World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World

World War 1
  • The image above is a bottle of chlorine gas.
  • Chlorine gas was first used by the Germans at the
    Second battle of Ypres in 1915.
  • This gas effected a soldiers vision, burned the
    skin and made it very difficult to breathe.
  • Overall, it was not a effective as the Germans
  • It could be easily beaten by a damp cloth over
    ones face.

The war to end all wars
  • World War 1 (WW1) began on June 28, 1914.
  • It was given the name The war to end all wars
  • Young men were happy to join their countries
  • Many believed that with new technology the war
    would be over in a few months.
  • No one expected the war to turn out as it did.

  • An armistice (cease fire) was signed and
    scheduled for November 11, 1918 at 1100 am.
  • The last soldier killed was Canadian G.L. Price.
    He was shot by a German sniper and died Nov. 11,
    1918 at 1058 am.
  • In total approximately 65 million men were
  • Roughly 16 million were killed and an additional
    21 million were wounded.
  • With a total cost in the hundreds of billions of

Causes of World War 1
  • After the colonization of Africa many European
    nations built up their armies and created new
  • This boom in military was due to the tensions
    that were left in Europe after the division of
  • Countries were preparing for war, all they needed
    was a reason.
  • There were two main causes for the start of WW1.

  • Cause 1 Alliances
  • Due to the tensions after the division of Africa,
    European nations formed alliances.
  • The goal of these alliances was to offer
    protection and ensure peace.
  • Leaders felt that these alliances would keep all
    countries in line, due to the alliances
    combined power.
  • This idea failed. It was these alliances that
    brought the entire world into war.

  • There were two major alliances.
  • Triple Alliance (Central Powers) Germany,
    Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  • Triple Entente (Allied Powers) France, Russia,
    Great Britain
  • By the start of the war 1914 Italy had left the
    Triple alliance and the Ottoman Empire took its
  • Italy joined the Allied Powers
  • Serbia a break off nation of Austria-Hungary
    had an alliance with Russia.

  • Cause 2 Assassination
  • On June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir
    to the Austrian throne, was assassinated in
  • Ferdinands wife (Princess Sophie) was also
  • The killer was Gavrillo Princip a Serb and member
    of the Black Hand.
  • The Black Hand was a terrorist group with a goal
    to unite all Slavs/ Serbs and claim their land
    from Austria.

  • Ferdinand and his wife were on their way to see
    those injured by a grenade in an earlier
    assassination attempt.
  • Most of Ferdinands motorcade had continued out
    of the city.
  • Despite warnings Ferdinand continued towards the
  • The assassins were trained in Serbia.
  • It was later discovered by Austrian officials
    that the Serbian government had supplied the
    Black Hand with money and weapons.

The start of the Great War
  • The death of Franz Ferdinand and his wife deeply
    upset Austrian officials.
  • Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July
    28, 1914.
  • Due to its alliance Russia declared war on
    Austria one day later.
  • On Aug. 1 Germany declares war on Russia and
    France declares war on Germany.

  • Aug. 3 Germany declares war on France.
  • Aug. 4 Germany enters neutral Belgium. This
    forces Britain to declare war on Germany.
  • It took 38 days from the assassination of
    Ferdinand for the world to go into total war.
  • In total there were approximately 150 countries
    and colonies involved in WW1.

Schlieffen Plan
  • The Schlieffen Plan was a plan for war used by
    the Germans in WW1.
  • This plan called for a quick defeat of France, 6
  • This would be done by rushing all troops to
  • Once victorious use the rail roads to ship all
    German soldiers into Russia.
  • The purpose was not to separate German forces on
    two fronts.

  • The Germans relied on speed and surprise in order
    to insure victory over France.
  • The Schlieffen Plan called for German forces to
    move through Belgium to get to France.
  • This move brought Britain into the war.
  • The Schlieffen Plan had major flaws it assumed
    that there would be little fight from Belgium and
  • Also that it would take 6 weeks for Russia to

Early Resistance
  • The Schlieffen Plan called for the quick defeat
    of Belgium and France.
  • However, quick mobilization of Russian and French
    forces posed a problem.
  • The Battle of the Frontiers (1914) in Russia and
    Battle of Tannenberg (1914) in Belgium slowed
    down Germany.
  • Numerous small battles in Belgium also slowed
    down Germany.
  • German did not expect this type of resistance
    from Belgium.

