Title: Sub-theme 5: Preventive measures: a national integrity system
1 Sub-theme 5 Preventive measures a national
integrity system Workshop 1 The significance of
preventive measures Hans G. Nilsson Head of
Division Council of the EU
2- Scope of the presentation (1)
- Preventing corruption is about reducing the
opportunities and the inclination to bribe or be
bribed ? the whole scope of this forum - In this presentation, a more limited concept
- prevention as understood in Chapter II of the
3- Scope of the presentation (2)
- Does not cover (although the goal includes
prevention) - implementation of anti-corruption
strategies/instruments, monitoring and
evaluations - measures related to criminal law and cooperation
in criminal matters - Nevertheless, "prevention" of corruption implies
a global approach.
4- "Prevention" as such in international legal
instruments (1) - The Convention of the African Union explicitly
dedicated to prevention (title of the convention) - Other instruments are usually more specific but
often deal implicitly with prevention (such as
art. 8 of the OECD Convention) - Nevertheless, before the UNCAC, prevention was
mainly left to non binding instruments
5- "Prevention" as such in international legal
instruments (2) - UNCAC
- Its first substantive chapter is dedicated to
preventive measures (chapter II) - However cautious language used in Chapter II,
limited obligations
6A comprehensive prevention strategy requires
proper coordination ? the need for national
preventive anti-corruption bodies (art. 6 UNCAC)
7- Priority fields for preventive measures (1)
- What is in Chapter II of the UNCAC
- Public sector
- public administration (career rules, selection,
training, remuneration) - public procurement
8- Priority fields for preventive measures (2)
- What is in Chapter II of the UNCAC
- 2. Private sector
- accounting and auditing standards,
9Priority fields for preventive measures (3) What
is not in the UNCAC (or with very limited
10- Priority fields for preventive measures (4)
- What is not in the UNCAC (or with very limited
provisions) - Political life
- funding of political parties (art. 7.3. UNCAC ?
very limited) - transparency for the mandates of politicians
11Priority fields for preventive measures (5) What
is not in the UNCAC (or with very limited
provisions) 2. Tax issues ? deductibility of
bribes to foreign officials, see OECD
12- Prevention of corruption in the Law Enforcement
- and Justice sector
- specific importance of the sector
- work at international level regarding ethic
standards in the police - -
13 Sub-theme 5 Preventive measures a national
integrity system Workshop 1 The significance of
preventive measures Hans G. Nilsson