Big Picture-Six Kingdoms of Living Things - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Big Picture-Six Kingdoms of Living Things


This kingdom is made up of all the living organisms we refer to as animals. ... oviparous . This means they lay eggs. ... almost all are born alive and drink ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Big Picture-Six Kingdoms of Living Things

Big Picture-Six Kingdoms of Living Things Table
of Contents
  • Input Chart
  • Talking Points
  • Pictures to support student understanding

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Talking Points Six Kingdoms Start from the top
left Say Today we are going to talk about the
Six Kingdoms of Living Things. Say that with me
The Six Kingdoms of Living Things. Scientists
have studied living organisms and looked for ways
to organize them or classify them. Say that with
me, classify. To classify and sort the living
organisms they look for similarities (say that
with me, similarities) or things that are the
same about each group of living organisms. Say
Today we are going to learn about some of the
different groups of living organisms. (Start
with first kingdom on left, archaebacteria)
Say The first kingdom is archaebacteria(are-ke
y-bacteria). Say that with me, archaebacteria.
This kingdom is made up of organisms that are
microscopic(say that with me, microscopic).
This means they can only be seen with a
microscope(place photo of microscope).
Archaebacteria can survive in a very harsh
environment. They can live in boiling water.
Archaebacteria has been found in ocean lava
vents. (place photos) Say The next kingdom is
eubacteriayou-bacteria (say that with me,
eubacteria). These organisms are also
microscopic(say that with me). This kingdom is
different from archaebacteria because eubacteria
CANNOT survive in a harsh environment. This is
the type of bacteria that can be killed with
boiling water or soap and water. Eubacteria are
the germs we think of that makes us sick. But
some eubacteria keeps us healthy. (place
photo) Say The next kingdom is
Protistapro-tees-tuh . Protista are
single-celled organisms. Some examples of
protista are kelp and slime. Kelp grows in the
water and looks like a plant but it is Protista.
(place photos) Say The next kingdom is fungi
(fun-guy). Say that with me, fun-guy. Fungi are
multicellular (say that with me) organisms. They
are made up of many cells. Examples of fungi are
molds and mushrooms. (place photo)   Say The
next kingdom is plantae (plan-tay). Say that with
me, plantae. This kingdom is what we commonly
know as plants. It includes plants, flowers,
trees, fruits and vegetables. The organisms in
kingdom plantae are unique because they are
autotrophic (say that with me, autotrophic).
This means they make their own food. They make
their own food through a process called
photosynthesis. Say that with me,
photosynthesis. (place photos) 10-2 When I
give you the signal word, turn and talk to
someone near you about something interesting or
scientific you have learned about the first five
kingdoms (give students 2 minutes to share
w/peers. Have some students share out. Give
scouts a chance to say who has earned an award)
Talking Points Six Kingdoms continued Say The
Sixth kingdom is Animalia. Say that with me,
animalia. This kingdom is made up of all the
living organisms we refer to as animals. Within
kingdom animalia there are many different phylums
(fye-lums) or groups. Say that with me phylums.
We will be learning about some of the major
phylums today, but there are many more we will
not have time to talk about.   Say The first
group of animals we will talk about are the
animals from phylum chordata (core-dah-tuh). Say
that with me, phylum chordata. These animals
all have something in commona spinal chord or
backbone. I think of the word chordata and it
reminds me of spinal chord. Within phylum
chordata there are several classes or groups of
animals. (place photo of backbone)   Say The
first class is Class amphibia. Say that with me,
class amphibia. We know these animals as
amphibians. Amphibians breathe with gills when
they are young and later develop lungs as adults.
Frogs are one example. Their eggs hatch as
tadpoles and the tadpoles breathe with gills.
Some examples of amphibians are frogs, toads and
salamanders.(place photos)   Say The next class
is class Aves. These are birds. Birds all share
the common characteristics of having feathers and
beaks. They are also oviparous (o-vip-are-us).
Say that with me, oviparous. This means they
lay eggs. (place photo)   Say The next class is
