Title: How Our World Is Alike and Different
1How Our World Is Alike and Different
2- You are one of a kind.
- There is no one just like you!
- You are unique!
- Because you are unique and
everyone around the globe is unique, we have
diversity in our world!
3- The Overarching Concept of Diversity is the focus
of this unit. - Diversity simply means variety.
4This six weeks you can learn about diversity as
we look at various cultures and traditions found
in other parts of the world. You can use a
computer database called Many Places, Friendly
Faces to help you discover our worlds wonderful
5Where can we find diversity in our world?
During the next few weeks, you can see how
landmarks contribute to diversity because of
their uniqueness and significance.
6You can even be a diversity detective just by
watching the sky!
You can learn that the movement of the Earth
causes us to have unique cycles such as day and
night, seasons, and different types of weather.
That is definitely diversity.
7We hope you can soon discover how we are alike
and different in our world!
8Guiding Questions
- How are cultures around the world alike and
different? - How are landmarks unique and why are they
important? - How does the water cycle cause differences in