The first battle of the Marne (Sept. 7, 1914)
  • German army advanced through northern France and
    were closing in on Paris.
  • French launched a counterattack along the Marne
    River east of Paris.
  • 2 million men fought on a battle-front that
    stretched over 100 km.
  • The French managed to push back Germany.
  • 250,000 French lives were lost.

  • It was this battle that caused the Schlieffen
    Plan to fail.

A New kind of Warfare
  • Word of Germanys invasion of Belgium quickly
    spread to France and other European nations.
  • French troops mobilized to meet approaching
    German divisions.
  • French wore bright red coats and heavy brass
  • Many soldiers carried flags and played
  • German troops wore gray uniforms as camouflage on
    the battlefield.

  • French war strategy was outdated
  • Marched row by row onto the battlefield
  • Prepared for close combat by mounting bayonets to
    their rifles.
  • The Germans, however, had machine guns, and mowed
    down 15,000 French troops per day.

The war reaches a stalemate
  • The First Battle of the Marne ended in a
  • Both French and German soldiers dug trenches to
    defend their positions and seek protection.
  • By late 1914, massive systems of trenches
    stretched across Western and Eastern Europe.
  • The battle lines known as the Western Front
    extended from Switzerland to the North Sea.
  • In the east the stretched from Riga, Latvia to
    Northern Romania.

Trench Life
  • Soldiers lived in the trenches.
  • They ate, slept, and went to the bathroom in the
    same position all the time.
  • The sounds of gunfire, explosions, and screams of
    pain were constant.
  • Soldiers had to stay with their heads down at all
  • A soldiers weapon was always at their side.

  • The smell in the trenches was a mixture of human
    waste, rotting bodies, ammunition, and mildew.
  • Along with this the trenches were usually filled
    with water (between the soldiers ankle and knee).
  • This water caused a very common problem trench
  • Trench foot was the result of a soldiers foot
    constantly being under cold, dirty water.
  • Amputation was the only solution in severe cases

  • Soldiers had to share the trench with millions of
    insects and bacteria.
  • Frogs and snakes were common as well.
  • Lice became a huge problem. It was responsible
    for trench fever.
  • Rats were very common. They fed on the flesh of
    dead bodies.
  • Moreover, it was not uncommon for rats to bite or
    begin to feed on living soldiers as well.

Trench Warfare
  • Both Allied and German created a system of
  • Constant bombardment and rifle fire hit the walls
    of the trenches.
  • Machine guns were always standing guard to
    prevent enemy attacks.
  • Territory was gained by opposing soldiers taking
    over enemy trenches.
  • Soldiers went over the top into an area called
    no mans land.

  • No mans land was the area between two systems of
  • It was usually filled with barbed wire, bodies,
    and bomb craters.
  • Attacking soldiers were usually shot down by
    enemy machine guns and artillery.
  • These attacks did not gain much territory for
    either side.
  • Both sides lost and gained territory throughout
    the war.
  • For this reason WW1 ended in a stalemate.

New weapons of war
  • Poisonous Gas
  • German military scientists experimented with gas
    as a weapon.
  • Gas in battle was risky Soldiers didnt know how
    much to use, and wind changes could backfire the
  • The first gas attack was in 1915 at Second battle
    of Ypres. Chlorine gas was used.
  • This gas affected a soldiers lungs and vision.

  • Eventually Phosgene and Mustard gas began being
  • Both of these gases affected the lungs and other
    internal organs.
  • However, with these gases little could be done to
    save soldiers once the gas entered their bodies.
  • Unlike chlorine gas, phosgene and mustard gas
    were colorless.
  • Mustard gas had severe external symptoms such as
    blisters and burnt skin.

