QUIZ TIME - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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quiz time get a responder – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



The Jeffersonian Republic1800 - 1812
The Revolution of 1800
  • Adams was on his way out, but he caused much
    turmoil before he left office
  • Federalists need to pay for a new navy
  • Created a House Tax 1798 tax on
    all homes by size and windows
  • 1799
  • Friess Rebellion (Hot Water Rebellion)
  • Argued tax was not in proportion to population
  • Led a band of 60 men in rebellion
  • Arrested and sentenced to treason
  • Adams pardons him

  • Unfortunately it loses
  • them public support
  • Hamilton, a Federalist, penned a tirade against
  • Jefferson's political machine attacked Adams
    from all angles
  • The Election
  • Each elector can vote for 2 candidates
  • The Vice President was the person who received
    the second most votes
  • But
  • Jefferson and his running mate Aaron Burr each
    received 73 electoral votes resulting in a tie!

  • Hamilton throws his support behind Jefferson (He
    hated Burr more!!)
  • the House had to decide a tie in the electoral
  • (this was changed by the 12th Amendment Each
    elect.college member voted for President and Vice
    President separately)
  • This allows Jefferson to become President.
  • And ultimately to Hamiltons death by the hand of
    Aaron Burr in a duel!

  • March 4, 1801
  • Thomas Jefferson is the first
    President inaugurated in the new
    capital city of Washington D.C.
  • His Inaugural address outlines essential
    principles of government.
  • equal and exact justice to all men
  • peace, commerce, and honest friendship
    with all nations
  • the support of state governments
  • the preservation of general government
  • punishment for those who choose
    to revolt
  • compliance with the
    decisions of the majority

Change is goodSomewhat!
  • Before Adams left office
  • The Midnight Judges!
  • - Appointed judges to the Supreme Court
  • Chief Justice John Marshall
  • (1801-1835)
  • Not a supporter of states rights.
  • There was no defined role for the Supreme Court
    or its leader

Judicial Review
  • When an Act of Congress violates a Constitutional
    principal ??
  • The right of the court to review statutes and
    interpret the meaning of the Constitution.
    (Supremacy Clause)
  • If the court must decide a case, then it must be
    able to decide what law applies
  • The Court has a Constitutional duty to review
    cases against the ideas of the
  • He strengthens the power of the Supreme Court

The Louisiana Purchase
  • The GREATEST real estate deal in history
  • Louisiana was seceded to the France by Spain
  • -Jefferson wants to acquire New
  • Napoleon needs money to fight a war with England
  • He offers the entire region, 828,000 square
    miles, for the paltry sum of
  • 15 million
  • (Thats .04 an acre!!)

(No Transcript)
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • The greatest exploration of America
  • Jefferson sends Meriwether Lewis and William
  • And the Corps of Discovery
  • to find a water route to the Pacific
  • -also to establish trading posts with the Indians
    of the territory
  • Exploration took 28 months, cost 2500,
    and covered 8000 miles
    and had 33 members

(No Transcript)
The Barbary Wars!
  • May 1801
  • Arabs operating of the Barbary coast of North
    Africa, mainly Tripoli.
  • Attacked and raided American and European ships
    for years.
  • Jefferson refused to make immediate payment of
    225,000 and the annual payment of 25,000. (paid
    by Adams)
  • On the 20th Jefferson sent the first naval fleet
    to the area.

  • Helps forge American views of Islamic culture
  • The Philadelphia runs aground in the Tripoli
    Harbor and its crew and captain are captured
  • The USS Constitution is sent to attack Tripoli
    (pirate base)
  • Sept 1804 The final battle
  • June 1805 The leader of Tripoli is replaced and
    a new treaty is signed
  • - US prisoners released

The Barbary States of Africa
The Embargo Act!
  • The military had been cut by more than
  • American shipping caught between warring nations
    of France and England
  • To keep Americans safe
  • The Embargo Act
  • -Cripples the economy
  • -Creates a huge black market
  • -Furthers Sectionalism
  • Non-Intercourse Act 1809 repeals this!
  • Snapping TurtleEmbargo Act
  • -stepping on trade agreements
  • biting US Merchants so they dont trade
    with England

  • Unexpected Consequences
  • N. Eng. was forced to become self-sufficient
    again old factories reopened.
  • Laid the groundwork for US industrial power.
  • Jefferson, a critic of an industrial America,
    ironically contributed to Hamiltons view of the

James Madison (1808 1816)
  • Defers much power to others The War hawks
    desire for war against old enemies
    (England France)
  • America declares war
  • June, 1812 against England
  • Unfortunately, America was not ready
  • -underfunded
  • -undermanned
  • Our invasion of Canada is a failure!

Tecumseh and the Indians
  • Indians see this a perfect time to
  • fight for Indian survival in NWT
  • Battle of Tippecanoe 1811
  • Indiana governor -Henry Harrison
  • defeats Tecumseh and his brother
  • The Prophet Tenskwatawa
  • Tippecanoe and Tyler too!
  • 1840 election slogan!

  • Map Skills
  • Reading an Election Map Reading an election map
    carefully yields additional information about
    voting patterns and political alignments. Using
    the map of the Presidential Election of 1800 (p.
    226), answer the following questions.
  • 1. How many electoral votes did Adams get from
    the five New England states?
  • 2. Which was the only state north of Virginia
    that went completely for Jefferson?
  • 3. How many electoral votes were there in the
    three states that divided between Adams and
  • 4. The text records the final electoral vote as
    73 for Jefferson to 65 for Adams and notes that
    Jefferson carried New York only by a very slender
    margin. If Adams had carried New York, what
    would the electoral result have been?
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