Acute Pericarditis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Acute Pericarditis


Acute Pericarditis Yrd.Do . Dr. Olcay ZVEREN – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Acute Pericarditis

Acute Pericarditis
  • Yrd.Doç. Dr. Olcay ÖZVEREN

Pericardial physiology includes 3 main functions.
  • First, through its mechanical function, the
    pericardium promotes cardiac efficiency by
    limiting acute dilation, maintaining ventricular
    compliance with preservation of the Starling
    curve, and distributing hydrostatic forces. The
    pericardium also creates a closed chamber with
    subatmospheric pressure that aids atrial filling
    and lowers transmural cardiac pressures.
  • Second, through its membranous function, the
    pericardium shields the heart by reducing
    external friction and acting as a barrier against
    extension of infection and malignancy.
  • Third, through its ligamentous function, the
    pericardium anatomically fixes the heart.

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  • Chest pain is the cardinal symptom.
  • The quality of the pain may be sharp, dull,
    aching, burning, or pressing.
  • Intensity varies from barely perceptible to
  • Pain is usually precordial with referral to the
    trapezius ridge.
  • It is worse during inspiration, when lying flat,
    or during swallowing and with body motion

  • A pericardial friction rub is pathognomonic for
    acute pericarditis. 
  • The rub has a scratching, grating sound similar
    to leather rubbing against leather.
  • Auscultation with the diaphragm of the
    stethoscope over the left lower sternal edge
    allows the best detection of the rub.
  • Auscultation during end expiration with the
    patient sitting up and leaning forward increases
    the likelihood of observing this physical
  • Serial examinations may be necessary for
  • More than 50 of rubs are triphasic. They are
    composed of (1) an atrial systolic rub that
    precedes S1, (2) a ventricular systolic rub
    between S1 and S2 and coincident with the peak
    carotid pulse, and (3) an early diastolic rub
    after S2 (usually the faintest).
  • The biphasic to-and-fro rub is less common (24).
    It can occur with tachycardia and is due to
    summation of the atrial and early diastolic rub.
  • Monophasic rubs (the ventricular systolic) are
    the least common but may occur in patients with
    atrial fibrillation.
  • Especially when it is monophasic, the pericardial
    friction rub can be mistaken for a systolic
    murmur. Pericardial rubs may be differentiated if
    the rub does not change with usual respiratory or
    positional maneuvers, if 3 components are
    present, and if the findings on the ECG are

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Cardiac Tamponad
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  • 3 phases of hemodynamic changes in tamponade.1
  • Phase I The accumulation of pericardial fluid
    causes increased stiffness of the ventricle,
    requiring a higher filling pressure. During this
    phase, the left and right ventricular filling
    pressures are higher than the intrapericardial
  • Phase II With further fluid accumulation, the
    pericardial pressure increases above the
    ventricular filling pressure, resulting in
    reduced cardiac output.
  • Phase III A further decrease in cardiac output
    occurs, which is due to equilibration of
    pericardial and left ventricular (LV) filling

  • Rapid accumulation of pericardial fluid may cause
    elevated intrapericardial pressures with as
    little as 80 mL of fluid, while slowly
    progressing effusions can grow to 2 L without

  • Infectious
  • viral.
  • Pyogenic
  • Tuberculous
  • Fungal (histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis,
  • Other infections (syphilitic, protozoal,
  • Neoplasia
  • Postoperative/postprocedural
  • Uremia
  • Myxedema
  • Severe pulmonary hypertension
  • Radiation therapy
  • Acute myocardial infarction,
  • Aortic dissection,
  • Trauma
  • Familial Mediterranean fever
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus 
  • Drug-associated (eg, procainamide, hydralazine,
    isoniazid, minoxidil, phenytoin, anticoagulants,

Physical findings
  • The Beck triad or acute compression triad
  • Described in 1935, this complex of physical
    findings refers to
  • increased jugular venous pressure,
  • hypotension,
  • and diminished heart sounds.