  • Tanks
  • British forces developed armored tanks to move
    into no-mans-land.
  • Tanks were able to move over barbed wire and bomb
    craters with ease.
  • They could also withstand machine gun fire.
  • These tanks had limited success because many got
    stuck in the mud.
  • Germans soon found ways to destroy the tanks with
    artillery fire.

  • Airplanes
  • Planes were used to map and to attack trenches.
  • Planes first dropped heavy objects on the enemy.
  • Soon guns and bombs were mounted on planes.
  • Skilled pilots fought in air battles called
  • The most famous fighter pilot of all time was the
    Red Baron.

  • U-Boats (undersea boats)
  • Germany developed small submarines called U-boats
    to strike to attack allied ships.
  • In February 1915 the German government declared
    the waters around Great Britain a war zone,
    threatening to destroy all enemy ships.
  • This was in response to a British blockade near
    the German coast.
  • Many nations were angry that the Germans used
    u-boats. They felt it violated the rules of war

  • Germany specifically warned the U.S. that neutral
    ships will be attacked.
  • This angered the Americans, and President Wilson
    believed it violated the laws of neutrality.
  • On May 7, 1915 the Germans sank the RMS
    Lusitania. Although this was a British ship it
    had nearly 200 Americans on board
  • President Woodrow Wilson held Germany accountable
    for American losses.
  • This was one of the main reasons why the United
    States entered WW1.

  • Torpedoes
  • Were used by German submarines to sink ships.
  • Torpedoes were very similar to artillery shells
    but had a larger explosive charge.

  • Zeppelins
  • These were large balloons otherwise known as
  • They were primarily used for surveillance.
  • They were eventually fitted with bombs and
    machine guns.
  • These were very slow and could be shot out of the
    sky very easily.
  • They were also filled with a highly flammable

  • Machine guns and Rifles
  • Machine guns and rifles were much more powerful
    then earlier guns.
  • Machine guns had the ability to fire up to 500
    bullets per minute.
  • These guns had enough power to cut down full
    sized trees and go through cement walls.
  • Furthermore, these weapons were very easy to
    reload, which ultimately meant more casualties.

The US Enters the War
  • Wilson kept the US neutral as long as possible.
  • However, after the Lusitania and other German
    atrocities the US declared war on April 6, 1917.
  • With the participation of the United States, it
    gave the allies a much needed boost in manpower
    and resources.
  • This was a key event in ending the war

The End of the Great War
  • The involvement of the Americans proved too much
    for Germany and its allies.
  • The Germans made one last major offensive on July
    15, 1918.
  • The battle has been dubbed the Second Battle of
    the Marne.
  • The Germans were defeated, suffering nearly 150
    000 casualties.

Second Battle of the Marne Statistics
ALLIES 44 French divisions,8 American
divisions,4 British divisions,2 Italian
divisions,408 heavy guns,360 field batteries
GERMANY 52 divisions,609 heavy guns,1,047
field batteries
95,165 French dead or wounded,16,552 British
dead or wounded,12,000 American dead or wounded
139,000 dead or wounded,29,367 captured,793
guns lost
  • The allies continued their advance and pushed the
    Germans to Sedan. A small town on the Belgian
  • The German army would not recover from the 2nd
    Battle of the Marne.
  • With major military loses, failing economy, and
    food shortages, Germany asks for an armistice.
  • Armistice Not a surrender but a cease fire.

The Paris Peace Conference
  • Woodrow Wilson (USA), David Lloyd George (Brit),
    Georges Clemenceau (Fra), and Vittorio Orlando
    (Ita), wanted peace.
  • These men (leaders of the allies) came to be
    known as the Big Four
  • They invited 32 nations to this meeting.
  • Germany and its allies were not invited.

The Treaty of Versailles
  • Shortly after the Paris Conference a treaty was
    signed between the Allies and Germany.
  • Germany and its allies had to
  • Disarm
  • Pay 33 billion dollars in war reparations to the
  • Take sole responsibility for the start of the war
  • Lost all colonies

  • This treaty also created the League of Nations.
  • This was an organization of countries to prevent
    another global war and promote peace.
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