Class Osteichthyes (oss-tee-ICK-thee-ess). Say
that with me, osteichthyes. This class is made
up of bony fish. There are over 27,000 different
species(say that with me, species) or types of
bony fish.Some examples are salmon, cod, and
trout. (place photos)   Say The next class is
Class Reptilia. (Say that with me, reptilia).
These are the reptiles. Reptiles have legs that
face outward and are usually very short. Some
reptiles (snakes) have no legs at all! Reptiles
all have scaly skin and are cold-blooded, which
is why you will frequently find them soaking up
the sun. (place photos) Say The last class we
will be talking about is Class Mammalia. (say
that with me, mammalia). These are the mammals.
Mammals have hair or fur. They are also
warm-blooded. This means they are able to
regulate their internal body temperature
regardless of the temperature outside (unlike
reptiles). Another characteristic of mammals is
that almost all are born alive and drink milk
from their mother. (place photos)   10-2 Now that
we have learned about all the different classes
of animalswhich class do you think WE belong to?
When I give you the signal word, turn and talk to
someone near you about what class you think we
belong to and how you know.(let students discuss,
share out---we are mammals-- and have scouts say
who earned awards.)   If you need to break
and do something else or stretchthis is a
natural place to stop for the day!
Talking Points Six Kingdoms continued Say We
have discussed the first five kingdoms and
several classes of animals from the sixth kingdom
in phylum chordata. Now we are going to discuss
some other phylums today. All of these phylums
have something in common. They do not have a
backbone. They are invertebrates. Say that with
me, invertebrates.   Say The first phylum we
are going to talk about is phylum
arthropoda(are-thrah-puh-duh). Say that with me,
phylum arthropoda. The animals in phylum
arthropoda all have an exoskeleton. Say that with
me, exoskeleton. If you have ever stepped on an
arthropod you may have heard a crunch. That is
the hard exoskeleton breaking. The exoskeleton
protects the fragile insides of the arthropod. In
contrast, we have hard bones on the inside of our
bodies. Some examples of arthropods are insects
(say that with me, insects), crustaceans (say
that with me), and arachnids (say that with me)
which are spiders and scorpions. (place
photos)   Say The next phylum is phylum
mollusca. Say that with me, phylum mollusca.
Some examples of mollusks are squid, octopus and
the snail. (place photo)   Say The next phylum
is phylum coelenterata (co-ell-en-ter-ah-tuh).
Say that with me, phylum coelenterata. This
phylum is made up of stinging cells. An example
are jellies (say that with me, jellies). We do
not call a jelly a jellyfish because it is not
technically a fish. If it were a fish it would
belong to another group (such as the bony fish,
class osteichthyes). (place photos)   10-2 When I
give you the signal word, turn and talk to
someone about something you think is interesting
or scientific about phylum arthropoda, mollusca
or coelenterata. (let students share w/peers,
have a few share out, have scouts say who earned
awards)   Say The next phylum is phylum
echinodermata. Say that with me, phylum
echinodermata. The animals in this phylum have
spiny skin. An example is the sea star. Sea stars
are not called star fish because they are not
classified as fish.(place photo) The next phylum
is phylum annelida. Say that with me, phylum
annelida. These are segmented worms such as the
common earthworm. (place photo)   Say Our last
phylum on our chart is phylum porifera(poor-if-er-
uh). Say that with me, phylum porifera. These are
the simplest animals such as sponges. They have
no eyes, no brain, no arms and dont move.
  Say In this unit we will be learning about
the life cycle of a butterfly and other living
organisms (apple trees, sturgeons, bees,
sunflowers, and spiders.) Which class do you
think each of these living organisms belongs to?
let students discuss, share out and have scouts
say who earned awards.) 10-2 When I give you the
signal word, turn and talk to someone near you
about the most interesting scientific fact you
have learned about the six kingdoms. (give
students time to talk, share out and scouts say
who earned awards.)
Class aves
Class osteichthyes
Class mammalia
Class reptilia
Class amphibia
Phylum arthropoda
Phylum mollusca
Phylum echinodermata
Phylum coelentera
Phylum annelida
Phylum porifera
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