Statistical Aspects of Disease Progression Modeling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistical Aspects of Disease Progression Modeling


Disease progression models are longitudinal models that describe ... Simple imputation (e.g., LOCF, ... Multiple imputation. Imputes multiple values for ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Statistical Aspects of Disease Progression Modeling

Statistical Aspects of Disease Progression
  • Jonathan L. French, ScD
  • Clinical Pharmacology Statistics, Pharmacometrics
  • Pfizer Global Research Development

  • Introduction
  • Statistical issues in disease progression
  • Methods for handling missing data
  • Issues to consider when pooling studies
  • Disease progression model for FEV1
  • Summary

  • Disease progression models are longitudinal
    models that describe the progression of disease
    over time
  • Typically we postulate the form of an individual
    response over time
  • start with the normal disease progression
    (e.g., without treatment or with placebo)
  • Add the effects of treatment/intervention
  • Many examples in the literature
  • Holford et al (2006) review
  • Chan Holford (2001) review
  • Holford and Peace (1992) tacrine/Alzheimers
  • Mould et al. (2002) topotecan/solid tumors

General statistical model for disease progression
  • Disease progression models are constructed as
    hierarchical models
  • Level 1 describes individual disease progression
  • Level 2 describes the inter-individual
    variability in disease progression

Statistical issues
  • Many of the statistical aspects of DP modeling
    are the same as those with pop PK and PK/PD
  • Distributional assumptions about residuals
  • Distributional assumptions about inter-individual
    random effects
  • Focus on two that are of particular concern in
    disease progression modeling
  • Missing data
  • Pooling multiple studies
  • A third area thats important is starting out
    with well-defined and documented objectives ?
    analysis plan

Missing data concepts
  • Imagine there is a drop-out process time to
    discontinuation (T)
  • Conceptually, statisticians categorize the
    drop-out process into three groups (Little and
    Rubin, 1987)
  • Drop-out processes that dont depend on observed
    or unobserved outcomes
  • called Missing Completely at Random (MCAR)
  • E.g., relocation randomized to continue or not
  • Drop-out processes that depend only on observed
  • called Missing at Random (MAR)
  • E.g., observed lack of effectiveness over time
  • Drop-out processes that depend on unobserved data
  • called Missing Not at Random (MNAR) (aka
    informative dropout)
  • E.g., d/c due to (unmeasured) change in disease

Missing data what to do?
  • Ad-hoc methods
  • For example,
  • Analyze only the subjects with complete data
  • Simple imputation (e.g., LOCF, mean imputation)
  • Generally dont provide valid estimates when data
    are not MCAR
  • Multiple imputation
  • Imputes multiple values for the missing data
  • Fit model multiple times and summarize the fits
  • Provides valid estimates when data are MCAR or
    MAR (assuming you have the right model)
  • Likelihood-based estimation
  • Estimate model based on observed data
  • Standard approaches to fitting mixed effects
    models fall here
  • Provides valid estimates when data are MCAR or
    MAR (assuming you have the right model)

Missing data the good, bad and ugly
  • The good
  • MI and Likelihood-based estimation are fairly
    robust to the drop-out process (MCAR or MAR)
  • Can identify MCAR vs. MAR/MNAR (e.g., Carpenter
    et al. 2002)
  • The bad
  • No way to definitively distinguish between MAR or
  • The ugly
  • May be important to conduct sensitivity analyses
    to understand the impact of modeling the drop-out
  • Selection models (e.g., Diggle and Kenward, 1994)
  • Pattern-mixture models (e.g., Little 1993, 1994)
  • Selection models applied to disease progression
    modeling see Hu and Sale (2003)

Informative Missingness
  • Not all definitions of informative missingness
    are the same
  • DK
  • HS
  • This has implications for estimation and
  • Need to simulate to get correct marginal
    distribution of outcome
  • In any case, both selection models and
    pattern-mixture models depend on un-testable
    assumptions (e.g., Kenward 1998)

Pooling studies
  • The studies typically have
  • different patient populations
  • different study designs with respect to
  • Duration of study
  • Timing of observations
  • Sensitivity of assay
  • Differences with respect to when studies are
  • Changes in standard of care over time?
  • Should consider the implications when building
    disease progression models

Pooling studies (2)
  • Typically we attempt to adjust for many of these
    effects by including covariates in the model
  • Need to make some assumptions about the
    relationship between study populations (e.g.,
    treatment of metastatic disease vs. adjunct
  • Assumptions can be explicit or implicit
  • Covariate adjustment can frequently account for
    differences in patient population
  • May need to consider study-specific effects if
    covariates cant be found
  • Covariates and structural model changes may be
    able to account for differences in assay
    sensitivity and/or changes in standard of care
    over time
  • If substantial differences remain or assumptions
    arent tenable, may need to reassess the
    pool-ability of studies

