The%20Battle%20of%20Prayer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... necessary contribution to the spread of the faith and of the Church by their strenuous efforts. (RM 73 quoting Ad Gentes 17) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The%20Battle%20of%20Prayer

The Battle of Prayer
Context for Battle of Prayer
  • Part 4 Christian Prayer
  • Recall each part of the CCC is divided into two
  • Section one covers the broad and foundational
  • Section two covers more specifics and practical
    matters e.g. the Our Father
  • After situating the doctrine of prayer within the
    context of Salvation History (ch 1), the CCC
    addresses the Tradition of prayer (ch 2), with
    the last chapter in section one dealing with the
    Life of Prayer (ch 3).

All doctrine is situated within the Story of
Salvation History
-4 Dimensions of Christian Life -Trinitarian -in
union with Mary -Witness of the Saints
Christian Family
Getting practicalthis is how you live it.
A Sure Norm for Teaching the Faith
  • The CCC is teaching you how to teach
  • You must know the Story of Salvation History and
    situate Prayer in that framework. This gives
    meaning and purpose to every doctrine. The battle
    of prayer only makes sense within this context.
  • The Story reveals my identity as a Christian. My
    Christian life has 4 dimensions (see Acts 242).
    In order to understand prayer I need to see it in
    relation to the other three dimensions.
  • There is a hierarchy of truths revealed by God
    and taught by the Church. The Trinity is the most
    central doctrine of the Faith. All teaching must
    be seen in relation to the Trinity.
  • God has and continues to work through the Church.
    The Saints who have gone before us and the holy
    men women of our time assist us

As you read and pray with the CCC look for these
  • For Example
  • Fr. Corbon refers to the dimensions of the
    Christian life as Wellsprings of prayer
  • The Word of God (Creed)
  • The Liturgy (Sacraments)
  • The Theological Virtues
  • Today i.e. events of daily life

Catechesis of Children Prayer
  • CCC 2688 again here the Catechism draws our
    attention to the 4-dimensional Christian Life.
  • Teach them to meditate on the Word of God (Creed)
  • Teach them to practice it the Word of God in
    Liturgical Prayer (Sacraments)
  • Teach them to internalize it the Word of God at
    all timesto bear fruit in new life (Morality)

The Battle of Prayer (CCC 2725-2745)
  • Prayer is both a gift of grace and a determined
    response on our part. It always presupposes
  • The Saints teach us that prayer is a battle
    Against ourselves and against the wiles of the
    tempter who does all he can to turn man away from
    prayer, away from union with God.
  • I. Objections to Prayer
  • II. Humble Vigilance in Prayer
  • III. Filial Trust
  • IV. Persevering in Love

Objections to Prayer
  • Erroneous notions of prayer
  • Prayer as simply a psychological activity or
    effort of concentration to reach a mental void.
  • Reduction to just ritual words and postures
  • The notion that prayer comes only from us and not
    the Holy Spirit and we do not have time to do
    this work with everything else on our plate.

Objections to Prayer
  • The mentality of this present world
  • Rationalism and Empiricism i.e. we can only know
    to be true that which we attain via reason and
  • Response prayer is not limited to that which we
    are conscious of
  • Pragmatism i.e. production profit are valued
    and prayer neither produces or makes a profit.
  • Response Work has a deeper value than simply
    the accomplishment of a particular task.
    Performing tasks can result in the development of
    habits which result in the development of
    character resulting in a blessed destiny. We
    also, as with most actions we engage in, do not
    see the full ramifications of our action. Some
    effects go unknown for long periods of time,
    perhaps our whole earthly life.
  • Emotivism or Hedonism i.e. sensuality comfort
    are the criteria of the true, good, beautiful.
  • Response some emotions do not correspond to
    reality (e.g. irrational fears) while many
    things that are true evoke no feeling in us. Some
    things that feel good are in fact not good. Some
    things that do not feel good are in fact good.

