Wagon Wheels! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Wagon Wheels!


... the accumulated wisdom of ages, ... Fox and Geese. Dare Base. Drop the Handkerchief. Last Couple Out. Blind Man s Bluff. Dare Base. Ducks Fly/Simon Says. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: geese | wagon | wheels | wisdom


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Wagon Wheels!

Wagon Wheels!
  • Contemporizing LDS Pioneer Technology into Modern
    Day Examples That Students can Understand and
  • By Dr. Aaron Wester, PhD

Spiritual Splash Zone
Encourage students to digitally sit at front of
President Brigham Youngs Counsel
  • In 1862, Brigham Young Stated, Every discovery
    in science and art, that is really true and
    useful to mankind has been given by direct
    revelation from God, though but few acknowledge
    it. It has been given with a view to prepare the
    way for the ultimate triumph of truth, and the
    redemption of the earth from the power of sin and
    Satan. We should take advantage of all these
    great discoveries, the accumulated wisdom of
    ages, and give to our children the benefit of
    every branch of useful knowledge, to prepare them
    to step forward and efficiently do their part in
    the great work.

President David O. McKays Counsel
  • In 1966 President David O. McKay prophesied
    scientific discoveries that stagger the
    imagination would make possible the preaching of
    the gospel to every kindred, tongue, and people.
  • Discoveries latent with such potent power,
    either for the blessing or the destruction of
    human beings, as to make mans responsibility in
    controlling them the most gigantic ever placed in
    human hands. This age is fraught with limitless
    perils, as well as untold possibilities

President Gordon B. Hinckleys Counsel
  • In 1981 Gordon B. Hinckley stated, We are
    confident that as the work of the Lord expands,
    he will inspire men to develop the means whereby
    the membership of the Church, wherever they may
    be, can be counseled in an intimate and personal
    way by his chosen prophet. Communication is the
    sinew that binds the Church as one great family.
    Between those facilities which are now available
    and those which are on the horizon, we shall be
    able to converse one with another according to
    the needs and circumstances of the time

Elder David A. Bednar on Technology
  • We are blessed to live, learn, and serve in this
    most remarkable dispensation. An important aspect
    of the fullness that is available to us in this
    special season is a miraculous progression of
    innovations and inventions that have enabled and
    accelerated the work of salvation from trains to
    telegraphs to radios to automobiles to airplanes
    to telephones to transistors to televisions to
    computers to satellite transmissions to the
    Internetand to an almost endless list of
    technologies and tools that bless our lives. All
    of these advancements are part of the Lord
    hastening His work in the latter days.

Pioneers 1st Broad Reach Social Channel
  • The Saints were somewhat isolated in the Salt
    Lake Valley.
  • Three functions of the Newspaper
  • Local social communication between church/state
    leaders and community
  • Reliable source of news for the community
  • Expansion of Community Voice as communities
    extend further away
  • There was a need to have a connection to what was
    going on in the world other than just word of
  • There was a need for pioneers to have a voice in
    their community and social outlet for sharing
    testimony and connecting to others.
  • First Print of Deseret News with the voice of
    the state of Deseret and the Motto Truth and
    Liberty, was published in 1850.

Social Media Providers Used in 2015
Social Media in the Contemporary LDS Church
Social Media in the Contemporary LDS Church
Social Media in the Contemporary LDS Church
Social Media in the Contemporary LDS Church
Social Media Technology In the Church
  • On August 19, 2014, Elder Bednar stated that
    approximately 40 of all LDS missionaries would
    use digital devices for conversion, retention,
    and activation through social media tools.
  • As of 30 June, 2014, there are 85,728
    missionaries serving, which includes 6,735
    seniors (8), 54,053 elders (63), and 24,950
    sisters (29).
  • Currently 6,500 Missionaries in 30 missions in
    the U.S. and Japan receive specially configured
    iPad Minis for online proselytizing.
  • Church leaders will also implement online
    proselyting in the United States, Canada, Japan,
    and western Europe following a test in those
    areas for more than a year.

