Title: Clouds and radiation in a LSM
1Clouds and radiation in a LSM
2Stratocumulus cloud albedo example
homogeneous stratocumulus cloud layer
cloud layer depth 400 m effective cloud
droplet radius 10 mm optical depth t 25
3Real clouds are inhomogeneous
Stratocumulus albedo from satellite
4Albedo for an inhomogeneous cloud layer
inhomogeneous stratocumulus cloud layer
Redistribute liquid water optical depths t
5 and 45
5Cloud albedo in a weather forecast or climate
Decrease optical thickness Cahalan et al (1994)
c 0.7 (FIRE I observations)
6Factor c depends on the optical depth variance
7Analytical results for the inhomogeneity factor
cAssumption Gaussian optical depth distribution
c isolines
c not smaller than 0.8
8Scattering and absorption
scattering cross section ssca
absorption cross section sa effective area of
the molecule for removing energy from the
incident beam
absorption cross section sa