Title: WRIA 8 Fish in/Fish out Monitoring Summary
1WRIA 8 Fish in/Fish out Monitoring Summary
Presentation to the WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council
Hans B. Berge King County Department of Natural
Resources and Parks Water and Land Resources
17 November 2011
- Chinook listed as threatened under ESA in 1999 in
Puget Sound ESU - Science-based conservation plan for WRIA 8
adopted by NOAA in 2005 - Conservation Plan strongly endorses monitoring
using VSP parameters to identify goals and
objectives, and to measure effectiveness of plan
implementation (this project)
3Viable Salmonid Population(VSP)
- Interdependent parameters for evaluating
- Abundance
- How many fish are there at various life stages?
- Productivity
- Is the population growing?
- Distribution (spatial structure)
- Don't put all your fish in one stream
- Diversity
- How many life history strategies are present?
Measures of genetic diversity
4Monitoring Program VSP Parameters VSP Parameters VSP Parameters VSP Parameters
Monitoring Program Abundance Productivity Distribution Diversity
Spawner Surveys Escapement, Redd counts Estimates of total eggs, Prespawning mortality Relative use of streams and rivers in core, satellite and episodic areas Age structure, Hatchery or Natural origin
Fry/Smolt Trapping Juvenile abundance Egg to smolt survival () Relative comparison of Bear vs. Cedar Fry vs. smolt numbers, migration timing
PIT-Tag Monitoring Migration survival estimates Relative use and importance of migration areas Migration timing to ocean
5- 1.4 M people
- Ocean-type, Fall Chinook threatened in 1999
- 2 Chinook hatcheries (2.5 M per year)
- Mass marking began in 1999 (gt95)
- Land use includes urban, ag, rural res, forest
- Timing and Abundance
- Biological characteristics
- Productivity
- Diversity
7Timing and Abundance
- Live counts 1x per week in all streams with
Chinook - Live and Dead counts
- Carcass sampling
- Redd Identification and location (2-3x per week)
- Analysis
- Area-under-the-curve (AUC)
- Redd counts (2.5 fish/redd) to reduce error
- Redd density (GPS location)
8Live Counts
9Presence of Hatchery Fish on Spawning Grounds
Photos from NMT website http//www.nmt-inc.com
10Length, Age, and Pre-Spawn Mortality (egg
- Potential egg deposition (redds x fecundity)
- based on age information
- Migrants (scoop and rotary screw traps at mouth
of Cedar River and Bear Creek) - PIT Tagging at screw trap and interrogated at
Locks - Returning adults (unmarked component of
appropriate age)
16Pre-Spawning Mortality
- Marked females have a higher incidence of PSM in
each basin (chi sq Plt.001) - 7.7 vs. 22.2 of marked females
17CWT Results
- Hatchery strays from
- Kitsap Peninsula (Gorst Ck, Grovers Ck)
- Cowlitz River Hatchery
- Tulalip Bay
- University of Washington
- Issaquah Creek (majority)
- Elliott Bay Net pen releases
- Soos Creek
- What does it mean?
- Survival from life stage to life stage
- Full life cycle survival (redd to redd)
- Population replacement (redd to redd ratio gt1.0)
19Juvenile Survival Cedar River
Jan-April small fry (45mm) migration with later
(May-June) larger parr (60-100mm) migration
20Juvenile Survival Bear Creek
21Cedar River Redd to Redd
Recovery plan goal
- Improved knowledge of species
- Monitoring data used to focus actions in the plan
- Auditing of restoration projects
- Rearing capacity limiting in the Cedar River for
smolt production - Pooling resources across jurisdictions for shared
benefits - In-kind contributions increasing each year for
projects - Collaboration and training with the Cedar River
Naturalists, SalmonWatchers, Water Tenders, and
Salmon Seeson - Raising awareness in the public by providing
accurate information - Observation of in season problems for salmon
- Blockages/beaver dams, fish kills, etc.
- Interaction and educational opportunities with
private property owners - Removing pumps from streams, landscaping, agency
contact information
23Importance for Stakeholders
- Chinook life history requires consistent
long-term annual monitoring to understand status
and trends in population dynamics in order to
compare to goals for recovery - Predictive relationships between fish in and fish
out data will help devise possible future
management actions - Understanding how projects relate to productivity
is essential for de-listing species
- WRIA 8 Technical Committee and Salmon Recovery
Council - Spawning ground surveyors mix of State, County,
and Tribal staff - Karl Burton, SPU, redd surveys in the Cedar River
- John Sneva et. al, WDFW, for aging scales
- City of Redmond, Boeing, Blockbuster Video for
help with - Screw trap access and power
Funding provided by the King Conservation