Title: NATS 101 :
1NATS 101 The World We Create
Remember, Project 3 Dues this Tuesday!
2Todays Goals
- Give you an opportunity to
- Assess what you have learned,
- Reinforce central concept and ideas
- Be better prepared to complete Project 3.
3Has anyone noticed the flow?
4How about this flow?
5Where are we now?
- Chemical Synthesis
- Polymers
- Properties Transformations
- Impact
- Societal Environmental
What do these concepts have in common? Lets
organize our ideas!
6Build a Concept Map
Work with your partners to complete the map
(take 15-20 minutes) Fill in the concept map
with linking phrases and add directionality to
your connections. The upper portion of the map
relates to the first part of Unit 3, and lower
portion of the map relates to the second part of
Unit 3
Note You should use this to guide your thinking
for the next activity, so make sure you are
drawing valid connections
9Question Generation
- You will work in groups to come up with questions
for the game - Groups will focus on different parts of the
concept map to generate questions
10Question Generation
- Your group should generate at least 5 quality
questions per group of 2 or 3
(5 minutes)
11Question Generation
- These groups will convene to quiz each other with
their questions - Your questions must be answerable
(5-10 minutes)
12Question Generation
- Give your TAs your questions
13Question Generation
- Your TAs will quiz the other subgroup with the
generated questions - Take this time to understand the content
(15-20 minutes)
Note TAs make sure to switch subgroups when
asking questions and to give back their questions
when finished
14Lets Play a Game!
- Choose a spokesperson for your group
- ?
- Spokespeople
- Three teams participate at a time and the game
will cycle through all 9 teams (starting with A,
B, and C) - The team with the highest score wins 5 extra
points on HW 9
- When we ask the intro question, the first
spokesperson to raise their marker and answer
correctly gets a point and control
- For the team in control, the spokesperson that
answered it correctly will ask one of their
questions to the team of their choice, that team
will have a specified time to answer it
- If the team gets the question wrong, the team
that asked the question will have the opportunity
to get a point, if they can answer their own
question correctly
19Before We Begin
20First Three Teams
- A, B, C
- Ready your spokespeople
21Question 1a A, B, C
- In which of the following processes has a
chemical reaction occurred? - Burning a candle
- Adding linseed oil to CoCO3
- Freezing water
- None of the Above
22Answer 1a A, B, C
- Burning a candle
- A chemical reaction is occurring because the
cotton wick is absorbing the wax fuel, which is
burned off creating CO2 and H2O (combustion
23Question 1b A, B, C
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
24Question 2a A, B, C
- Which of the following materials is made of or
contains polymer molecules? - Ethylene
- Glass
- Milk
- Steel
25Answer 2a A, B, C
- C) Milk
- The main protein in milk (casein) is a polymer.
26Question 2b A, B, C
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
27Next Three Teams
- D, E, F
- Ready your spokespeople
28Question 3a D, E, F
- Which of the following is objects is most likely
made of branched polymers? - Bullet Proof Vest
- Plastic Bag
- Goodyear Tire
- None of the Above
29Answer 3a D, E, F
- B) Plastic Bag
- Branching polymers are typically soft, low
density, and very flexible (plastic bags share
all of these characteristics).
30Question 3b D, E, F
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
31Question 4a D, E, F
- Which of the following is a polymer of
controversy? - Glycogen
- Cellulose
- Polycarbonate
- None of the Above
32Answer 4a D, E, F
- C) Polycarbonate
- One of the monomers in this copolymer is
Bisphenol A. There are some concerns that this
substance has effects on the brain, behavior, and
prostate gland in fetuses, infants, and children.
33Question 4b D, E, F
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
34Next Three Teams
- G, H, I
- Ready your spokespeople
35Question 5a G, H, I
- Which of the following is not a chemical
reaction? - Cars rusting
- Spilling bleach on jeans
- Baking a cake
- Glass shattering
36Answer 5a G, H, I
- D) Glass Shattering
- As glass shatters there is no change to the
molecular structure - Shards of glass are just smaller pieces of the
same material
37Question 5b G, H, I
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
38Question 6a G, H, I
- Which of the following polymers has a branched
structure? - A) B)
C) -
D) None
of -
the above
39Answer 6a G, H, I
- D) None of the above
- Which is which?
40Question 6b G, H, I
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
41First Three Teams Again
- A, B, C
- Ready your spokespeople
42Question 7a A, B, C
- If you wanted to make Polyvicentene, what would
be the best steps to follow? - Synthesis, Manufacturing, Production
- Combustion, Precipitate, Design
- Design, Synthesis, Processing
- Put your left foot in, Shake it all about
43Answer 7a A, B, C
- C) Design, Synthesis, Processing
- First, we must design our experiment, taking into
consideration the objectives and limitations - Next, we synthesize the product, through chemical
reactions, for maximum yield - Lastly, we process our product, through
additional steps, for consumer use
44Question 7b A, B, C
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
45Question 8a A, B, C
- Out of the following, identify the Displacement
Reaction? - MN PQ ? MN PN
- None of the above
46Answer 8a A, B, C
- C) MN PQ ? MQ PN
- In a displacement reaction, the reactants switch
partners, based on their charge
47Question 8b A, B, C
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
48Next Three Teams Again
- D, E, F
- Ready your spokespeople
49Question 9a D, E, F
- When we vulcanize a polymer, what are we doing on
the microscopic level? - Soften the material, by adding a plasticizer
- Adding Cross-Links
- Combine with another monomer to create a
copolymer - The polymer lives long and prospers
50Answer 9a D, E, F
- B) Adding Cross-Links
- Vulcanization is the process by which rubber is
strengthened through the formation of covalent
51Question 9b D, E, F
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
52Question 10a D, E, F
- What are some consequences of the Pacific Garbage
Patch? - Death of wildlife
- Climate change
- Destroying natural habitats
- All of the above
- Both A and C
53Answer 10a D, E, F
- E) Death of wildlife and destruction of
their habitats - Synthetic polymers, of our design, are ending up
in the Pacific Ocean, due to wind and current
patterns. Wildlife ingest the plastic, thinking
its food, which ends up blocking/destroying
their digestive system, killing them.
54Question 10b D, E, F
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
55Next Three Teams
- G, H, I
- Ready your spokespeople
56Question 11a G, H, I
- Where do the majority of plastics end up?
- A) Recycling factories, the ocean, and power
plants - B) Landfills, recycling factories, and the
ocean - C) Landfills, space, and the ocean
- D) Rivers, the ground, and the atmosphere.
57Answer 11a G, H, I
- B) Landfills, recycling factories, and the ocean
- We read in our case studies the negative effects
when plastics end up in any of these places.
58Question 11b G, H, I
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
59Question 12a G, H, I
- Which monomer is a major building block in your
body? - A) Glucose
- B) Ethylene
- C) Ammonia
- D) Water
60Answer 12a G, H, I
- A) Glucose
- Nature transforms this monomer into many types of
organic polymers that are essential for life,
such as chitin, glycogen, starch, and cellulose
61Question 12b G, H, I
- Winning team, ask your question to the team of
your choice.
62And the Winner is?