Nested Programming Loops in Java
How is such programming used today?
Technology Started with Mormon Pioneers
Designed by Orson Pratt and William Clayton
First used on May 12, 1847 Originally called a
roadometer 60-tooth gear wheel made 1 full
revolution for every 360 rotations of the wagon
wheel (1 mile). Smaller 40-tooth gear wheel made
1 full revolution every 10 miles
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Pioneer Games
Pioneer Games on the Trail
  • Stick Pulling
  • Laundry Relay
  • Three-Legged Race
  • Wheelbarrow Race
  • Dancing to fiddle music
  • Hide and Seek
  • Tag
  • Jump Rope
  • Marbles
  • Fox and Geese
  • Dare Base
  • Drop the Handkerchief
  • Last Couple Out
  • Blind Mans Bluff
  • Dare Base
  • Ducks Fly/Simon Says

Joseph Smiths Favorite Game
Joseph Smith and Young People
Joseph had four fairly distinctive commitments
regarding young people (1) their need for adult
love, respect, and guidance (2) their need for a
healthy balance of work and play (3) their need
for schooling and (4) their need for religious
training. - William G. Hartley
Joseph Smith and Games
  • That Joseph Smith liked to pull sticks, wrestle,
    play baseball, swim, and hunt is generally well
    known. William Allred, who played ball with
    Joseph many times, recalled an instance when
    someone criticized the Prophet for indulging in
    play. To answer the criticism Joseph told a
    parable about a prophet and a hunterclearly
    explaining his own philosophy about the
    relationship of play to work. As the story goes,
    a certain prophet sat under a tree amusing
    himself in some way. Along came a hunter and
    reproved him. The prophet asked the hunter if he
    always kept his hunting bow strung up. Oh no,
    said he.
  • Why not?
  • Because it would lose its elasticity.
  • It is just so with my mind, stated the prophet
    I do not want it strung up all the time. 5

Pioneering the Video Gaming Industry
The Rise of ATARI
Nolan Bushnell raised in Ogden Utah, worked at
Lagoon, attended USU and UofU
ATARI Ataru in Japanese
  • Nolans favorite game was Japans centuries old
    classic, Go.
  • The term Atari is used by Go players to
    politely inform their opponent that they are
    about to be overrun.
  • More specifically, the term comes from ataru
    meaning to hit the target
  • The word Atari is also used in Japanese when a
    prediction comes true or when someone wins a
  • Fun Fact In 1976, Steve Jobs approached Nolan
    with an offer to put in 50,000 stake into Apple
    for 1/3rd ownership of company now worth approx.
    480 Billion. Nolan declined the invitation.

PONG Revolutionizes On-Screen Gaming
Under the Hood
Pong Code for a TI Scientific Calculator
Programming Video Games Today
The Future of Gaming Technologygt Full 360 Degree
Immersion gt The Rift
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Council From the Brethren
  • Elder David A. Bednar stated, "It is no
    coincidence that Family Search and other tools
    have come forth at a time when young people are
    so familiar with a wide range of information and
    communication technologies. Your fingers have
    been trained to text and tweet to accelerate and
    advance the work of the Lord - not just to
    communicate quickly with your friends. The skills
    and aptitude evident among many young people
    today are a preparation to contribute to the work
    of salvation.

Next Wave of LDS Pioneers in Technology
  • 1 million jobs will go unfulfilled in the United
    States in the technology industry this year alone
    because only 1 in 10 schools teach students how
    to program and manage, and work with technology.
  • Over the next 10 years, 1.4 million jobs will be
    available in computer science, however only about
    400,000 college graduates qualify for those jobs
    today. Thats a shortage of a million people!
  • Everybody in this country should learn how to
    program a computer Because it teaches you how to
    think. Steve Jobs

What about Technology and Other Faiths?
  • Seven out of 10 Christian Millennials who fall
    into the age range of 18 to 29 read scriptures on
    a screen.
  • One-third of them say they read their scriptures
    from a mobile device.
  • 54 of them watch online gospel videos
  • one-third of them use online search to learn more
    about their faith from multiple sources.
  • Through the advent of technology, more and more
    individuals are discovering and experiencing a
    new-found relationship with their Lord and
    Savior, Jesus Christ.
  • The opportunities then to contribute as a
    technologist to this movement to enable and
    empower individuals who are search through
    applications and information to answer those
    critical questions of who they are, why they are
    here, and where they are going, are tremendous!

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