Title: Academic%20integrity
1Academic integrity
- Plagiarism in written assignments is
- Copying anything from anybody into your work
- But brief quotes are OK, as long as you give
credit to the author - Plagiarism in programming assignments is
- Copying code from other students or teams
- Downloading code from the web and claiming that
you wrote it - But the instructor may provide some code that
everyone can use
2Why its important to write your own stuff
Looks good, less work, but no learning
3Academic integrity - 2
- Plagiarism is a problem
- Several academic dishonesty charges have occurred
during the past - Students have been dismissed
- Some solutions
- www.turnitin.com
- Turnitin setup information (COMP 655)
- MOSS (Measure Of Software Similarity)
- Any source files on einstein must be readable
only by you
4How turnitin.com works
- I create a class and assignments
- I provide signup information
- You create an account (if necessary)
- You join the class
- You submit a written assignment
- Turnitin creates an originality report
- (if necessary) you revise your assignment and
re-submit it to the revision assignment turnitin
creates an originality report for the revision - I review your originality report and decide if
the matching in it is OK - I download your assignment from turnitin and
grade it
5Examples plagiarism and quoting
6This is OK
BOINC is optimized for academic projects that
need a lot of computing power but dont have a
lot of money. According to the web
site, Scientists with computationally-intensive
tasks may be able to use BOINC. A BOINC project
requires just a single Linux server, and can
provide computing power equivalent to a cluster
with tens of thousands of CPUs. 4 Some of the
projects that have used BOINC
7This is also OK
BOINC is optimized for academic projects that
need a lot of computing power but dont have a
lot of money. Scientific projects are often in
this category. To use BOINC, a project only has
to buy one Linux server, which can coordinate
tens of thousands of volunteer computers.
4 Some of the projects that have used BOINC
BOINC is optimized for academic projects that
need a lot of computing power but dont have a
lot of money. Scientists with computationally-inte
nsive tasks may be able to use BOINC. A BOINC
project requires just a single Linux server, and
can provide computing power equivalent to a
cluster with tens of thousands of CPUs. Some of
the projects that have used BOINC
9This is PLAGIARISM also
BOINC is optimized for academic projects that
need a lot of computing power but dont have a
lot of money. Scientists with computationally-inte
nsive tasks may be able to use BOINC. A BOINC
project requires just a single Linux server, and
can provide computing power equivalent to a
cluster with tens of thousands of CPUs. 4 Some
of the projects that have used BOINC
BOINC is optimized for academic projects that
need a lot of computing power but dont have a
lot of money. Scientists with computationally-inte
nsive tasks can use BOINC. A BOINC project
requires only a single Linux server. The basic
principle is that many hands make light work and
at lower cost. Some of the projects that have
used BOINC
11Some rules
- You can quote, but the quotes MUST BE
- Introduced as quotes
- Set off with quotation marks
- Referenced
- Brief
- Reference text will often match other documents
- Rubric text will often match other papers
- Scattered, isolated accidental matches may occur
12More rules
- You should supply references if you
- Borrowed an idea and expressed it in your own
words - Want to use the reference to support your point
- Bottom line guideline if your paper has more
than 25 matching, theres a good chance that I
will ask you to revise it. - Common revisions
- Remove excess quotes
- Shorten quotes
- Remove rubric text
- Re-write sections with high matching
13More info
- Franklin University Bulletin
- CS Honor code
- http//cs.franklin.edu/students/honorcode.php