Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time


Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time Oded Goldreich Weizmann Institute of Science Joint work with Artur Czumaj, Dana Ron, C. Seshadhri, Asaf Shapira, and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time

Finding Cycles and Trees in Sublinear Time
  • Oded Goldreich
  • Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Joint work with Artur Czumaj, Dana Ron, C.
    Seshadhri, Asaf Shapira, and Christian Sohler

Preliminaries (boring, but needed)
  • Consider algorithms in the bounded-degree graph
    model(for a fixed degree bound, d)
  • The algorithms use queries of the form (v,i)
    (where i?d) that are answered with the ith
    neighbor of v.
  • Distances are measured as fractions of the
    maximum possible number of edges (i.e.,
    dN/2). For simplicity, far being ?(1)-far.
    (The results extend to the case that the
    algorithm is given a proximity parameter ?, but
    then the complexity depends on ?.)

cycle simple cycle
Our results at a glance take 1 (naïve)
In the bounded-degree graph model cycle simple
THM 1 An Õ(N1/2)-time algorithm for finding
(small) cycles in N-vertex graphs that are far
from being cycle-free. THM 2 For every fixed
kgt3, an Õ(N1/2)-time algorithm for finding
(small) cycles of length at least k in N-vertex
graphs that are far from lacking cycles of such
length. Optimality No o(N1/2)-query algorithm
can find such cycles. THM 3 For every fixed
kgt1, an O(1)-time algorithm for finding trees
with at least k leaves in graphs that are far
from lacking such trees.
small polylog(N)-size
Our results at a glance take 2 (minors)
In the bounded-degree graph model cycle simple
cycle Ck k-vertex cycle
Def A graph G has an H-minor if H can be
obtained from G by vertex and edge removal and
edge contraction.
THM 1 An Õ(N1/2)-time algorithm for finding
(small) C3-minors in N-vertex graphs that are
far from being C3-minor free. THM 2 For every
fixed kgt3, an Õ(N1/2)-time algorithm for finding
(small) Ck-minors in N-vertex graphs that are far
from being Ck-minor free. Optimality For any H
that contains a cycle, no o(N1/2)-query algorithm
can find H-minors in a N-vertex graphs that is
far from being H-minor free. THM 3 For every
fixed kgt1, an O(1)-time algorithm for finding
Tk-minors in graphs that are far from Tkminor
free, where Tk denotes the k-vertex star. THM 4
For any cycle-free H, an O(1)-time algorithm for
finding H-minors in graphs that are far from
Hminor free.
Dichotomy H with/w.o. cycles.
Property Testing One-sided versus two-sided error
(Aux. slide)
Specialized to testing graph properties (in the
bounded degree model)
  • A (two-sided error) tester is a probabilistic
    oracle machine T that is given input n
    (vertices) and oracle access to a n-vertex graph
    G and satisfies
  • If G has the property, then ProbTG(n)1 2/3
    (1 for one-sided error).
  • If G is far from having the property, then
    ProbTG(n)1 1/3.
  • The definition extend to the case that the tester
    is also given a proximity parameter ? (and
    input), and then far e-far.

