Title: Growth and Cultivation of microorganisms
1Growth and Cultivation of micro-organisms
This learning object has been funded by the
European Commissions FP6 BioMinE project
- Growth implies that all building blocks of the
cell increases with the following consequences
Growth Normally Increase in cell
number Multi cellular
Uunicellular organisms
organisms increases size
increase number of organism
of organisms
3Mathematical representation
- The bacteria divide binary usually perpendicular
to the length axis and thereby two new cells are
- For a unicellular bacterium the cell number
increase exponentially with base 2 as seen in the
table below
Cell no.
Exponential expression
- time for each doubling g (min, hr)
- The following mathematical expression is then
4Math. cont.
Nt N0 x 2n (1)
- Nt the cell number at time t
- N0 the cell number at t 0 and
- n represents the number of doublings
- if g time for a generation and
- t total time, then
Nt N0 x 2n N0 x 2t/g (2)
- where m is the specific growth rate constant
- inserted in (2) gives
5Math. cont.
Nt N0 x 2tm (3)
- take the logarithm of equation (3), which gives
log Nt log N0 t x m x log 2 (4)
- in a semi-logarithmic graph this is a strait line
log Nt
slope m x log 2
Cultivation is normally performed batch-wise or
- the growth medium and the bacteria (inoculum)
are added to the growth vessel once at the start
of the experiment!
- any growth vessel can be used shake flasks,
stirred tank reactors etc.
- batch-wise cultivation is chosen to rapidly
obtain growth data
- During batch cultivation of a bacterial culture
you can have - four (4) growth phases as shown below
7Growth curve during batch cultivation
Stationary phase
Death phase
8Properties of the growth phases
- the cell devision is delayed due to how the
inoculum has been treated
- the previous medium
- the temperature, etc.
- exponential growth
- as fast as the soluble nutrients permit
- the doubling time, g, can be determined here
- in bioleaching there is often no exponential
phase due to that the energy source is a particle
9Properties, cont.
- growth is stopped due to changes in the medium
- an essential nutrient has ceased
- pH-changes due to end products
- dissolved oxygen for aerobic organisms
- an exponential curve
- due to some toxic substance excreted from the
10Quantitative methods for measuring bacterial
- The growth of the bacterial population can be
followed either by the changes in number of
cells or weight of cell mass.
- In the following table a comparison of a few
methods are found.
Sensitiveness (cells/ml)
Direct method
Cell mass (dry weight/ml)
Turbid meter (O.D.)
Indirect method
(depending on the compound)
Indirect method
Chemical analysis
Direct method
Cell number, total
Cell number, viable
Indirect method
Viable count (V.C.)
11Comments to the quantitative methods
- Some of the methods are noted as direct or
indirect. The direct methods show the cell mass
or cell number directly in the sample. In the
indirect methods you need a standard curve
comparing a direct and an indirect method.
- If e.g. during growth the same sample is
measured by the direct method gravimeter and the
indirect method turbid meter and those values are
plotted in a diagram you will have a standard
curve for use in later experiments.
Cell mass (dry weight/ml)
Turbid meter, (O.D.)
12Comments, cont.
- The method gravimeter uses ordinary balances
after removal of the water content of the sample.
Given a sample size of one ml and assuming that
an average dry bacterium is weighing 10-12 g and
that a ordinary balance can detect 10-4 g this
means that you must have gt108 bacteria per ml in
the sample to be able to use weighing.
- The sensitivity given for any turbid meter
e.g.ordinary spectrophotometers measuring optical
density, is arbitrary.
- For microscopy the sensitivity value means that
you have on average one cell in the smallest
square on the special object glass used.
Grid in the bottom
13Comments, cont.
In viable count you usually pore out 0.1 ml of
the sample onto the surface of a nutrient agar
plate. If you get one colony after incubation
then you have had 10 bacteria per ml in the
0.1 ml
1 ml
Nutrient agar plate
10 bact/ml
1 bact/ml
14Balanced vs. Unbalanced growth
- The growth of a bacterial culture is related to
the composition of the medium.
- In a minimal medium the growth is slower than in
a complex medium.
- If all the essential nutrients are freely
available the growth is balanced, which means
that all the building bocks are synthezised with
the same speed (see figure below).
- However, if the synthesis of one of the building
blocks is stopped, the growth is terminated due
to unbalanced growth, which often leads to death
of the culture (see figure below).
15Enrichment and isolation
- When a special bacterial species is nutritional
favoured during cultivation that species will be
enriched in the culture.
- A small sample of this culture is then
transferred to new fresh medium of the same type
and the cultivtion is continued. - This procedure is continued several times.
- A small sample of the last enrichment culture is
then spread on top of a agar plate with the same
nutrient media as in the enrichment.
- Among those colonies appearing on the plate
after proper incubation the wanted bacterial
species will be. Testing these colonies will
evetually result in the isolation.