The Great Depression - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Great Depression


The Great Depression Students will analyze the cause and effects of the Great Depression and WWII and their impact on the development of the federal government – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Great Depression

The Great Depression
  • Students will analyze the cause and effects of
    the Great Depression and WWII and their impact on
    the development of the federal government

Key Industries in Trouble
  • Key industries- like railroads, textiles, steel
    barely make profit
  • Mining and lumbering- expanded during war no
    longer in high demand
  • Coal- especially hard hit due to availability of
    new energy sources (electricity)
  • Boom industries- automobiles, construction,
    consumer goods, begin to fail
  • Housing market- starts to decline as people can
    not afford new homes
  • Election of 1928- Republican Herbert Hoover is
    elected in a landslide very popular

Causes of the Great Depression
  • Causes
  • 1. Distribution of wealth- Wages had not risen
    with corporate profits. Over 70 of Americans
    were living below the poverty line.
  • 2. Stock Market Speculation- was seen as a get
    rich quick scheme. Millions of Americans pour
    money in expecting to get rich.
  • a. Playing the market- People began
    guessing on stock prices this is called
  • b. Buying on Margin- allowed people to borrow
    for the cost of the stock but only paying 10
    of the price. When the crash occurs people
    cant pay back the money they owe.
  • 3. Credit Abuse- Consumers over extend
    themselves while buying the next new thing,
    credit crisis develops as people cant pay.

Causes contd..
  • 4. Overproduction- Businesses were producing more
    consumer goods then America could purchase, loss
    money led to low wages
  • 5. Farming Collapse- International demand for
    U.S. grain declines after WWI and prices drop by
  • a. Bad Cycle- Farmers boost production to sell
    more prices drop faster
  • b. Collapse- Income from crops declines causing
    farmers to default on loans leading to the
    collapse of rural banks.
  • c. Price-supports bill- government buys surplus
    crops, guarantees prices
  • d. President Hoover- vetoes price-support bill
  • 6. Government policies No regulation of
    business, high tariffs hurt farmers
  • 7. Global economic problems International
    banking created linked markets, Europes
    financial troubles after WWI affected the U.S.

  • Stock Market Crash September of 1929 the market
    peaks and people begin selling everything.
  • 1. Black Thursday Largest amount of selling
    ever, prices plunged, markets closed till
  • 2. October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday Bottom of
    market fell out as people were attempting to sell
    all their stock
  • 3. Margin- people who bought on credit left with
    huge debts, banks call for their money, people
    have little or no money and are wiped out

Great Depression 1929-1939
  • Financial Collapse- economy falls, unemployment
  • Banks Collapse- people panic and withdraw their
    money causing banks over 20 of all banks to
    close wiping out millions of savings accounts
  • Gross National Product (GNP)- the value of all
    goods and services produced by a nation fell in
    half in four years, 104 billion to 50 billion.
  • Unemployment- 25 of all workers go jobless,
    those with jobs get salary and hours cut.

President Hoover Reacts
  • Reaction- believed it was the responsibility of
    the state and local governments to help not the
    federal government.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)- President Hoover
    signs into law the highest tariff rates in
    history against European goods, in response they
    do the same. Nobody can trade and everyone falls
    into greater depression. Unemployment soars.

The Depressions Effects
  • Soup kitchens- offer free or low-cost food
  • Bread lines- people line up for food from
    charities, public agencies. Americans find this
    shameful to stand in lines and reject them.
  • African Americans, Latinos have higher
    unemployment, lower pay
  • Shantytowns- settlements consisting of shacks,
    arise in cities, people dig through garbage, beg
    for food and money

Hoovervilles and Families
  • Hoover was blamed primarily for the depression
  • People who could not pay their mortgage needed
    alternative housing
  • Villages named Hoovervilles
  • Family- some break under the strain of the
  • 1. Men- commit suicide and go into depression,
    use to taking care of the family most cant find
    jobs leave their families.
  • 2. Women- find jobs sewing, maid service,
    resented by their husbands.
  • 3. Children- poorly fed, schools close, poor
    health, teenagers leave home looking for jobs.

