Title: IHY Workshop April 2004 Eberhard M
1Heliospheric Working Group
- Eberhard Möbius (for Gary Zank), Justin Kasper
- Chuck Smith (invitation charge)John
Richardson, Eric Christian, Nancy Crooker, Marcia
Neugebauer, Hans Müller, Joe Giacalone, John
Bieber - Emissaries in Bob Lin, B. C. Low out
John Bieber, Nancy Crooker
- Carry out the Message (and Connect)Heliospheric
Science contributes to wider community (Astronomy
Origins Solar System exploration)Heliospheric
Science is about Exploration (general public) - Understand Our Home System from the Sun to its
Boundary with the Interstellar Medium - Maintain Existing Assets in Space Our Great
Observatory Heliospheric Fleet - Improve Consolidate Global Heliospheric Models
Current plasmaneutrals plasmamagnetic
field - Need all combined
- 3D-Heliosphere at the A- Solar Minimum (1 AU -
VLISM) (3Do) (E.M., C.S., ) Existing
Assets ACE, Voyager (distance and latitude),
Ulysses (fast lat. scanpolar passes), SOHO,
Wind, Cassini, MGS, IMAGE, Archived Data
Pioneers, Galileo, New STEREO, Ground
Observatories Neutron Monitors, - Modeling Multi-fluid Kinetic models,
- 3D-Heliosphere at the A- Solar Minimum (Sun - 2
AU) (3Di) (J.K. Existing
Assets ACE, Ulysses (fast lat. scanpolar
passes), SOHO, Wind, RHESSI, SMEI, MGS Archived
Data Helios, IMP-8, ISEE-3, PVO, New Solar-B
STEREO MESSENGERGround Observatories Low Freq.
Radio Observatories, IPS, Optical Solar
Observatories, µ-DetectorsModeling 3D-MHD,
Potential Field, Kinetic,
- Comparative interplanetary shock study (CS)
(planetary, comet, interplanetary, Termination,
)Assets ACE, Cluster, RHESSI, SOHO, Ulysses,
Voyager, Wind, Archival, Modeling - - Intercalibration of SW observations (SWI)
(J.R.) (consolidate distribution
functions make the data available! Assets
Wind, ACE, SOHO, Ulysses, Voyager, - - Study of the Heliosphere near the Termination
Shock (TS)Assets Voyager, theory, modeling
- - Provide a consistent view of the 3D
heliosphere (modeling from corona to ISM)
(3Di, o) - What is the SW structure as a function of
latitude and distance? (Voyager at higher
latitude and distance function of cycle
difference A and A-) (3Di, o, SWI) -
What is the 3D structure of the magnetic field in
the quiet heliosphere? (3Di, o) - - What are the heliospheric signatures of the
global magnetic field reversal in each 11-year
cycle? (3Di, o) - How does the interstellar gas in the inner
heliosphere change with the solar cycle?
(3Do, i) - - How do the photospheric, coronal, and
interplanetary magnetic fields relate to each
other? (3Di, o)
- - What is the high energy radiation environment
and how does it change over time? (space
weather) (3Do, i) - - What are the connections between GCRs and
climate (3Do) - - What are the causes of GCR modulation?
(3Do) - - What are the changes of the GCR spectrum?
(3Do) - How does interplanetary acceleration change with
solar cycle? (CS, 3Di) - What is the nature of the heliosphere near the
TS? (TS, CS) - What are interplanetary signatures and effects
of reconnection? (mag. f., composition)
(3Di) - What are the properties of shocks? (CS, SWI)
- What is the nature of heliospheric turbulence?
(3Di,o, TS)
8Small widely distributed Observatories
1) Neutron Monitors (make use of all around the
world, fill gaps stability of neutron monitors)
(John B. Cliff L.?) 2) µ-monitors 30
GeV 100k (John B.) 3) Low
Frequency Radio Observatories (also EPO) (Justin
K.) 4) InterPlanetary Scintillation (IPS) 5) Use
of ground observatories for ISM absorption (E.M.
ask Rosine Lallement)1, 2, 3, 4) encourage
other countries to invest in order to get into
front line research assistance with blueprints
and funds for workshops etc. possible3) PI
projects with placing units in other countries
9Education Outreach
- Theme Head above the Atmosphere during the
IGYHead out of our Home System with IHY - IHY Planetarium Show on the Heliosphere Voyager
trip ISM flow through systemSolar System
through varying ISM - Use Radio Observatories for EducationNOT