Disease Progression Model for FEV1
  • Exubera (INH) is insulin powder for oral
    inhalation with a specially designed pulmonary
  • The extensive development program
  • confirmed the effectiveness of inhaled insulin
  • assessed the unique consequences of pulmonary
  • The impact of INH on lung function over time is
    an important aspect of its safety profile
  • One measure of lung function is FEV1 (forced
    expiratory volume in one second) FEV1 is a
    robust measure of airway function

  • Previous analyses of lung function data across
    the Exubera development program showed that
    there are small decreases in FEV1 associated with
    INH treatment
  • In particular, FEV1 declines associated with INH
    occurred within the first two weeks of treatment
    and were
  • small,
  • non-progressive after 2 weeks, and
  • reversible upon discontinuation of INH treatment

Objectives of FEV1 analysis
  • Modeling was used to provide an integrated
    analysis of the pooled data
  • Objectives of modeling
  • Is there an acceleration of decline in pulmonary
  • Is the decline in pulmonary function reversible
    after (prolonged) use of inhaled insulin?

Patient Population Study design
  • Patient population
  • 3766 adult subjects with Type 1 or Type 2
  • Duration of time-on-study ranged from 1 week to
    7 years
  • Pooled across 17 phase 2/3 studies which differed
    with respect to
  • patient population for example,
  • Type 1 vs. Type 2 diabetes
  • Healthy, asthma and COPD patients
  • Study design for example,
  • Controlled (parent) and uncontrolled (extension)
  • Dense and sparse PFT assessments
  • Discontinuation phase vs. no d/c phase
  • Standard/concomitant treatment
  • Standardized vs. non-standardized PFT protocol

Exposure measure
  • Exposure was measured as a dichotomous variable
    at each time point in the study
  • exposed to INH,
  • not exposed to INH
  • When subjects were not exposed to INH, they were
    receiving the standard of care (COMP)
  • Five potential treatment patterns

Disease Progression Model for FEV1
Results of modeling
Effects of INH occur early and are small,
non-progressive and reversible
Model Evaluation Population predicted values vs
Time by Group
Posterior predictive checks
  • Quantile-quantile plots of simulated vs.
    observed values suggest the model provides a
    reasonably good fit.

Results (2)
  • Factors that affected baseline FEV1 were
    consistent with those reported in the literature
  • Height, age, sex, smoking status, asthma/COPD,
  • Enhanced understanding of natural longitudinal
    changes in lung function in diabetic patients
  • Older patients decline more rapidly
  • After adjusting for other covariates, diabetes
    type was not an important covariate
  • Enhanced understanding of the impact of Exubera
  • Estimates of rates of onset and recovery
  • Estimate of magnitude of symptomatic effect

Pooling studies in FEV1 analysis
  • Pooling multiple studies with
  • differing patient populations (e.g., Type 1 vs.
    Type 2 diabetes)
  • differing study designs (e.g., sparse vs. dense
    PFT assessments standardized vs.
    Non-standardized PFT assessments)
  • Controlled (parent) and uncontrolled (extension)
  • Discontinuation data on a subset of subjects (but
    we have some)
  • We attempted to adjust for differences in patient
    population and study design by including
    covariates in the model
  • Final FEV1 model included covariates for age,
    height, sex, smoking status, etc.
  • Also included different residual error variances
    for protocols with standardized and
    non-standardized PFTs

Example of pooling in FEV1 analysis
  • Impact of adding covariates and changing
    structural model should be considered

Separate residual variance terms leads to more
weight given to studies with smaller variance.
Missing data in FEV1 analysis
  • Discontinuation rates ranged between 0 and 18
    in any treatment group across the controlled
  • Pooling many studies of different durations
  • view data after any discontinuation (including
    end-of-study) as missing
  • In the analysis of FEV1 data, we likely have a
    mixture of missing data processes

Missing data (2)
  • Studies were planned to be of different
  • Long-term data for subjects who stopped at the
    end of their (parent) study may be MCAR
  • Subjects choose whether or not to enter extension
  • Possible that subjects with poor FEV1 decide not
    to continue
  • Since weve observed their FEV1 to that point,
    the long-term data would be MAR
  • Drop-outs prior to the planned end of a (parent)
    study may be informative (MNAR)
  • Possible that subjects with a steep drop in lung
    function may drop out early without a
    corresponding PFT

Analysis Plan for FEV1
  • Defined the objectives of modeling
  • Is there an acceleration of decline in pulmonary
  • Is the decline in pulmonary function reversible
    after (prolonged) use of inhaled insulin?
  • Communicate with the project team about
    objectives, assumptions, and uses of the model
  • Discussed statistical issues we knew that we
    would face
  • Defined the summary statistics to use for model