Dust Bowl
  • Dust Bowl- area from North Dakota to Texas that
    is hardest hit
  • 1. Farmers- in Great Plains exhaust land
    through overproduction
  • 2. Dust Storms- 1930s, drought, windstorms hit
    soil scattered for hundreds of miles
  • 3. Depression in Rural Areas- most can grow
    their own food but cant pay back loans.
  • 4. Loss of Farms- over 400,000 lose their farms
    and become tenant farmers, some leave and
    migrate to the Pacific Coast

Psychological Effects of the Great Depression
  • 19281932, suicide rate rises over 30
  • Admissions to state mental hospitals triple
  • People give up health care, college, put off
    marriage, children
  • Stigma of poverty doesnt disappear financial
    security becomes goal
  • Many show great kindness to strangers
  • Develop habit of saving and thriftiness

Veterans want their money
  • Bonus March- jobless veterans from WWI want the
    money promised them (1945) now.
  • 1. Patman Bill- called for the payment of
    bonuses, Hoover and the Senate oppose the bill
    and its struck down.
  • 2. March joined- thousands of veterans bring
    their families to the shacks near the capitol.
  • 3. Death- 2 veterans are killed in a fight with
    police, Hoover gets scared and orders them
  • 4. Overreaction- The army uses tear gas and
    tanks on the veterans to drive them out.
  • 5. Public Outcry- Americans are stunned to see
    Hoover as heartless and uncaring if hes willing
    to do this to veterans

  • President Hoover (Republicans)- never fully
    appreciated the problems of the Depression and
    believed it was only a temporary downturn, this
    led many people to resent him.
  • 1. Hoover warning- says a Democratic victory
    will only lead worse economic crisis.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt F.D.R. (Democrats)-
    Governor of New York promises the American people
    a New Deal
  • 1. Repeal Prohibition
  • 2. Aid for the Unemployed
  • 3. Cuts in government spending
  • Results of the Election- Roosevelt wins over 60
    of the vote, Democrats win both houses of

  • Three Rs Relief, Recovery, Reform
  • Relief for people out of work
  • Recovery for business and the economy as a
  • Reform of American economic institutions
  • The only thing we have to fear is fear itself-
  • Bank holiday banks were closed to allow them to
    be reorganized by government
  • Repeal of Prohibition Legalized sale of beer
    and wine, increases tax revenue
  • Fireside chats FDR assured people that banks
    were safe, people put their money back

  • Hundred Days- Roosevelt with Congress pass over
    15 major New Deal laws to help the country.
  • 1. Bank Holiday- Roosevelt orders all banks
    closed until the government can reorganize them
    and make them stable.
  • 2. Repeal of Prohibition- 21st Amendment is
    passed and the tax money is used by Congress to
    provide programs.

Hundred Days contd..
  • Financial RECOVERY-
  • 1. Emergency Banking Relief Act- reopened banks
    that were financially sound, peoples confidence
    restored they deposit money.
  • 2. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    (FDIC)- insures individual bank accounts and
    regulates banking practices
  • 3. Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC)-
    refinancing of small homes to prevent
  • 4. Farm Credit Administration- low interests
    loans to farms in order to prevent foreclosures
  • 5. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)-
    regulates the stock market

  • RELIEF Programs for Unemployed-
  • 1. Federal Emergency Relief Administration-
    offered federal money to state and local
    government run soup kitchens and breadlines
  • 2. Public Works Administration (PWA)- gave
    money to state and local governments to build
    roads, bridges, dams, and other public works.
  • 3. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)- public
    works jobs to employ men

  • 4. Tennessee Valley Authority- hired thousands of
    men into the Tennessee Valley to build dams,
    build electric power plants, control flooding and
    erosion. Sold electricity cheaply to areas that
    previously couldnt afford it.
  • Farm Recovery-
  • 1. Agricultural Adjustment Administration-
    encouraged farmers to produce less to boost
    prices, government will subsidy farmers for
    every acre they dont farm.

Critics of the NEW DEAL,
  • Liberals- felt that the New Deal was doing too
    much to help business and not enough to help the
    poor and unemployed.
  • Conservatives- New Deal was controlling business,
    pro-union and regulations.
  • Deficit Spending- government was spending more
    money than it makes on the New Deal programs
    causing people to get upset.

