Title: Anthropology and Globalization
1Anthropology and Globalization
2Anthropological Interpretations
- Sidetracking
- Diffusion
- Americanization
- What do these all have in common?
- Give an example of each from China.
- Give an example from the globalization images.
3Cultural Costs of Globalization
- Cultural Costs, pages 329-331
- Consequences of internationalization of cultures
- Cultural losses
- Young peoples sense of _____________ as they
lose touch with their traditional culture (e.g.,
Inuit) - __________ (e.g., Quebec can be overwhelmed by
English culture) - ____________ (e.g., when building hydroelectric
dams in the Amazon) - Changing of cultural norms
- izations
- Homogenization (________ of cultures)
- Deterritorialization (when one culture is not
physically attached to one ________, often
because of migration, immigration) - Westernization/Americanization
- Industrialization
4You Are the Anthropologist
- HSBC taxi ad
- http//www.youtube.com/user/HSBC?ob0featureresu
lts_main - What questions would an anthropologist ask as
he/she travelled in the taxi?
5Beijing Development
- Beijing hutong (traditional courtyard
neighbourhood) - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vGASqYeog6_4feature
related - Contrast with Beijing skyline
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vdcHhaUdedEU
- Time Beijings Changing Skyline (up to 2008
Olympics) - http//www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,166
Travel China Now. (2012). Attraction guide
Beijing hutong. Retrieved April 15, 2012 from
6Hutong Destruction
Benson, H. (2008, July 8). Michael Meyer
documents old Beijing districts. Retrieved April
15, 2012 from http//www.sfgate.com/cgi- bin/ar
7Old vs. New
Global Heritage Network. (2010, August 4).
Development pressures at Beijing hutongs.
Retrieved April 15, 2012 from http//globalherit
8Economic Costs of Globalization (330, 332)
- Costa Rica
- Cash crops crops grown for sale, usually export
- Profit goes to the __________ where the products
are exported and sold or fully processed - Loss of independent decision-making
- Social programs are things like welfare, health
care social safety net programs where
government intervenes in the economy to protect
people - Costa Rica had them but ___________ them when it
wanted to get more involved in the global
economy. To make itself more attractive to
foreign investors and to be in a position to
receive IMF and WB loans, it needed to have low
_________ and ______.
9Anthropological Theories of Globalization
- Notes on 5 anthropological theories of
globalization, 332-333. - Modernization theory
- Dependency theory
- World-system theory
- Neo-Marxian theory
- Globalization theory
- The Nature of Things The Real Avatar
- http//www.cbc.ca/documentaries/natureofthings/201
1/peru/ - Peruvian Amazon how indigenous peoples are
being affected by resource development and
extraction in their regions
11Resource Extraction
- Mining company Rio Tinto
- http//www.youtube.com/user/RioTintoVideos
- Canadian recruiting ad
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vw9A5en5zK14listUU
gFbKCoyKdwayoIOJzSZzXQindex4featureplcp - Oil Sands in Alberta
- Fort Chippewyan downstream impacts
12Turquoise Hill
- Oyu Tolgoi
- http//www.ivanhoemines.com/i/Oyu_Video.html