Analysis Plans are they worth it?
  • Advantages
  • Can be an effective tool for communicating the
    planned analysis
  • Among project teams (PK, Clinicians,
  • Between researchers and regulators
  • Defines the scope of the analysis
  • Opportunity to make assumptions and uses of the
    model explicit
  • Highlights which aspects to use for model
  • Gets you part-way to your final report/paper
  • Disadvantages
  • Takes time to prepare
  • Analyst may feel locked-in to a specific model

  • Missing data can often be a problem when building
    disease progression models. Important to
  • Recognize the potential pitfalls
  • Recognize the alternative approaches to handling
    missing data
  • Consider sensitivity analyses
  • Pooling studies can always be done, but should be
    done with care and understanding about
  • Recommend writing some sort of analysis plan
    prior to starting analysis
  • good communication tool and helps solidify

  • Exubera project team
  • Benefited from many conversations with Diane
    Mould, Marc Gastonguay, Ken Kowalski, and Tom

  • Carpenter J, Pocock, S, and Lamm CJ (2002).
    Coping with missing data in clinical trials a
    model-based approach applied to asthma trials.
    Statistics in Medicine. 21 1043-1066.
  • Chan PLS and Holford NHG (2001). Drug treatment
    effects on disease progression. Annu. Rev.
    Pharmacol. Toxicol. 41 625-659.
  • Diggle PJ and Kenward MG (1994). Informative
    drop-out in longitudinal data analysis (with
    discussion). Applied Statistics, 43 49-93.
  • Holford NHG, Mould DR, and Peck C (2006). Disease
    Progression Models in Principles of Climical
    Pharmacology 2nd ed. A. Atkinson. New York
    Academic Press.
  • Holford NHG and Peace KE (1992). Methodologic
    aspects of a population pharmacodynamic model for
    cognitive effects in Alzheimer patients treated
    with tacrine. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. 89
  • Hu C and Sale ME (2003). A Joint Model for
    nonlinear Longitudinal Data with Informative
    Dropout. J. Pharmakokinet Pharmacodyn., 30
  • Kenward, MG (1998). Selection models for repeated
    measurements with nonrandom dropout an
    illustration of sensitivity. Statistics in
    Medicine. 17 2723-2732.
  • Little RJA. (1993). Pattern-mixture models for
    multivariate incomplete data. J. Amer. Stat.
    Assoc, 88 125-134.
  • Little RJA (1994). A class of pattern-mixture
    models for normal incomplete data. Biometrika,
    81 471-483.
  • Little RJA and Rubin DB (1987) Statistical
    Analysis with Missing Data. New York John Wiley
  • Mould DR, Holford NHG, Schellens JHM, Beijnen JH,
    Hutson PR, Rosing H, ten Bokkel Huinink WW,
    Rowinsky EK, Schiller JH, Russo M, and Ross G
    (2002). Population pharmacokinetic and adverse
    event analysis of topotecan in patients with
    solid tumors. Clin Pharm Ther. 71 334-348

Backup slides
Effects on FEV1 are small and non-progressive
Adjusted mean treatment group differences and 95
CI for FEV1 change from baseline (3- and 6-month
controlled PFT Phase 2/3 studies)
Mean Change from baseline FEV1 (? SD) by
time Type 2 subjects in Controlled PFT Phase 2/3
Exubera Inhaled Insulin (INH) Advisory
Committee Briefing Document
Effects on FEV1 are small, non-progressive
Mean Change from baseline FEV1 (? SD) by time
Type 2 subjects in Controlled PFT Phase 2/3
Exubera Inhaled Insulin (INH) Advisory
Committee Briefing Document
and reversible upon discontinuation
Mean Change from Baseline and Standard Deviation
in FEV1 (L) by Time in Patients with Type 1 DM
Onset and Withdrawal
Exubera Inhaled Insulin (INH) Advisory
Committee Briefing Document
Results of modeling
  • Is the rate of decline in FEV1 accelerated? ? No
  • Natural progression in FEV1 is a loss of 57.3
    mL/year (95 CI -60.6 mL/year, -49.3 mL/year)
  • The effect of INH on slope is to slow the
    progression by 1.26 mL/year (95 CI 1.2 mL/year
    faster, 2.9 mL/year slower)
  • Is the effect reversible? ? Yes
  • Time to recovery of 90 of the maximum offset is
    21 days (95 CI 8 days, 503 days)
  • Maximum offset was estimated to be a reduction in
    FEV1 of 68.1 mL (95 CI -88 mL, -59mL)
  • Time to onset of 90 of the maximum offset is 51
    days (95 CI 15 days, 390 days)

Missing data in FEV1 analysis
Predicted mean trends
Predicted typical trend Reversibility after 2
year dosing
50 year old, male, non-smokers, no ULD, BMIlt30,
HT170 cm
50 year old, female, non-smokers, no ULD, BMIlt30,
HT170 cm
Start INH
Stop INH
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