Title: Scaffolds
- OSHA Subpart L
- 1926.450-454
2Subpart L - Scaffolds(1926.450 - 454)
- Scaffolds above 10 ft. - Fall protection
Scaffold access
Aerial lifts - Body belt and lanyard
Scaffold platform construction
Training for employees using scaffolds
Most Frequently Cited FY 2004
3Subpart L - Scaffolds(1926.450 - 454)
- Scaffolds above 10 ft. - Fall protection
Scaffold access
Scaffold working levels - Planked or decked
Standard - 1926.
Aerial lifts - Body belt and lanyard
Training for employees using scaffolds
4Subpart LScaffolds(1926.450 - 454)
- Scaffolds above 10 ft. - Fall protection
Scaffold access
Aerial lifts - Body belt and lanyard
Scaffold working levels - Planked or decked
Training for employees using scaffolds
Most Frequently Cited FY 2003
- About 65 of construction workers work on
scaffolds frequently - There are many scaffold-related accidents each
year - 4,500 injuries
- 50 deaths
- 90 million in lost workdays
- In a recent BLS study, 72 of injuries were
attributed to - Planking or support giving way, or
- Slipping or being struck by a falling object.
- 10 foot trigger height for fall protection on
scaffolds. - 38 inch minimum guardrail height where guardrail
is primary fall protection. - 36 inch minimum guardrail height where fall
arrest systems are primary fall protection. - A competent person determines feasibility of
providing fall protection for built-up scaffold
erectors and dismantlers. - Crossbracing may be used as a guardrail, under
certain conditions, in lieu of either a midrail
or a toprail.
- 450 Scope, Application Definitions
- 451 General Requirements
- 452 Additional Requirements
- 453 Aerial Lifts
- 454 Training requirements
- Scope, Application
- Definitions
9450 Scope, Application Definitions
- (a) Scope Application
- Subpart applies, except for
- Crane/derrick suspended personnel platforms
- Aerial lifts criteria, which are exclusively at
10450 Scope, Application Definitions
- (b) Definitions
13451 General Requirements
(This section does not apply to aerial lifts)
- (a) Capacity
- Each scaffold component must be able to
support 4 x max. intended load, with some
exceptions - (1) Fall Protection - see 1926.451(g)
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15451 General Requirements
- (a) Capacity
- (2) Direct connections to roofs/floors,
- counterweights that balance adjustable
suspension scaffolds - Must be able to resist the tipping moment imposed
by the scaffold in operation, at whichever rate
is greater - 4 x Rated Load of Hoist
- 1.5 (min.) x Stall Load of Hoist
16451 General Requirements
- (a) Capacity
- (3)(4) Suspension Ropes ( hardware)
- 6 x max. intended load of rope
- For adjustable suspension scaffolds, intended
load is based on scaffold operating at greater
of - Rated Load
- 2 (min.) x Stall Load
- (5) Hoist Stall Load
- Max. 3 x Rated Load
17451 General Requirements
- (a) Capacity
- (6) Design Construction
- (See Appendix A for examples/criteria)
- Designed by qualified person
- Constructed loaded accordingly
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
19451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (1) Gaps
- Full planking/decking between front uprights
guardrail supports - Max. 1 space between units unless demonstrable
need - (Then max. 9 ½ decked as fully as possible)
- Exceptions
- Platforms used solely as walkways
- Platforms used solely during erection/dismantling
of scaffolds
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21451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (2) Minimum Widths
- 18 Most scaffold platforms walkways
- 12 Certain scaffold types ladder jack, top
plate bracket, roof bracket, pump jack - 0 Boatswains chairs
- Exception for demonstrable need, and then
- As wide as feasible
- Fall protection provided
22451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (3) Min. Distance from workface
- Greater distances require fall protection
- 3 Outrigger scaffolds
- 14 - Generally
- 18 Plastering lathing
23451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (4)(5) End Extension
- Min. 0 - If restrained (with cleats/hooks/equiv.