  • Normal inspirasyon esnasinda sistemik arteryel
    basinçta 5-8 mmHglik düsüs normaldir.
  • Kalp tamponadinda sistolik arter basinci normal
    inspirasyonda 10 mmHg veya daha fazla düser, buna
    Pulsus Paradoksus denir ve tamponad için önemli
    bir bulgudur.
  • Pulsus paradoksusun nabiz bulgusu olarak
    algilanabilmesi için ekspiryum-inspiryum
    arasindaki sistolik basinç farkinin 20 mmHgnin
    üzerinde olmasi gerekmektedir. Bu durumlarda
    hastanin abdomeni izlenir, inspirasyon ile
    abdomen yükseldigi anda radiyal nabiz zayiflar
    veya kaybolur.
  • Pulsus paradoksus invaziv arteryel
    monitörizasyonla veya noninvaziv olarak
    degerlendirilebilir. Noninvaziv olarak tansiyon
    aletinin mansonu sistolik kan basincinin 15 mmHg
    üzerine kadar sisirilir, sonra sistolik seslerin
    ilk olarak duyuldugu noktaya kadar mansonun
    havasi yavas yavas indirilir. Daha sonra tüm
    atimlar devamli olarak duyuluncaya kadar
    indirmeye devam edilir. Ilk sistolik seslerin
    kesintili olarak duyuldugu nokta ile korotkoff
    seslerin devamli olarak duyuldugu nokta
    arasindaki fark pulsus paradoksusun büyüklügünü
  • Pulsus paradoksusun nedeni kalp tamponadinda
    inspirasyonda bir miktar azalan intraperikardiyal
    basinç, sag ventrikülün diyastol diyastol basinda
    hizla dolmasina izin verir ve bu dolusla iyice
    artan sag ventrikül diyastolik basinci
    interventriküler septumu sol ventriküle dogru
    iter. Septumun sola dogru kaymasiyla küçülen sol
    ventrikül kavitesinin diyastolik dolusu azalir.
    Buna inspirasyon sirasinda artan pulmoner venöz
    göllenme eklenir ve sonuçta sol ventrikül atim
    volümü, dolayisiyla sistolik kan basinci daha da
    düserek pulsus paradoksus meydana gelir.

  • Kalp tamponadinda venöz dönüsün ve kalp dolusunun
    engellenmesi boyun ven dolgunlugunun ileri
    derecede artmasina ve ven pulsasyonlarinda
    belirgin degisikliklere neden olur.

  • Normalde kalbe olan venöz dönüs, boyun venlerinin
    ventrikül sistolüne rastlayan X çöküntüsü ve
    atriyumlarin bosalmalarina rastlayan Y inisi
    süresince olur. Kalp tamponadinda ventrikül
    volümü hizli ejeksiyon esnasinda hizla küçüldügü
    için intraperikardiyal basinç ve sag atriyum
    basinci da hizla düser ve bunun sonucunda X
    çöküntüsü belirgin olur. Intraperikardiyal basinç
    yüksekligi nedeniyle ventrikül diyastolü tam
    olmadigi ve tüm diyastol boyunca kompresyon
    oldugu için Y inisi yavaslar, hatta kaybolur.

  • Elektrokardiyografi (EKG) normal olmakla birlikte
    siklikla nonspesifik degisiklikler özellikle de
    ST-T dalga degisiklikleri bulunur.
  • Kalbin perikard sivisi içerisinde yüzmesine bagli
    olarak QRS kompleksinde nadiren de P ve/veya T
    dalgasini da kapsayacak sekilde üç veya dört
    atimda bir voltaj degisikligi izlenir ve bu durum
    elektriki alternans olarak adlandirilir.
  • Hem P hem de QRS komplekslerinde elektriki
    alternans izlenmesi tamponad için spesifiktir.
  • QRS voltajinda azalma izlenir.

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Pericardial efusion Early diastolic collapse of
the right ventricular free wall Late diastolic
compression/collapse of the right atrium Ivc
pleathore Swinging heart A greater than 40
relative inspiratory augmentation of right-side
flow A greater than 25 relative decrease in
inspiratory flow across the mitral valve
  • All patients should receive the following
  • Oxygen
  • Volume expansion with blood, plasma, dextran, or
    isotonic sodium chloride solution, as necessary
    to maintain adequate intravascular volume
    Sagrista-Saauleda et al noted significant
    increase in cardiac output after volume
  • Bed rest with leg elevation This may help
    increase venous return.
  • Inotropic drugs (eg, dobutamine) These can be
    useful because they do not increase systemic
    vascular resistance while increasing cardiac

  • Positive-pressure mechanical ventilation should
    be avoided because it may decrease venous return
    and aggravate signs and symptoms of tamponade

