Title: Research methods
1Research methods Longitudinal data Statistics
- Patrick Harris, M.S.
- Research Planning
- Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
- patrick.harris1_at_wyo.gov
- 307-473-3811
2Inferential Statistics
- One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Used to examine differences in the dependent
variable - Population mean difference test
- Between-group variance and within-group variance
- Produces an F statistic
3Inferential Statistics
Population 2
Population 1
4Inferential Statistics
- Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
- Similar to ANOVA except analyzes more than one DV
- DVs must be theorized to be related to one
5Binary Logistic Regression
- Similar to multiple regression except the
dependent variable is binary (dichotomous) in
nature - d.v. has only two levels (e.g., pass/fail, drop
out/no drop out) - Independent variables are sometimes referred to
as covariates - Calculates the probability of group membership
6Propensity Score Matching
- Involves the use of binary logistic regression to
match individuals who received treatment with
individuals who did not (the control group) - A statistical procedure designed to pair
individuals from each group on similar
characteristics (LaLonde, 1986) - Used to control for background characteristics in
the absence of randomization
LaLonde, R. (1986). Evaluating the econometric
evaluations of training programs with
experimental data. American Economic Review, 76,
7Cluster Analysis
Fiske, S., Cuddy, A., Glick, P., Xu, J. (2002).
A model of (often mixed) stereotype content
Competence and warmth respectively follow from
perceived status and competition. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 878-902.
8Factor Analysis
- Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
- Technique used to analyze the underlying pattern
of correlations among a set of measured
variables. - It is exploratory because the research does not
hypothesize how the variables will correlate - Extracts a smaller set of variables called
factors - Linear combinations are achieved through rotation
in 3D space - Self-Esteem Scale factor matrix
9Factor Analysis
Rotated Component Matrixa Rotated Component Matrixa Rotated Component Matrixa Rotated Component Matrixa Rotated Component Matrixa Rotated Component Matrixa
Component Component Component Component Component
1 2 3 4 5
Reversed inferior to others at moment .756 .159 .183 .078 -.192
confident about my abilities .744 .183 -.091 .201 .113
Reversed frustered about performance .713 .121 .343 -.191 .150
Reversed trouble understanding reading .678 -.090 .028 .039 .376
Reversed i'm not doing well .585 -.013 .293 .247 -.090
Reversed less scholastic ability right now .575 .171 .105 .472 -.066
i freel confident i understand things .569 .034 .044 .556 .147
satified with my body looks right now .022 .829 -.074 .072 .107
i am pleased with my appearance .229 .813 .083 .132 -.179
Reversed dissatisfied with weight -.098 .735 .092 -.016 .208
Reversed feel unattractive .143 .613 .299 .262 -.328
i feel good about myself .313 .572 .213 .315 .078
Reversed displeased with myself .429 .469 .439 .113 -.085
Reversed concerned about impression .043 -.084 .756 -.189 .266
Reversed worried about looking foolish .212 .021 .696 .365 .011
Reversed worried what other people think .179 .350 .626 .099 .027
Reversed self-conscious .069 .309 .558 .168 -.426
feel as smart as others .355 .126 -.051 .709 -.057
feel that others respect and admire me -.154 .281 .274 .706 .215
Reversed worried success or failure .211 .207 .221 .234 .679
10Factor Analysis
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis
- Similar to exploratory except the research is
confirming the hypothesized factors - CFA is theory-driven
11End of Section Four
- Next Section
- Longitudinal Data Systems
12Research Planning Wyoming Department of
Workforce ServicesP.O. Box 2760246 S. Center
St. Casper, WY 82601(307) 473-3807 DWS-RESEARCH
PLANNING_at_wyo.gov http//wyomingLMI.org