) - Min. 6 - Generally (beyond centerline of
support) - Max. 12 - Platforms lt10 long
- Max. 18 - Platforms gt10 long
- Unless designed installed with guardrails or
sufficient cantilever
24451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (6)(7) Platform Lengthening
- Abutting requires support surface for both ends
- Overlapping may occur only over supports
- Min. 12 overlap unless restrained (such as by
25451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (8) Platform angles
- Where platform changes direction
- (such as turning a corner)
- Lay first any platform that rests on a bearer at
an angle other than a right angle - Lay on top any platform resting at a right angle
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27451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (9) Wood Finishes
- No opaque finishes on platforms
- Except ID markings on edges
- Coatings may not obscure top/bottom wood
finishes. Examples - Wood preservatives
- Fire-retardant finishes
- Slip-resistant finishes
28451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (9) Multiple Manufacturers
- Components may only be intermixed if
- They fit together without force and
- Structural integrity is maintained
- Components may only be modified if
- A Competent Person determines structural soundness
29451 General Requirements
- (b) Scaffold Platform Construction
- (10) Dissimilar Metals
- Components may only be used together if
- A Competent Person determines safe levels of
galvanic action
- (c) Criteria for Supported Scaffolds
31451 General Requirements
- (c) Criteria for Supported Scaffolds
- (1) Tipping Restraint
- Height to base width ratio gt 41 requires
bracing with guys, ties, braces /or outriggers - At locations which support inner outer legs,
scaffold ends, horizontal intervals, and any
eccentric loads or cantilevered work platforms - Per manufacturer recommendations or per code
Need some bracing? Were your guys!
32451 General Requirements
- (c) Criteria for Supported Scaffolds
- (2) Firm Foundations
- Footings must be level, sound, rigid able to
support the loaded scaffold without settling or
displacement - No unstable objects as platforms or supports
- No equipment (such as front end loaders) may be
used as support, unless specifically designed to
do so
33451 General Requirements
- (c) Criteria for Supported Scaffolds
- (3) Stability
- Poles, legs, posts, frames uprights must be
- Plumb
- Braced to prevent swaying displacement
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- (d) Criteria for Suspension Scaffolds
37451 General Requirements
- (d) Criteria for Suspension Scaffolds
- (1) Support Surface
- All suspension support devices must rest on
surfaces able to support the load imposed by the
scaffold in operation, at whichever rate is
greater - 4 x Rated Load of Hoist
- 1.5 (min.) x Stall Load of Hoist
38451 General Requirements
- (d) Criteria for Suspension Scaffolds
- (3) Stabilization
- Inboard ends of outrigger beams must be
stabilized by - Bolts or other direct connections to the floor or
roof deck - Counterweights (not allowed for masons
multi-point adjustable types)
39451 General Requirements
- (d) Criteria for Suspension Scaffolds
- (3) Stabilization
- Inboard ends of outrigger beams must be
stabilized by - Bolts or other direct connections to the floor or
roof deck - Counterweights (not allowed for masons
multi-point adjustable types) - Of non-flowable material (e.g., not sand, gravel,
etc.) - Secured to beam by mechanical means and not
removed until the scaffold is disassembled
41451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (451(e)(9) covers access requirements during
erection dismantling) - (1) Types
- When scaffold platforms are gt2 above/below a
point of access - Use appropriate ladders, stairs, ramps, walkways,
etc. - Do not use crossbracing as a means of access
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43451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (2) Hook-on attachable ladders
- Positioning must not tip scaffold
- Bottom rung lt 24 above scaffold supporting level
- Rest platforms at max. 35 vertical intervals, if
used that high - Min. rung length 11½
- Max. rung spacing 16¾ (uniformly spaced)
44451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (3) Stairway-type ladders
- Bottom rung lt 24 above scaffold supporting level
- Rest platforms at max. 12 vertical intervals
- Min. step width
- 16
- 11½ for those on mobile scaffolds
- Slip-resistant treads on all steps landings
45451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (4) Stairtowers (scaffold stairway/towers)
- Bottom step min. lt24 high
- Stairrail on each side w/toprail midrail
- Toprail/handrail provided, with adequate handhold
- Surfaced to prevent injury
- No projection hazard
- Min. 3 clearance
- 28-37 high (measured at facing edge of riser)
46451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (4) Stairtowers
- Landing platform
- Min. 18 x18 provided at each level
- Stairway
- Min. 18 wide
- Slip-resistant treads landings
- 40-60o angle
- Guardrails on open sides ends of landings
- Uniform riser height (within ¼)
