Title: The Evolution of Hacking
1The Evolution of Hacking
Deconstructing CyberSecurity
250s, 60s, 70s Freaks and Geeks
3Mr. Eccles requests that anyone working or
hacking on the electrical system turn the power
off to avoid fuse blowing.
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5The 80s Curiosity Killed The Cat
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890s Party on the Internets
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112000s Part I The Gold Rush
12Source Krebs on Security Inside a Carding Shop
- 2014
13Source Bitcoin Affiliate Network 2014
142000s Part 2 InfoWar
15The story of STUXNET
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17Today Tomorrows Threats
18Pam The Hackers Starting Point
Network Password on sticky note
Why Merck isnt here today, but Pfizer is in
Conference Room C
Org chart layout for CEO left out in Public.
Unsecured Wifi Password
Computer left on and logged in all day
Open and active network port on phone
Open sign in sheet on desk with all visitors in
last two weeks
Unlocked drawer with a jumble of keys
USB Key with Malware left for Pam to find and try
to locate owner.
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20The ransomware is that good. To be honest, we
often advise people just to pay the ransom.
- Joseph Bonavolonta, the Assistant Special Agent
in Charge of the FBIs CYBER and Counterintelligen
ce Program in its Boston office.
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25THE primary thing.
Its about people.
26Your Advantages
Your great people who know your business There
are amazing resources available You can learn
from others mistakes
27Next Steps
Establish dedicated resources Communicate
importance Prepare people for change Foster an
open and accepting environment
- Dr. Doug Jacobsen, ISU Cyber Security Program
- Justyn Miller, CEO of South Slope Cooperative
- Solomon Smith, BISO of Pearson Education, Inc.
- Krebs on Security
- West Goewey, President of NetWest Consulting
- Tim Hansen, Hansen Reynolds Dickinson Crueger,
LLC. - Dr. Joseph Walder, CEO of Integrated DNA
Technologies, Inc.