly slap the diaphragm down over the piston
assembly and inside the sleeve. - If the diaphragm is wrinkled, then it is not
in the correct position. - Repeat this step if necessary.
80Relief Valve Reassembly Notes
- Slide the piston assembly and sleeve into the
housing in reverse order.
81C200,757 / C300, 757DCDAC400, 957 / C500,
957RPDAM200 / M300 M400 / M50021/2-10
82Modification Overview
- (a) suffix after the model number indicates the
original version that contains a bi-link check
valve. - The current version contains a tri-link check
valve. - Repair steps are the same for both models.
83Check Cover Removal 21/2-4
- Cover slides back and is o-ring sealed.
- Remove test cock 3 from the body.
- Insert a screwdriver through the hole on top of
the cover sleeve. - Using both hands, rotate the cover ¼ turn
clockwise and counter-clockwise to break o-ring
84Check Cover Removal 21/2-4
- Slowly slide the cover sleeve to the downstream
side of the housing. - Once fully pulled back, turn the sleeve 90
85Check Cover Removal 6-10
- For the 6-10 sizes, remove both Victaulic
couplers. - Slide the downstream gasket to the downstream
side of the housing. - The upstream gasket can stay in place.
86Check Valve Removal
- Check valve modules.
- Modules are o-ring sealed.
- Remove the check retainer.
- Remove check 1 first, then check 2.
- Using two flat blade screwdrivers, gently pry the
module out of the body.
87Check Seat Removal
- The check seat is part of the module.
- If seat is damaged, the entire module will have
to be replaced.
88Check Disc Replacement 21/2-4
- The check modules are spring loaded.
- Insert a screwdriver through the hole in the
linkage and let it rest in the arbors on the
module. - Remove the E-clip and pin connecting the
linkage. - The clapper will open with no tension.
89Check Disc Replacement 21/2-4
- Remove the screws on the disc retainer.
- Once disc is replaced, reassemble in reverse
90Check Disc Replacement 6-10
- Locate the service hole on the side of the check
module. - Use a ½-13 x 5 fully threaded bolt.
- Thread the bolt until the hole in the linkage is
aligned with the notches in the spring arbors. - Insert a long phillips screwdriver through the
hole and arbors.
91Check Disc Replacement 6-10
- Back the bolt out until the spring tension is
transferred to the screwdriver. - Remove retaining clip and pin from linkage.
- Spring assembly can be removed from the module.
- Remove screws from disc retainer.
92Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Reassemble check valves in reverse order.
- Apply lubricant to o-rings.
93Relief Valve Removal
- Relief valve is threaded onto body and o-ring
sealed. - Disconnect sensing line hose.
- RV should be removed by hand.
94RV Disassembly
- Remove the cover plate by removing the 4 allen
screws. - Remove the diaphragm.
95RV Disassembly
- With the threaded end facing up, push up on the
piston until the piston shaft with the attached
E-clip is exposed. - Remove the E-clip.
96RV Disc Replacement
- The RV disc is molded onto the disc holder and
must be replaced as one piece.
97RV Diaphragm Replacement
- Form the diaphragm to fit over the disc holder.
- Reinstall the diaphragm into the body.
98RV Reassembly Notes
- Reassemble relief valve in reverse order.
- Lubricate the RV body o-ring.
99719 / 200B919 / 400B¾-2
100Check Cover Removal
- Cover is threaded into body and o-ring sealed.
- Cover is spring loaded.
101Check Valve Removal
- Poppet style check assembly.
- The poppet and spring are free once the cover is
102Check Seat Removal
- The check seat or (cage) is pushed into the body
and o-ring sealed. - Simply pull the seat straight out of the body.
103Check Disc Replacement
- Remove screw and disc washer from poppet.
104Check Valve Reassembly Notes
- Inspect and clean the guide bore on the cover.
- The stem must move freely in the guide.
- Reassemble in reverse order.
105RV Cover Removal
- Cover is spring loaded.
- RV cover is o-ring sealed.
- While holding cover firmly, remove cover bolts
and rotate the cover ¼ turn.
106RV Module Removal
- The RV stem and spring are free once the cover is
107RV Seat Removal
- The RV seat is o-ring sealed.
- Simply pull the seat straight out of the body.
108RV Stem Disassembly
- Use a wrench to gently loosen the RV stem
109RV Diaphragm Replacement
- Diaphragm is free once stem is disassembled.
- The molded step of the diaphragm should point
towards the RV stem and disc.
110RV Disc Replacement
- The RV disc is free once the retaining screw is
111RV Reassembly Notes
- Reassemble in reverse order.
- Line up the grooves on the cover with the grooves
in the body, and turn the cover clockwise ¼ turn.