- Except for top/bottom steps of entire system
- Uniform tread depth (within ¼) for each flight
47451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (5) Ramps walkways
- Guardrail systems required above 6
- Max. 13 slope (20o from horizontal)
- If gt 18 slope, planks must be cleated
- Max. 14 apart
- Securely fastened
48451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (6) Integral prefabricated scaffold access frames
- Must be specifically designed constructed for
use as ladder rungs - Min. rung length 8
- If rung length is less than 11½, may not be used
as a work platform without fall protection - Rest platforms at max. 35 vertical intervals
- Max. rung spacing 16¾
- May be non-uniform if caused by joining end
frames together
49451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (7) Alignment
- Ladder/stairway access must line up vertically
between rest platforms - (8) Direct access
- Max. distance for direct access between scaffold
another surface - 14 horizontally
- 24 vertically
50451 General Requirements
- (e) Access
- (9) Erecting/dismantling
- Safe means of access
- Where feasible does not create greater hazard
- As determined by Competent Person
- Based on site conditions type of scaffolding
- Cross bracing on tubular welded frame scaffolds
may not be used for access/egress - Ladders installed ASAP
- Hook-on or attachable ladders installed as soon
as safe to do so
52451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (1)(16) Loading
- Do not exceed greater of
- Max. intended load
- Max. rated capacities
- Platforms shall not deflect more than 1/60 of the
span when loaded
53451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (2) Shore or lean-to scaffolds
- These may not be used
- (3) Inspections
- By competent person
- Before each work shift
- After any event possibly affecting structural
54451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (4) Damage
- Impairment by damage/weakening requires
- Repair
- Replacement or
- Removal
- (5) Horizontal movement
- Forbidden while employees are on scaffold, unless
- Specifically designed to do so by registered
professional engineer - The scaffold is a properly operated mobile type
55451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (6) Power lines
- Scaffolds must be protected from energized power
lines, by - Distance (see chart) or
- Properly deenergizing, relocating or protectively
coating the lines
56451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (7) Competent person
- Scaffolds may only be erected, moved, dismantled
or altered under the supervision or direction of
a competent person
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58451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (8) Slippery conditions
- No working on scaffolds covered with snow, ice,
etc., except to remove them - (9) Control of swinging loads
- Hoisted swinging loads that might contact
scaffolds must be controlled by tag lines or
59451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (10)(11) Suspension ropes
- Must be of sufficient diameter for brake hoist
mechanisms to function - Must be shielded from heat-producing processes
- Must be resistant to acids corrosive substances
used on a scaffold, or protectively
60451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (12) Storms/winds
- Scaffold work during storms/winds is prohibited,
unless - Competent person determines it is safe and
- Employees are sufficiently protected by
- Personal fall arrest systems or
- Wind screens
61451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (13) Debris
- No accumulation on platforms
62451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (14)(15) Adding height
- Makeshift devices (boxes, barrels, etc.) may not
be used to increase height of working level - Ladders may only be used on large area scaffolds
under these criteria - Secured against any sideways thrust
- Platform units secured to scaffold
- Stabilization against unequal platform deflection
(e.g. ladder legs on same platform) - Ladder legs secured
63451 General Requirements
- (f) Use
- (17) Welding
- Precautions must be taken against arcing of
welding current through suspension wire rope,
such as - Insulation
- Grounding
- Temporary shut-off of welding machine
65451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- 451(g)(2) covers fall protection requirements
during erection dismantling. - Subpart M covers fall protection requirements
for installation of scaffold support systems on
floors, roofs, and other elevated surfaces
66451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (1) Per type of scaffold
- (i) Boatswains chair, catenary scaffold, float
scaffold, needle beam scaffold, or ladder jack
scaffold - Personal fall arrest system
- (ii) Single-point or two-point adjustable
suspension scaffold - Personal fall arrest system and
- Guardrail system
67451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (1) Per type of scaffold
- (iii) Crawling board (chicken ladder)
- Personal fall arrest system
- Guardrail system (gt200 lb. toprail capacity) or
- Securely fastened handrails (¾ grabline/equiv.)
