Our Core Values - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Our Core Values


Our Core Values Warrant Officer Kobleur, USNSCC 06 NOV 04 Agenda Review of USNSCC policies on: Fraternization Sexual Harassment Hazing Discussion of our Core Values ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Our Core Values

Our Core Values
  • Warrant Officer Kobleur, USNSCC
  • 06 NOV 04

  • Review of USNSCC policies on
  • Fraternization
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Hazing
  • Discussion of our Core Values
  • Courage
  • Physical
  • Moral
  • Honor
  • Integrity
  • Responsibility
  • Leadership
  • Commitment
  • Competence

The Sailors Creed
  • I am a United States Sailor.
  • I will support and defend the Constitution of the
    United States of America and I will obey the
    orders of those appointed over me.
  • I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and
    those who have gone before me to defend freedom
    and democracy around the world.
  • I proudly serve my countrys Navy combat team
    with honor, courage and commitment.
  • I am committed to excellence and the fair
    treatment of all.

What does fraternization mean to you?
  • No person in the Navy is to enter a personal
    relationship that is unduly familiar, does not
    respect differences in rank, and is prejudicial
    to good order and discipline.
  • US Navy Regulations, Article 1165
  • So what is it?
  • Calling others by first name while on duty.
  • Calling others by only last name while on duty if
    different in rank.
  • Allowing a personal relationship to influence
    behavior or action while on duty.
  • Favoritism.

Questions on Fraternization?
Sexual Harassment
What does sexual harassment mean to you?
NSCC policy on sexual harassment in any form is
zero tolerance. USNSCC Regulations, Chapter 9,
Sections 0933.0-0933.5
  • So what is it?
  • A form of sex discrimination
  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Requests for sexual favors
  • Other verbal or physical contact that is sexual
    in nature
  • Cause for administrative punishment, or
    separation (USNSCC)
  • Cause for punishment, separation, or other action
    under UCMJ (DoD active duty/reservists)

When is it sexual harassment?
  • Sexual harassment occurs when
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is
    made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or
    condition of a persons job, pay, or career, or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a
    person is used as a basis for career or
    employment decisions affecting that person, or
  • Such conduct interferes with an individuals
    performance or creates an intimidating, hostile,
    or offensive environment.
  • For a persons behavior to be considered sexual
    harassment, it must meet three (3) criteria
  • 1. Be unwelcome
  • 2. Be sexual in nature
  • 3. Occur in or impact on the work environment

What to do?
  • Talk about concerns or objections directly with
    person exhibiting the behavior
  • Tell them to stop, that it is inappropriate and
  • If behavior continues, immediately notify chain
    of command
  • ALL allegations are investigated
  • Resolved at lowest possible level
  • Confidentiality maintained to extent possible
  • Do NOT bypass chain of command (unless next
    senior is the offender)

Questions on Sexual Harassment?
What does hazing mean to you?
No person shall be subjected to oppression by
one of higher rank. USNCC Regulations, Chapter
9, Article 0922.2
  • So what is it?
  • Different from ceremonies, initiations, rites
    of passage
  • Often impromptu, unsupervised
  • False perception of right to subject another to
    personal abuse
  • Degrading to a persons character
  • May contain sexual overtones
  • Potential for bodily harm exists
  • Intended to isolate or exclude
  • Subjects a person to ridicule or embarrassment
  • Undermines morale and esprit de corps
  • Unacceptable, not tolerated, grounds for
    separation or action under UCMJ (active duty

Questions on Hazing?
Policy on False Accusations
  • Filing false accusations is just as serious as
    the relevant offense
  • Those who knowingly submit false accusations are
    subject to same discipline as those who commit
    the actual offense

What does courage mean to you?
  • Bravery is the capacity to perform properly
    even when scared half to death.
  • General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, USA

All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the
one who lets his fear overcome his sense of
duty. General George S. Patton, jr., USA
Moral courage simply means you do what you think
is right without bothering too much about the
effect on yourself. Field Marshall Sir William
Slim, British Army
  • So what is it?
  • The ability to put fear aside and accomplish the
  • Moral courage is doing the right thing, no matter
    the cost.
  • Moral courage is the rarest of human qualities.

  • What does honor mean to you?

War must be carried on systematically, and to do
it you must have men of character activated by
principles of honor. General George Washington,
Continental Army
DutyHonorCountry. Those three hallowed words
reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you
can be, what you will be. General of the Army
Douglas MacArthur, USA
  • So what is it?
  • The sum of qualities which enables you to live
    with yourself.
  • It derives from doing your full duty.
  • It derives from keeping your commitments.
  • It derives from integrity, responsibility, and

What does integrity mean to you?
  • Of all the qualities a leader must have,
    integrity is the most important.
  • Major General Perry Smith, USAF

These ideals are at the heart and soul of our
military profession integrity first, service
before self, and excellence in all we
do. General Ron Fogleman, USAF
  • So what is it?
  • The basis of all leadership
  • Doing what is right, even if no one is watching

What does responsibility mean to you?
When you do a deed, you bear responsibility for
it. Marshall of the Soviet Union Georgi Zhukov,
Soviet Army
A General Officer who will invariably assume the
responsibility for failure, whether he deserves
it or not, and invariably give credit for success
to others, whether they deserve it or not, will
achieve outstanding success. General George S.
Patton, jr., USA
  • So what is it?
  • Proactive ownership of a task or assignment.
  • Trustworthiness in the eyes of your shipmates.
  • A commitment to perform to the best of your
  • Something you should seek out. Dont believe the
    NAVY acronym story.
  • Mistakes happen. You will make them. Try not to
    make the same one twice. Learn from your
    mistakes, own up to them, and accept the
    consequences of your actions.

What does leadership mean to you?
  • You young lieutenants have to realize that your
    platoon is like a piece of spaghetti. You cant
    push it. Youve got to get out in front and pull
  • General George S. Patton, jr., USA

you will not eat, sleep, smoke, sit down, or
lie down until your soldiers have had a chance to
do these things. If you do this, they will follow
you to the ends of the earth. If you do not, I
will break you in front of your regiments. Field
Marshall Sir William Slim, British Army
  • So what is it?
  • The ability to get people to set aside personal
    interests to achieve a higher goal.
  • A quality in chronically short supplyyou are
    constantly evaluated on your potential.
  • Its like Arthard to define, but everybody
    knows it when they see it (or dont).
  • Observe great leaders to learn from them and
    develop your own skills.
  • Leaders are MADE, not BORN.
  • Those who would be great leaders must first be
    great followers.
  • Do not give an order you are unwilling or unable
    to carry out yourself.
  • Praise in public, counsel in private.
  • Accomplish your mission, and take care of your

What does commitment mean to you?
The merit of the action lies in finishing it to
the end. Genghis Khan, Mongol Ruler
The American soldier expects his sergeant to be
able to teach him how to do his job. And he
expects even more from his officers. General of
the Army Omar N. Bradley, USA
Try not. Do, or do not. Jedi Master Yoda, Rebel
  • So what is it?
  • You are all in, constantly learning to increase
  • Intensely proud, and loyal up and down the chain
    of command.
  • Half-hearted efforts are a waste of time and
  • Your followers wont be any more committed than
    you are.
  • If you cant find a way, make oneno excuses!

Recommended Reading
  • Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 14325
  • Wisdom of the Generals, MAJGEN William Cohen,
  • The New Art of the Leader, MAJGEN William Cohen,
  • Becoming A Leader The Annapolis Way, Brad Johnson
    Greg Harper
  • Character In Action, The US Coast Guard On
    Leadership, Donald Phillips RADM James Loy,
    USCG (RET)

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