Policy%20Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Policy Implementation Does the program work as intended? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Policy%20Implementation

Policy Implementation
  • Does the program work as intended?

What happens after a policy is adopted?
  • Federal or State departments with administrative
    authority for the program design regulations.
  • Draft regulations are submitted for public
  • Regulations may be modified based on public
  • Final regulations are issued (Federal Register
    for federal policies)
  • Money is allocated to the programs that will
    implement the policy.
  • Responsibility for implication could lie with
    federal, state, local government or nonprofit and
    for-profit agencies.
  • For nongovernmental agencies there will be some
    type of grant or contracting process.
  • For all types of agencies, some type of
    monitoring process will be put in place to insure
    compliance with the policy.

Implementation defined
  • Implementation analysis focuses on whether
    policies and procedures have actually been
    implemented in the organization in the manner
    intended by decision-makers.
  • Program implementation is primarily concerned
    with how policies mandated by a source external
    to the organization are actually carried out or
    how the implementation of policies vary across
    different organizations or locations.

Other term used for examining implementation is
program monitoring
  • Program Monitoring involves gathering information
    about how the program is working and who it
  • Program monitoring starts when the program has
    begun to be implemented.. Consequently, it
    differs from outcome evaluations that take place
    after a service outcome is produced. What takes
    place in the program start-up and in the process
    of producing outcomes.
  • One easy method for determining whether a program
    is meeting the needs of clients is through a
    review of information gathered from clients to
    determine eligibility for services..
    Organizations generally gather basic demographic
    information about applicants such as gender, age,
    income, and family size. Information is also
    retained about whether the applicant was found to
    be eligible for service and the disposition of
    the application. If not eligible for service, was
    the applicant referred elsewhere, placed on a
    waiting list or turned away?
  • Case record data allows organizations to look at
    factors such as demand for service and the
    incidence and prevalence of social problems.
    Demand is an indicator of all those people who
    actually try to obtain a service (Burch, 1996).
  • Information is also kept on file about the
    outcomes associated with the actual service
    delivery process. Was the service provided
    successful? The failure of clients to complete
    the program or unsuccessful case outcomes can be
    indicators that the program has not been
    implemented in the manner intended (Chambers, et
    al., 1992
  • Program planners also look at data on current and
    former clients to determine whether the
    organization provides services to all intended
    beneficiaries. The program can conceivably serve
    only a portion of the eligible population,
    exclude some eligible clients, or provide
    services to people who do not fit the eligibility
  • Program coverage is the terms used to describe
    whether members of the programs target
    population actually receive the service (Rossi
    Freeman, 1982). Program bias refers to whether
    the people served by the program are
    demographically representative of the target

Responsibility for Monitoring/evaluation may
  • In the original legislation.
  • In the department responsible for administration
    and oversight (Federal departments have an
    Inspector General for that department).
  • Regular tracking, monitoring, or evaluation
    processes within each agency or department.

Other sources of monitoring
  • Nonprofit advocacy or professional groups.
  • General public or program recipients may make
  • Whistleblowers in the agency
  • Congressional or state legislative committees may
    conduct research or hold hearings about program
    implementation or lack of implementation.

Why might policies not be implemented as intended
  • Lack of funding and other resources (such as
    trained staff).
  • Policy has conflicting goals or policy conflicts
    with goals of other laws or policies for
    example, enforcement of war-related contracting
  • Regulations are confusing or limit access to
  • Executive branch does not support, give priority
    to, or enforce. (example, motor voter laws).
    Administrative staff is resistant or lacks
    ability to comply with policy.
  • Staff are resistant to innovation or lack
  • Policy may not be realistic or does not meet
  • Policy may have unintended side-effects.
  • Policy innovation may be wrong intervention with
    which to address the problem or to serve specific
    groups of clientele.
  • Enforcement mechanism is non-existent may be
    difficult to make changes in administrative
    support or staff.
  • Regional or local variations in how programs are
    operated or maintained.

Literature on Program Implementation specifies 4
primary reasons for implementation problems
  • Component Evaluation. This method of evaluation
    focuses on one particular aspect or parts of a
    program (for example intake services, referrals,
    intervention planning, staff-client interaction,
    or a specific type of intervention that can be
    differentiated from other services).
  • Effort Evaluation. The primary focus of this type
    of evaluation is the amount of activity or work
    that is put into the program and the quality of
    that work. Effort evaluation can simply look at
    the number of qualified staff hired for the
    program, client-staff ratios, and the number of
    clients actually served. It can also examine the
    resources (money, facilities, worker time,
    training modules, etc.) that are devoted to the
  • Treatment Specification. This type of evaluation
    is used to precisely identify the components of
    an intervention and the theory of action used to
    deliver the service and produce outcomes (see
    Chapter 6).
  • Program implementation analysis also looks at the
    degree to which a program has drifted from its
    original intent and program specifications or the
    degree of compliance with the expectations of
    program sponsors or funders. Common
    implementation problems included failing to
    deliver the intended intervention, using the
    wrong intervention to produce the intended
    outcome, or providing the intervention
    inconsistently over time (Chambers et al., 1992).

Reform options for policy advocates (from Jansson)
  • Changing the policy innovation itself (content,
    objectives, funding).
  • Change the activities of oversight organizations,
    regulations, or monitoring processes.
  • Naming different agencies or adding new agencies
    to implement or requiring collaboration among
  • Changing the internal or external implementing
    processes of implementing organizations.
  • Modifying the context
  • Influence the assessments (evaluations) of policy
  • Obtaining additional resources.
  • Place pressure on implementing agencies through
    whistle-blowing, advocacy, political pressure, or
    protests. example, public and media pressure
    around regulation of pesticide use.

Sources of power for challenging policy
  • Political pressure electoral politics/campaign
    donations using existing networks or
    relationships to influence decision-makers.
  • Disseminating information and informing the
    public through the media.
  • Protests and rallies.
  • Commenting on proposed regulations.
  • Policy formulation and lobbying for new
  • Pressuring agencies for compliance with existing
  • Legal remedies such as public records requests
    and lawsuits limits on ability to sue federal
    and state agencies.

Example of Compliance-related Advocacy
  • http//video.google.com/videosearch?qpolicyadvoc
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