- (iv) Self-contained adjustable scaffold
- Guardrail system (gt200 lb. toprail capacity) and
- Personal fall arrest system (if platform is
supported by ropes instead of frame structure)
68451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (1) Per type of scaffold
- (v) Walkway (located within a scaffold)
- Guardrail system (gt200 lb. toprail capacity)
- Within 9½ of walkway
- Along at least one side
- (vi) Supported scaffold bricklaying
- At all open sides/ends of scaffold
(non-bricklaying) - Personal fall arrest system or
- Guardrail system (gt200 lb. toprail capacity)
69451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (1) Per type of scaffold
- (vii) Supported scaffold general
- At all open sides/ends of scaffold
(non-bricklaying) - Personal fall arrest system or
- Guardrail systems per paragraph (g)(4) upcoming
70451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (2) Erection/dismantling
- Competent person must determine fall protection
feasibility safety - Employer must provide fall protection where
installation and use not a greater hazard
71451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (3) Lanyards Lifelines
- Requirements in addition to 1926.502(d)
- Personal fall arrest systems on scaffolds must be
attached by lanyard to - Vertical lifeline
- Horizontal lifeline or
- Scaffold structural member
72451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (3) Lanyards Lifelines
- (i)(iv) Vertical Lifelines
- Prohibited when overhead components are part of a
single-point or two-point adjustable suspension
scaffold - Fastened to a fixed safe point of anchorage
- Independent of scaffold
- Protected from sharp edges abrasion
73451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (3) Lanyards Lifelines
- (i)(iv) Vertical Lifelines (contd)
- Vertical lifelines, independent support lines
suspensions ropes, may not be attached to - Each other
- The same point of anchorage
- The same point on the scaffold or personal fall
arrest system
74451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (3) Lanyards Lifelines
- (ii) Horizontal lifelines
- Must be attached
- Secured to 2 or more structural members of
scaffold, or - Looped around both suspension independent
suspension lines (on scaffolds so equipped) above
the hoist brake attached to the end of the
scaffold, but not - Attached only to suspension ropes
75451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (3) Lanyards Lifelines
- (iii) Lanyards
- When connected to horizontal lifelines or
structural members on a single-point or two-point
adjustable suspension scaffold - Scaffold must have additional independent support
lines automatic locking devices capable of
stopping scaffold fall if suspension rope(s) fail - Independent support lines must be equal to
suspension ropes in number strength
76451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (See also Appendix A specifications)
- (i) Installation
- Must be installed along all open sides ends of
platforms (except during erection/dismantling)
77451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (ii)(viii) Top edge height
- Limits
- 38-45 - Post-2000 supported scaffolds
- 36-45 - Pre-2000 supported scaffolds
- 45 - When conditions warrant system
- meets remaining criteria
- When load-tested in a downward direction, top
edge may not drop below minimum limit
78451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (iii)-(vi),(ix),(xv) Sides
- Must be installed between the top edge
platform. - Usual types are midrails, screens, mesh,
intermediate vertical members, solid panels
equiv. - Crossbracing is acceptable as a midrail when
- The crossing point of two braces is 20-30 above
the work platform and - The end points at each upright are no more than
48 apart -
79451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (iii)-(vi),(ix) Sides
- Placement
- Midrails at approx. mid-height
- Screens mesh along entire opening between
supports - Intermediate members at lt19 spacing
- Must resist specific outward/downward forces
- 75lbs. Systems with 100 lb. toprail
capacity - 150 lbs. Systems with 200 lb. toprail capacity
80451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (vii) Toprails
- Able to withstand downward/outward force
- 100 lbs. Single-point or two-point adjustable
- suspension scaffolds
- 200 lbs. Guardrail systems on other scaffolds
81451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (viii) Toprails
- Crossbracing is acceptable as a toprail when
- The crossing point of 2 braces is 38-48 above
the work platform and - The end points at each upright are no more than
48 apart
82451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (x) Ends
- Suspension scaffold hoists non-walk-through
stirrups may be used as end guardrails, if the
space between them and the side guardrail or
structure does not allow passage of an employee
to the end of the scaffold
83451 General Requirements
- (g) Fall Protection
- (4) Guardrail systems
- (x)-(xiv) Characteristics
- Surfaced to prevent injuries/snagging
- No projection hazards from rail ends
