Chemical digestion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chemical digestion


Title: Chemical digestion Author: Albalancy Family Last modified by: CCCCD Created Date: 10/30/2005 10:22:26 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chemical digestion

Chemical digestion
  • Eat anything good lately?
  • Do you know what happens to all that yummy food
    after it's swallowed?

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Carbohydrate hydrolysis
  • Basic storage molecule of carbohydrate is starch
    amylase and amylopectin.
  • Both can be hydrolyzed by the same enzyme
  • In salivary gland salivary amylase
  • In small intestine pancreatic amylase

Carbohydrate hydrolysis tests
  • Iodine test for starch breakdown
  • Add Lugols iodine (IKI)
  • If starch present purple color
  • If starch absent no reaction
  • Benedicts test for the presence of reducing
    sugars (glucose, maltose and fructose)
  • Reduced sugars presence results in red
  • Small amounts result in green color

Protein hydrolysis
  • Proteins long chains of amino acids
  • The enzyme pepsin secreted by the chief cells in
    the stomach, begins the process of protein
    digestion by breaking the proteins to shorter
  • Most protein digestion occur in the small
    intestine with the help of pancreatic enzymes

Protein hydrolysis tests
  • Biurets solution contains NaOH and copper
  • In the presence of proteins the copper sulfate
    reacts with the peptide bonds and the mixture
    turn to deep violet color
  • No proteins no color

Lipids hydrolysis
  • Primary lipids in the diet are triglycerides.
  • Very small and insignificant amount of lipids are
    digested in the mouth my lingual lipase and in
    the stomach by gastric lipase
  • Fat digestion occur in the small intestine by
    water soluble enzymes.
  • Bile from the liver serve as emulsifier by
    physically separation of lipids to small pieces.
    By that, it increases the surface area of the
    lipids and allow lipase to work
  • Bile salts form aggregations of 20-40 molecules
    micelles in which the hydrophobic units turn
    inside and hydrophilic to the outside
  • The products of lipid hydrolysis are being
    dissolved into the micelles and being carried to
    the brush border of the small intestine

Lipids hydrolysis tests
  • Some of the products of lipids hydrolysis are
    organic acids (fatty acids)
  • These products decrease pH
  • That provide a way to identify lipid digestion

Experiments - carbohydrates
  • p. 613 B. Iodine test for starch breakdown
  • What is the purpose of this test?
  • p. 614 C. Benedicts test
  • What is the purpose of this test?

Experiments - carbohydrates
  • P 614 D. Experiment
  • Tube 1 10 drops of starch 10 drops of water
  • Tube 2 10 drops of starch 10 drops of saliva
  • Place tubes in 370C for 30 min (why?)
  • Take drop from each tube and add iodine.
  • What do you expect will happen?

Experiments - proteins
  • P 615 B. Biurets test
  • What is the purpose of this test?
  • C. Experiment
  • Tube 1 10 drops of protein 10 drops of water
    pH 8 (why?)
  • Tube 2 - 10 drops of protein 10 drops of
  • Place tubes in 370C for 30 min
  • What do you expect will happen?

Experiments - lipids
  • p. 615 B. experiment
  • Tube 1 2 ml cream, 2 ml water (pH 8), bile
    salts, 15 drops of litmus solution (or use litmus
  • Tube 2 - 2 ml cream, 2 ml pancreatin (pH 8), bile
    salts, 15 drops of litmus solution (or use litmus
  • Tube 3 - 2 ml cream, 2 pancreatin, 15 drops of
    litmus solution (or use litmus paper)
  • Place tubes in 370C for 30 min
  • What do you expect will happen?

Lab report
  • Introduction explain shortly the chemical
    digestive processes and where do they occur.
    State the objectives of the experiments
  • Materials and methods describe exactly how did
    you performed the experiments include list of
    solutions and equipment and than describe the
  • Results give detailed results for each
    experiment (use tables to show results)
  • Discussion explain your results and explain how
    does these experiment demonstrate the chemical
    digestion processes
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