One-sided error testing and finding structures
Observation When a one-sided error tester for a
property ? rejects a graph G, it must be the case
that the subgraph viewed by the tester is
inconsistent with any graph in ?. In some cases,
this subgraph has a natural appeal. E.g., if ?
is being bipartite, then the subgraph must be a
non-bipartite graph if ? is being H-minor free,
then the subgraph must be an H-minor. Thus, all
our results can be stated in terms of results
regarding one-sided error testers (see next
slide). Recall that two-sided error testers of
O(1)-time are known for H-minor freeness (cf.
BSS vastly extending GR).N.B. These testers
do not yield algorithms for finding minors.
Dichotomy one/two-sided error.
Our results at a glance take 3
In the bounded-degree graph model cycle simple
cycle Ck k-vertex cycle
Def A graph G has an H-minor if H can be
obtained from G by vertex and edge removal and
edge contraction.
THM 1 An Õ(N1/2)-time one-sided error tester
for C3-minor freeness (a.k.a cycle-freeness). THM
2 For every fixed kgt3, an Õ(N1/2)-time
one-sided error tester for Ck-minor
freeness. Optimality For any H that contains a
cycle, no o(N1/2)-query one-sided error tester
for H-minor freeness. Yet, an O(1)-time
two-sided error tester exists (cf. BSS)! THM 4
For any cycle-free H, an O(1)-time one-sided
error tester for Hminor freeness.
Techniques testing cycle-freeness
In the bounded-degree graph model cycle simple
THM 1 An Õ(N1/2)-time one-sided error tester for
The two-sided error tester just compares the of
edges to the of cc.
Idea randomly reduce testing cycle-freeness to
testing bipartiteness, by replacing each edge
witha 2-path w.p. ½ (and leaving it intact
otherwise). A cycle-free graph is always mapped
to a bipartite graph, whereas each cycle is
mapped with probability ½ to an odd cycle. CLM
A graph that is ?-far from being cycle-free is
mapped, w.v.h.p, to a graph that is ?(?)-far from
being bipartite. Details Local implementation
of the reduction. Operations of the
bipartite-tester are emulated via queries to the
original graph.
Techniques testing Ck-minor freeness
  • Two triangles sharing an edge contain a cycle of
    length four.
  • A C4-minor free graph is a tree of triangles
    and edges.

In the bounded-degree graph model cycle simple
cycle Ck k-vertex cycle
THM 2 An Õ(N1/2)-time one-sided error tester for
Ck-minor freeness.
Idea (deterministically) reduce testing Ck-minor
freeness to testing cycle-freeness, by replacing
cycles of length lt k with adequate gadgets.
E.g., for k4, replace each triangle by a
3-star. A C4-minor free graph is always mapped to
a cycle-free graph, whereas any C4-minor is
mapped to a cycle. CLM A graph that is ?-far
from being C4-minor free is mapped to a graph
that is ?(?)-far from being cycle-free. Details
Local implementation of the reduction. Operations
of the bipartite-tester are emulated via queries
to the original graph.
(See next slide)
Testing C4-minor freeness (via a reduction)
Replacing triangles by 3-stars
(Aux. slide)
The reduction replaces red edges by blue edges.
(Black edges remain intact.)
  • Two triangles sharing an edge contain a cycle
    of length four. They are replaced by edges
    that contain a 4-cycle.
  • A C4-minor free graph is a tree of triangles
    and edges. These triangles disappear (in
    replacement) and the tree remains.

Techniques testing Tk-minor freeness
In the bounded-degree graph model Tk the
k-vertex star
THM 3 An poly(k/?)-time one-sided error tester
for Tk-minor freeness.
The tester performs a BFS from a randomly chosen
start vertex till either encountering k vertices
in a layer or visiting 4k/? layers. Accept iff
the explored subgraph is Tk-minor free. Call a
vertex v bad if it is contained in a set S such
that the subgraph induced by S contains a
Tk-minor and has radius at most 4k/? from v.
Observe that if the graph has few bad vertices,
then it is close to being Tk-minor free (by
isolating all bad vertices and omitting the edges
that separate each 4k/?-depth BFS from the rest
of the graph).
A few open problems
  • Main Sublinear-time one-sided error tester of
    H-minor freeness for every fixed H.Recall we
    only handle cycles and trees (actually forests).
  • For sake of curiosity Deterministic (local)
    reduction of testing cycle-freeness to testing
    bipartiteness? Recall Our reduction was
  • One-sided error tester of sublinear-time for
    Ck-minor freeness also for d gt sqrt(n)? Our
    tester (via reduction) has a hidden poly(dk)
  • One-sided error tester of query complexity
    poly(k/e) for Pk-minor freeness (i.e., absence
    of k-paths).There is an obvious exp(k)/e-time

The End
  • The slides of this talk are available at
  • The paper itself is available at
  • http//
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