  • Father Coughlin- popular priest uses radio to
    demand a nationalization of all banks and
    guaranteed income- Catholic Church yanks support
    after he becomes ant-Semitic and Fascist
  • Dr. Francis Townsend- he wants a pension plan for
    the elderly guaranteeing them monthly income.
  • Huey Long- A senator and former governor of
    Louisiana he was immensely popular in his home
  • 1. Share Our Wealth- program that promised a
    minimum annual income of 5k for every American
    family to be paid by taxing the wealthy
  • 2. New Leadership- Long challenges Roosevelt
    for leadership of the Democratic Party by
    announcing his run for the presidency in 1935.
  • 3. Killed- Long is assassinated in 1935 and his
    popularity and ideas die with him

  • Supreme Court- strikes down several New Deal laws
    such as the AAA, NRA as unconstitutional
  • Court-packing bill- Roosevelt proposes that the
    president be allowed to appoint a new justice for
    each member over 70.5.
  • 1. Reaction- Congress and the Press are
    outraged at Roosevelt for trying to tamper with
    the system of checks and balances. (Dictator)
  • 2. Aftermath- most of the older justices were
    retiring by 1937 and he was able to appoint 7
    new justices to support his New Deal laws.

  • Most active first lady in history wrote
    newspaper column, gave speeches, traveled the
  • Served as the presidents social conscience
  • Influenced him to support minorities
  • and the less fortunate
  • United Nations- Universal Declaration
  • of Human Rights
  • Womens Activism League of Women
  • Voters, Womens Democratic News
  • (author), Chair of womens delegation
  • to Democratic National Convention

  • Frances Perkins- Secretary of Labor, is the first
    female cabinet member.
  • 1. FDR- appoints several women but America
    still discriminates against them, hires after
    all men.
  • African-Americans- FDR appoints more than 100
    African Americans to government, Mrs. Roosevelt
    plays key role.
  • 1. Mary McLeod Bethune- appointed to head the
    division of Negro Affairs. Eleanor Roosevelts
    close friend she will organize the Black
    Cabinet during Roosevelts presidency.
  • 2. Marian Anderson- famed African-American
    opera singer she is not allowed to sing in
    Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the
    American Constitution, in Washington D.C.
  • a. Eleanor Roosevelt- resigns from the (DAR)
    and arranges for Anderson to sing on the steps
    of the Lincoln Memorial, heard throughout the
    country on radio.

  • New Deal Coalition- Women, Working Class,
    Minorities, Labor Unions, Middle Class,
    Immigrants, North/South
  • Works Progress Administration (WPA)- creates jobs
    building airports, roads, public buildings
  • Social Security Act Federal insurance program
    based on collection of taxes throughout working
  • Retirees collect monthly over the age of 65
  • Other benefits paid to unemployed, blind,
    disabled, dependent children and their mothers
  • Wagner Act National Labor Relations Act, gave
    workers right to join union and unions right to
    bargain collectively, outlawed unfair labor

I just want to forget my PROBLEMS!!!!
  • Movies- over 65 of the population goes, escape
    from reality shows romance, fun, wealth.
  • 1. Gone with the Wind- the most popular movie
    of the 1930s and all time.
  • 2. Gangster movies, comedies, musicals all very
    popular ways to forget your troubles.
  • Radio- 90 of all households have a radio and are
    the center of all families.
  • 1. Orson Wells- War of the Worlds
  • 2. Dramas and variety shows at night
  • 3. Soap Operas during the day
  • 4. Children shows during after school hours

Artists and the Great Depression
  • Support- great time for artists so to speak,
    federal aid pays for art classes to be taught,
    hire artists and writers
  • 1. Richard Wright- Native Son, about the
    African- American experience
  • 2. John Steinbeck- Grapes of Wrath, about Dust
    Bowl migrants

End of the New Deal
  • 1933-1937 the economy shows signs of life, banks
    are stable, unemployment down to 15,
    corporations are beginning to make money
  • 1. Americans- begin to have hope and see the
    need to end the New Deal programs, so does
  • 2. The end- The New Deal ends in 1939 as
    attention is changed to the aggressive rise of
    Nazi Germany.

Impact of the New Deal
  • Finance and Banking
  • 1. FDIC- protects individual investors
    against bank failures
  • 2. SEC- still monitors the Stock Market
  • Social Security- still provides help for the
    elderly and needy
  • Labor and Unions
  • 1. National Labor Relations Board- still
    mediates problems between unions and companies
  • Environment
  • 1. Tennessee Valley Authority- still provides
  • 2. Soil Conservation- maintain soil to prevent
    another Dust Bowl
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