  • Removal of pericardial fluid is the definitive
    therapy for tamponade and can be done by the
    following 3 methods.
  • Emergency subxiphoid percutaneous drainage This
    is a life-saving bedside procedure. The
    subxiphoid approach is extrapleural hence, it is
    the safest for blind pericardiocentesis. A 16- or
    18-gauge needle is inserted at an angle of 30-45
    to the skin, near the left xiphocostal angle,
    aiming towards the left shoulder. When performed
    emergently, this procedure is associated with a
    reported mortality rate of approximately 4 and a
    complication rate of 17.
  • Echocardiographically guided pericardiocentesis
    (often performed in the cardiac catheterization
    laboratory) This is usually performed from the
    left intercostal space. First, mark the site of
    entry based on the area of maximal fluid
    accumulation closest to the transducer. Then,
    measure the distance from the skin to the
    pericardial space. The angle of the transducer
    should be the trajectory of the needle during the
    procedure. Avoid the inferior rib margin while
    advancing the needle to prevent neurovascular
    injury. Leave a 16-gauge catheter in place for
    continuous drainage.
  • Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy This can be
    performed using an approach similar to that for
    echo-guided pericardiocentesis, in which the
    balloon is used to create a pericardial window

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  • Surgical creation of a pericardial window This
    involves the surgical opening of a communication
    between the pericardial space and the
    intrapleural space. This is usually a
    subxiphoidian approach with resection of xiphoid.
    Recently, a left paraxiphoidian approach with
    preservation of xiphoid has been described. Open
    thoracotomy and/or pericardiotomy3 may be
    required in some cases, and these should be
    performed by an experienced surgeon.
  • Pericardiocentesis or sclerosing the pericardium
    This is a therapeutic option for patients with
    recurrent pericardial effusion or tamponade.
    Through the intrapericardial catheter,
    corticosteroids, tetracycline, or antineoplastic
    drugs (eg, anthracyclines, bleomycin) can be
    instilled into the pericardial space.
  • Pericardio-peritoneal shunt In some patients
    with malignant pericardial effusions, creation of
    a pericardio-peritoneal shunt helps prevent
    recurrent tamponade.
  • Pericardiectomy Resection of the pericardium
    (pericardiectomy) through a median sternotomy or
    left thoracotomy is rarely required to prevent
    recurrent pericardial effusion and tamponade.

Constrictive Pericarditis
  • The normal pericardium is composed of 2
    layers the tough fibrous parietal pericardium
    and the smooth visceral pericardium. Usually,
    approximately 50 mL of fluid (plasma
    ultrafiltrate) is present in the intrapericardial
    space to minimize friction during cardiac motion.
  • Acute and subacute forms of pericarditis (which
    may or may not be symptomatic) may deposit
    fibrin, which may, in turn, evoke a pericardial
    effusion. This often leads to pericardial
    organization, chronic fibrotic scarring, and
    calcification, most often involving the parietal

  • This thickened fibrotic pericardium, regardless
    of cause, impedes normal late diastolic filling,
    distinguishing constrictive from restrictive
    pericarditis. Since the myocardium is unaffected,
    early ventricular filling during the first third
    of diastole is unimpeded, but afterwards, the
    stiff pericardium affects flow and
    hemodynamics. In other words, the ventricular
    pressure decreases rapidly early (producing a
    steep y descent on right atrial pressure waveform
    tracings) and then increases abruptly to a level
    that is sustained until systole ("dip-and-plateau
    waveform" or "square root sign" seen on right or
    left ventricular pressure waveform tracings).
  • The clinical symptoms and classic hemodynamic
    findings can be explained by early rapid
    diastolic filling and elevation and equalization
    of the diastolic pressures in all of the cardiac
    chambers restricting late diastolic filling,
    leading to venous engorgement and decreased
    cardiac output, all secondary to a confining

Physical findings
  • Constrictive pericarditis presents with a myriad
    of symptoms, making a diagnosis based solely on
    clinical history virtually impossible.
    Additionally, these symptoms may develop slowly
    over a number of years such that patients may not
    be aware of all of their symptoms until
  • Dyspnea tends to be the most common presenting
    symptom and occurs in virtually all
    patients. Fatigue and orthopnea are common.
  • Lower-extremity edema and abdominal swelling and
    discomfort are other common symptoms. Nausea,
    vomiting, and right upper quadrant pain, if
    present, are thought to be due to hepatic
    congestion, bowel congestion, or both.
  • The initial history may be more compatible with
    liver disease (cryptogenic cirrhosis) than with
    pericardial constriction because of the
    predominance of findings related to the venous
  • Chest pain, presumably due to active
    inflammation, may be present, although this is
    observed in a minority of patients.

  • muscle wasting, cachexia, or jaundice.
  • pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, or ascites.
  • Elevated jugular venous pressures
  • Sinus tachycardia
  • The apical impulse is often impalpable, and the
    patient may have distant or muffled heart sounds.
  • A pericardial knock, which corresponds with the
    sudden cessation of ventricular filling early in
    diastole, occurs in approximately half the cases
    and may be mistaken for an S3 gallop. However, a
    knock is of higher frequency than an S3 and
    occurs slightly earlier in diastole
  • The Kussmaul sign (ie, elevation of systemic
    venous pressures with inspiration) is a common
    nonspecific finding, but this sign is also
    observed in patients with right ventricular
    failure, restrictive cardiomyopathy, right
    ventricular infarction, and tricuspid stenosis,
    although, importantly, not in patients with
    cardiac tamponade.

