VOICE LESSONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Voice Lessons : Four Elements. An aged man is but a paltry thing. A . ... The Sound and the Fury. Voice Lessons: Lesson Format. A quotation highlighting the element ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



Voice Lessons Four Elements
DICTION the authors choice of words for a
specific purpose
  • An aged man is but a paltry thing
  • A tattered coat upon a stick
  • W. B. Yeats, Sailing to Byzantium

DETAIL facts, observations, and incidents
  • About suffering, they were never wrong,
  • The Old Masters how well they understood
  • Its human position how it takes place
  • While someone else is eating or opening a window
    or just walking dully along
  • W. H. Auden, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Voice Lessons Four Elements, 2
Imagery Verbal representation of sense
It was a mine town, uranium most recently. Dust
devils whirled sand off the mountains. Even after
the heaviest of rains, the water seeped back into
the ground, between stones, and the earth was
parched again. Linda Hogan, Making Do
Syntax grammatical sentence structure
  • I slowed still more, my shadow pacing me,
    dragging its head through the weeds that hid the
  • William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury

Voice Lessons Lesson Format
  • A quotation highlighting the element under study
  • A direct reading question about the element,
    often identification and interpretation
  • A second question, often more hypothetical,
    abstract, or comparative
  • An activity, often imitative

Voice Lessons 1 DICTION
  •  As I watched, the sun broke weakly through,
    brightened the rich red of the fawns, and kindled
    their white spots.

E. B. White, Twins, Poems and Sketches of E.
B. White
  • What kind of flame does kindled imply? How does
    this verb suit the purpose of the sentence?
  • Would the sentence be strengthened or weakened by
    changing the sun broke weakly through to the sun
    burst through? Explain the effect this change
    would have on the use of the verb kindled.
  • Brainstorm with your team a list of action verbs
    that demonstrate the effects of sunlight.

Voice Lessons 2 DICTION
  • Art is the antidote that can call us back from
    the edge of numbness, restoring the ability to
    feel for another.
  • Barbara Kingsolver, High Tide in Tucson
  • By using the word antidote, what does Kingsolver
    imply about the inability to feel for another?
  • If we change the word antidote to gift, what
    effect would it have on the meaning of the
  • Develop a list of medical terms then write a
    sentence using a medical term to characterize
    art. Explain the effect this term has on the
    meaning of the sentence.

Voice Lessons 3 DETAIL
  • An old man, Don Tomasito, the baker, played the
    tuba. When he blew into the huge mouthpiece, his
    face would turn purple and his thousand wrinkles
    would disappear as his skin filled out.
  • Alberto Alvaro Rios, The Iguana Killer
  • The first sentence is a general statement. How
    does the second enrich and intensify the first?
  • Contrast the second sentence with the
    followingWhen he blew the tuba, his face turned
    purple and his cheeks puffed out.Which sentence
    more effectively expresses an attitude toward
    Tomasito? What is the attitude and how is it
  • Describe someone jumping over a puddle. Your
    first sentence should be general, stating the
    action simply. Your second sentence should
    clarify and intensify the action through detail.
    Read your sentences to each other.

Voice Lessons 4 DETAIL
Charley (to Willy) Why must everybody be like
you? Who liked J. P. Morgan? Was he impressive?
In a Turkish bath hed look like a butcher. But
with his pockets on he was very well liked. Now
listen, Willy, I know you dont like me, and
nobody can say Im in love with you, but Ill
give you a job becausejust for the hell of it,
put it that way. Now what do you say? Arthur
Miller, Death of a Salesman  
  • Who was J. P Morgan? What is a Turkish bath? What
    picture comes to mind when someone is said to
    look like a butcher? How do these details
    contribute to the point Charley is trying to
  •  How would the passage be different if Charley
    said J. P. Morgan would look like a baker in a
    Turkish bath?
  • Think of someone famous and powerful. Use detail
    to create an unflattering but accurate
    description of the physical appearance of this
    famous person. Model your description on Millers
    description of J. P. Morgan. Share your
    description with your teammates. (Note that
    Charley is not deprecating Morgan fight any
    temptation to create silly or insulting pictures
    of people.)

Voice Lessons 5 SYNTAX
Brother, continue to listen. You say that you are
sent to instruct us how to worship the Great
Spirit agreeably to his mind and, if we do not
take hold of the religion which you white people
teach, we shall be unhappy hereafter. You say
that you are right and we are lost. How do we
know this to be true? Chief Red Jacket, Chief
Red Jacket Rejects a Change of Religion  
  • The words you say are repeated several times in
    the sentence. What is the repetitions function?
  • The question at the end of the passage is a
    rhetorical question. What attitude toward the
    audience is expressed by the use of a rhetorical
  • Write a three-sentence paragraph modeled after
    Chief Red Jackets passage. The first two
    sentences should contain repetition the third
    sentence should be a rhetorical question. Your
    topic is school uniforms. Share your sentence
    with your team.

Voice Lessons 6 Imagery
  •  At first I saw only water so clear it magnified
    the fibers in the walls of the gourd. On the
    surface, I saw only my own round reflection. The
    old man encircled the neck of the gourd with his
    thumb and index finger and gave it a shake. As
    the water shook, then settled, the colors and
    lights shimmered into a picture, not reflecting
    anything I could see around me. There at the
    bottom of the gourd were my mother and father
    scanning the sky, which was where I was.
  • Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior
  • What kind of imagery does Kingston use in this
    passage? Circle the images.
  • Compare and contrast the imagery of the last
    sentence with the imagery of the first four.
  • Write a sentence which uses precise visual
    imagery to describe a simple action. Share your
    sentence with your teammates.

Voice Lesons 7 Tone
  • Piazza di Spagna, Early Morning
  • I cant forget
  • How she stood at the top of that long marble
  • Amazed, and then with a sleepy pirouette
  • Went dancing slowly down to the fountain-quiet
  • Nothing upon her face
  • But some impersonal loneliness,not then a girl,
  • But as it were a reverie of the place,
  • A called-for falling glide and whirl
  • As when a leaf, petal, or thin chip
  • Is drawn to the falls of a pool and, circling a
    moment above it,
  • Rides on over the lip
  • Perfectly beautiful, perfectly ignorant of it.
  • Richard Wilbur

Voice Lesson 7 (continued)
  • What is the speakers attitude toward the woman
    he describes? List the images, diction, and
    details that support your position.
  • Consider the last line of the poem. How does the
    repetition of the syntactical structure (adverb
    adjective, adverb adjective) support the tone of
    the poem?
  • Using Wilburs poem as a model, write a sentence
    which expresses stunned admiration for a
    stranger. Use repetition of a syntactical
    structure to create your tone.


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