How does leverage affect shareholders - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How does leverage affect shareholders


Title: Slide 1 Author: AH Last modified by: Alan Huang Created Date: 8/31/2006 9:01:50 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: UW Other titles – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How does leverage affect shareholders

How does leverage affect shareholders risk?
  • In a CAPM context

Assume bond beta 0 (i.e., assume debt is
riskfree), then
In words, leverage increases the equity beta by
the degree of leverage.
Example A firms operating assets has a beta of
1. If the firm has a debt ratio (B/V) of 25,
what is its equity beta? (Assume its debt is
riskfree.) Answer 1 0.75 beta(equity) ? beta
equity is 1.33.
Review question Homemade leverage
  • Refer to Example 2 in the lecture notes for
    Chapter 16. On slide 17 we showed that if the
    firm stayed with the original all-equity capital
    structure, investors who preferred the
    alternative with 50 debt financing could
    effectively do this themselves by purchasing
    shares and borrowing. (homemade leverage).
    Suppose instead that the firm does switch to the
    capital structure with 50 debt. Show that
    investors who prefer the original all-equity
    capital structure can effectively do this
  • (i.e. to replicate the cashflows of the
    unlevered firm with levered firm and
    borrowing/lending. homemade unlever a firm)

  • Step 1 Find out the payoffs of the target
  • Unlevered ROE 15, B/S 0
  • Step 2 Find out the payoffs of things on your
  • levered ROE 20, B/S1, bond, r10
  • Step 3 Decide your homemade leverage (or
  • The trick is that your personal portfolios
    leverage leverage of target, in this case 0.
  • If you buy levered equity, you are buying sth.
    with a leverage of 1. To reduce this leverage to
    0 (the target), you need to lend out an amount
    equal to (your implicit) borrowing (your firm is
    borrowing but you are lending so cancel out
    leverage). Solution
  • Buy 1 levered equity, lend 1 to bank, total
    investment 2.
  • Return 1 (20) 1 (10) 0.3,
  • Return 0.3/2 15 unlevered firm.
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