  • Idiopathic
  • Infectious (tbc.bacterial . viral )
  • Radiation-induced
  • Postsurgical
  • Neoplasms
  • Uremia.
  • Connective tissue disorders
  • Drug-induced Procainamide and hydralazine
    Methysergide therapy
  • Trauma

  • The level of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), a
    cardiac hormone released in response to increased
    ventricular wall stretch, is often mildly
    increased in constrictive pericarditis (usually
    lt150 ng/L). BNP levels are generally higher in
    restrictive cardiomyopathy (diagnostic if gt650
    ng/L) and may be useful in differentiating these
    disorders .

Pericardial thickening of more than 4 mm assists
in differentiating constrictive disease from
restrictive cardiomyopathy, and a Thickening of
more than 6 mm adds even more specificity for
  • an early diastolic septal notch or "septal bounce
  • evidence of right-sided pressure overload such as
    atrial septal shifting to the left with
    inspiration or dilated inferior and superior vena
    cavae and hepatic veins
  • Respiratory variation is usually greater in
    constriction than in restriction (probably
    because of the normal intraventricular septum),
    usually with over 25 changes. With restriction,
    often the E/A ratio is more than 2, the
    deceleration time is less than 150 ms, and the
    relaxation time is less than 60 ms.
    Unfortunately, when such Doppler findings are not
    present, the diagnostic reliability decreases. If
    a concomitant pericardial effusion is present, it
    may account for some respiratory variation .
  • Tissue Doppler echocardiography, measures the
    actual endocardial and epicardial tissue
    velocities. Since myocardial relaxation itself is
    preserved in pure constrictive pericarditis, the
    early relaxation myocardial velocity (Ea, also
    known as Em) is normal, whereas it is abnormal
    with restriction (when intrinsic myocardial
    disease is present). For example, given that a
    normal Ea is more than 10 cm/s, a near-normal (gt8
    cm/s) Ea supports constriction, whereas a much
    lower Ea supports restriction.16 The newer method
    of speckle tracking of B-mode images measures
    cardiac longitudinal and circumferential
    deformation. Patients with constrictive
    pericarditis were found to have constrained
    circumferential deformation rather than the
    longitudinal constraint found in patients with
    restrictive cardiomyopathy

Right heart catheterization
  • Elevated left and right ventricular diastolic
    pressures equalized within 5 mm Hg
  • Right ventricular systolic pressure less than 55
    mm Hg
  • Mean right arterial pressure greater than 15 mm
  • Right ventricular end-diastolic pressure greater
    than one third of the right ventricular systolic
    pressure (narrow pulse pressure)

Right atrial pressure tracing showing marked y
descents in constrictive pericarditis.
  • medical considerations are as follows
  • Subacute constrictive pericarditis may respond to
    steroids if treated before pericardial fibrosis
  • Diuretics are commonly used to relieve congestion
    if ventricular filling pressures are clinically
    elevated. However, this may decrease cardiac
    output and requires careful monitoring.
  • Any therapy directed toward the causative disease
    is appropriate, such as antituberculosis
  • Complications, such as atrial arrhythmias,
    require their own therapy as needed.
  • In general, beta-blockers and calcium channel
    blockers should be avoided because the sinus
    tachycardia that commonly occurs in constrictive
    pericarditis is compensatory in nature,
    maintaining cardiac output in a setting of fixed
    stroke volume (secondary to fixed diastolic

Complete pericardectomy
  • Results are generally better if the procedure is
    performed earlier in the course, when less
    calcification is present and when the chance of
    abnormal myocardium or advanced heart failure is
  • Some judgment is required because patients who
    are asymptomatic (NYHA class I) or who have early
    NYHA stage II symptoms may be clinically stable
    for years.
  • The published surgical mortality rates range from
  • Even though the symptoms following a
    pericardiectomy are commonly improved, evidence
    of abnormal diastolic filling (which can be
    correlated with clinical status) often remains.
    Only 60 of patients have complete normalization
    of cardiac hemodynamics
  • Cardiac mortality and morbidity seems to be
    related to presurgical myocardial atrophy or
    fibrosis, which can be detected using CT.
    Excluding these patients keeps the mortality rate
    at the lower end of the range (5).
  • Postoperative low cardiac output can be treated
    in the usual fashion, including vasoactive
    pressors and intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), if

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