Objections to Prayer
  • Experience of failure in prayer
  • Discouragement due to periods of dryness
  • Sadness because we have many possessions (Mk
  • Disappointment when not heard according to our
    own will.
  • Wounded pride resistance to prayer as a free
    and unmerited gift.

Response to all these objections
  • Humility
  • Trust
  • Perseverance
  • See Phil 25ff.

Humble Vigilance in Prayer
  • Facing difficulties
  • Distraction
  • Response hunting down distractions is a
    trapinstead turn back to our heart. A
    distraction reveals to us what we are attached
    to, and this humble awareness before the Lord
    should awaken our preferential love for him and
    lead us resolutely to offer him our heart to be
    purified. Therein lies the battle, the choice of
    which master to serve (CCC 2729)
  • Be vigilantalways look to Christ who has come
    and still comes to us each day
  • Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is
    prowling around like a roaring lion looking for
    someone to devour (1 Pt 58)

  • Facing difficulties
  • Dryness CCC 2731
  • The heart is separated from GodA temporary lack
    of consolation
  • If this is due to lack of roots because the Word
    has fallen on rocky soil the battle requires
  • Response We can be comforted in knowing that
    like the grain of wheat, if in union with Christ
    we die to ourselves we will bear much fruit (cf.
    Jn 1224)
  • I die everyday! (1 Cor 1531)

  • Facing Temptations in Prayer
  • Lack of Faith most common and most hidden
    temptation (CCC 2732)
  • It is expressed when we prefer other things to
    Godonce again a moment of truth for the heart
    what is its real love?
  • Response cultivate the humble heart through
    internalizing Jesus words, Apart from me you
    can do nothing (Jn 155)
  • Acedia a form of spiritual laziness due to
    relaxed vigilance and lack of custody of heart.
  • depression due to lax ascetical practice,
    decreasing vigilance, carelessness of heart
  • Response The humble are not surprised by their
    distress it leads them to trust more, to hold
    fast in constancy

Filial Trust
  • Proves itself in tribulation
  • Difficulty lies with the prayer of petition
  • Some stop praying because they think their prayer
    is not heard.
  • Why do we complain of not being heard?
  • Do you conceive of God as an instrument to be
    used or the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ?
  • Are you convinced that you do not know how to
    pray as you ought (Rom 826) The Holy Spirit
    intercedes for us and teaches us how to pray

Filial Trust
  • God can only do that which is good
  • Are we asking God for "what is good for us"? Our
    Father knows what we need before we ask him, but
    he awaits our petition because the dignity of his
    children lies in their freedom(CCC 2736)
  • It is possible to ask wrongly.
  • Asking to spend it on our passions (Jas
    43)God cannot answer us because He desires our
    well being and life.
  • Do not be troubled if you do not immediately
    receive from God what you ask him for he desires
    to do something even greater for you, while you
    cling to him in prayer. (Evagrius Ponticus 4th
    cent Monastic Theologian)

Filial Trust
  • How is our prayer efficacious?
  • Trust is enkindled by Christs supreme act of His
    Passion and Resurrection
  • Transformation of the praying heart is the first
    response to our petition
  • The prayer of Jesus makes Christian prayer an
    efficacious petition. He is its model, he prays
    in us and with us
  • If our prayer is resolutely united with that of
    Jesus, in trust and boldness as children, we
    obtain all that we ask in his name, even more
    than any particular thing the Holy Spirit
    himself, who contains all gifts.

Persevering in Love
  • Tireless fervor can only come from love Against
    our dullness and laziness, the battle of prayer
    is that of humble, trusting, and persevering love
    (CCC 2742)
  • It is always possible to pray
  • Prayer is a vital necessity if we do not allow
    the Spirit to lead us, we fall back into the
    slavery of sin
  • Prayer Christian Life are inseparable
  • He "prays without ceasing" who unites prayer to
    works and good works to prayer. Only in this way
    can we consider as realizable the principle of
    praying without ceasing (Origen)

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