- No steel or plastic banding as toprail or midrail
- Manila or plastic/synthetic rope used for
toprails or midrails must be inspected as
necessary for strength, by a competent person
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- (h) Falling Object Protection
86451 General Requirements
- (h) Falling Object Protection
- (1) Elements
- General
- Hard hats
- Small objects
- Catch/deflect small objects with toeboards,
screens, guardrail systems, debris nets, catch
platforms - Large objects
- Place large, heavy or massive objects away from
high edges
87451 General Requirements
- (h) Falling Object Protection
- (2) Provisions
- (i) Hazard area below must be barricaded
restricted - (ii) Toeboards are required for sufficient
protective distances along the edge of platforms
higher than 10
88451 General Requirements
- (h) Falling Object Protection
- (2) Provisions
- (iii)-(v) Where tools, materials, or equipment
are piled higher than toeboard - Paneling/screening for sufficient distance or
- Guardrail system with openings sufficiently small
or - Canopy structure, debris net or catch platform of
sufficient strength
89451 General Requirements
- (h) Falling Object Protection
- (3) Canopies
- Positioned between falling object hazard
employees - When used on suspension scaffolds
- Additional independent support lines
- Equal in number to points supported
- Equal in strength to suspension ropes
- Independent support lines suspension ropes must
not be attached to the same anchorage points
90451 General Requirements
- (h) Falling Object Protection
- (4) Toeboards
- Able to withstand downward/outward force of 50
lbs. - Min. height 3½
- Max. clearance ¼
- Securely fastened at platform edge
- Solid, with max. 1 openings
92452 Additional Requirements
- The following requirements supplement those of
1926.451, apply to these specific types of
scaffolds - (a) Pole scaffolds
- (b) Tube coupler scaffolds
- (c) Fabricated frame scaffolds
- (d) Plasterers, decorators large area
scaffolds - (e) Bricklayers square scaffolds (squares)
- (f) Horse scaffolds
- (g) Form scaffolds carpenters bracket
scaffolds - (h) Roof bracket scaffolds
93452 Additional Requirements
- (i) Outrigger scaffolds
- (j) Pump jack scaffolds
- (k) Ladder jack scaffolds
- (l) Window jack scaffolds
- (m) Crawling boards (chicken ladders)
- (n) Step, platform, trestle ladder scaffolds
- (o) Single-point adjustable suspension scaffolds
- (p) Two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds
(swing stages) - (q) Multi-point adjustable suspension scaffolds,
stonesetters multi-point adjustable suspension
scaffolds, masons multi-point adjustable
suspension scaffolds
94452 Additional Requirements
- (r) Catenary scaffolds
- (s) Float (ship) scaffolds
- (t) Interior hung scaffolds
- (u) Needle beam scaffolds
- (v) Multi-level suspended scaffolds
- (w) Mobile scaffolds
- (x) Repair bracket scaffolds
- (y) Stilts
95452 Additional Requirements
- (y) Stilts
- Use is allowed only on a large area scaffold
whose - Guardrail system is increased an equivalent
height - Surface level is flat, free of tripping
falling hazards (such as pits, holes,
obstructions, debris) - Stilts must be properly maintained
- Any alteration must be approved by the
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99454 Training Requirements
- (a) Training for affected workers
- Basic requirements
- Provided for each affected employee
- Conducted by person qualified to understand
hazards how to control or minimize them
100454 Training Requirements
- (a) Training for affected workers
- Content
- (1) Electrical, fall falling object hazards
- (2) Procedures for
- Dealing with electrical hazards
- Erecting, maintaining disassembling fall
protection systems falling object protection
systems being used - Proper use of scaffold proper handling of
materials on the scaffold - Other pertinent scaffolding requirements
101454 Training Requirements
- (b) Training for scaffold workers
- (Those involved in erecting, disassembling,
moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or
inspecting scaffolds) - Training
- In recognition of hazards associated with the
specific work - Conducted by person competent to recognize
102454 Training Requirements
- (b) Training for scaffold workers
- Content
- (1) Nature of scaffold hazards
- (2) Correct procedures for specific work
- (3) Scaffold specifics
- Design criteria
- Maximum intended load-carrying capacity
- Intended use
- (4) Other pertinent scaffolding requirements
103454 Training Requirements
- (c) Retraining
- Circumstances which may require retraining
include - Changes in the workplace
- Changes in types of systems or equipment used
- Inadequacies in an affected employees work or
104Test Your Knowledge
- In most cases, what is the max. amount of open
space allowed in planking/decking?
- With proper support, platforms may be lengthened
by abutting (planks) and ?
- May scaffold platform components be modified?
- Only if a competent person verifies structural
- May scaffold work continue under snowy/icy
- Only for the removal of the snow and ice