Title: Perceptually%20Consistent%20Example-based%20Human%20Motion%20Retrieval
1Perceptually Consistent Example-based Human
Motion Retrieval
- Zhigang Deng, Qin Gu, Qing Li
- University of Houston
- Popularization of human motion capture data in
animation and gaming applications - Efficient retrieval of similar motions from a
large data repository - Fundamental basis for many motion data based
e.g. CMU motion capture library.
http//mocap.cs.cmu.edu. 2605 trials in 6
categories and 23 subcategories.
3Related Work Motion retrieval
- Transform original high-dimensional human motion
data to a reduced representation Agrawal et al.
1993 Faloutsos et al. 1994 Chan and Fu 1999
Liu et al. 2003 Chiu et al. 2004 Baciu 2006
Lin 2006 . - Match webs Kovar and Gleicher 2004
- Describe potential subsequence matches between
any pair of motion sequences. - Semantics-based motion retrieval Muller et al.
2005 Muller and Roder 2006 - Users provide a query motion as a set of
time-varying geometric feature relationships.
4Our Approach Pipeline
Motion Data Preprocessing
- Human hierarchy construction
- Motion segmentation and normalization
- Motion pattern detection and indexing
- Hierarchical pattern matching
- Search result ranking
Runtime Motion Query
5Data Preprocessing - Motion Hierarchy Construction
- Decompose human motion into a hierarchical
structure Gu et al. 08 - Local control granularity
- Correlations among different human parts are
embedded in different layers - 4 layers, 18 parts are used in this work.
6Data Preprocessing - Motion Segmentation and
- Existing human motion segmentation techniques
- Angular acceleration Zhao 01, Fod et al. 02, Kim
et al.03, SVM classifier Li et al. 07,
weighted sum of marker velocities Gu et al. 08,
PCA/PPCA Barbic et al.04. - Probabilistic PCA Barbic et al. 04 is used to
segment motion into short motion segments for
each body part in the hierarchy.
Parts Head LHand LArm RArm
Ave Frm Var 18.32 2.32 8.43 6.43 11.39 6.54 12.75 7.34
Parts Torso RLeg LFoot RFoot
Ave Frm Var 13.43 5.65 11.24 5.12 6.75 5.35 6.05 5.88
Average Frame Information of segments
7Data Preprocessing - Clustering
- Motion Pattern for each body part
- A representative motion segment for a node
(i.e.,a body part) in the constructed human
hierarchy - Normalization of motion segments
- Adaptive K-Means clustering
- Increase K when the clustering error metric is
larger than a threshold - Resulting data structures
- (1) Motion Pattern Library, (2) Pattern Index
Lists, (3) Pattern Dissimilarity Maps.
8Review of Motion Preprocessing
9Runtime Motion Query
- Query motion transformation
- Map the query motion into a motion pattern index
list for each hierarchy node - Fast (no clustering, just database matching)
- Motion similarity score computing
- Local motion similarity between two index lists
- Extended Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) string matching
algorithm Knuth et al. 77 - Global motion similarity computing and ranking
- Hierarchical propagation
10Local Motion Similarity
- Similarity between two pattern index lists
- Different length of index lists
- Matching of two integer lists
- Extended KMP String match algorithm
- Introducing Quasi-Match based on the
pre-constructed pattern dissimilarity maps - Large numbers of different motion segments
- Distance is less than a threshold
- Update matching score
- If the number of consecutive quasi-matches is
larger than a threshold, otherwise decrease.. - Score normalization based on the length of index
11Global Motion Similarity
- Hierarchical Score Propagation
- High local motion similarity does not mean global
motion similarity - Nodes in the upper levels encode more global
motion information - From bottom to top
- Ranking of the final scores at the root node
12Review of Runtime Motion Retrieval
13Results and Evaluation
- Time and Storage
- Search Accuracy
- Search Quality
- Perceptual Consistency Experiment
14Results and Evaluations Time and Storage
- We tested our method on four datasets with
different sizes - The test computer with a Intel Duo Core 2GHz CPU
and 2GB memory. - The average duration of used query motions is 10
56MB, 170 motions,68,293 frames 456MB, 396
motions, 556,097 frames 976MB, 542 motions,
1,190,243 frames 1452MB, 941 motions, 1,770,731
15Results and Evaluations Search Accuracy
- Accuracy evaluation scheme Kovar and Gleicher
04 - Two different types of datasets single-type
motion datasets (pre-labeled dataset with the
same semantic category, walking) Ground truth,
mixed motion dataset (unlabeled, mixed of various
types). - True-positive accuracy ratio is defined top N
(20) results from mixed motion datasets are in
the correct/expected single-type motion dataset. - 56M test dataset 170 sequences, 68,293 frames,
five categories walking, running, jumping,
kicking, basket-playing.
16Results and Evaluation Comparative User Studies
- Compare our approach with match-webs approach
Kovar and Gleicher 04, piecewise linear space
Liu et al. 05, weighted PCA Forbes and Fiume
05. - Semantic-based motion retrieval Muller et al.
05 was not chosen, because of significant
differences in input requirements. - Two usability questions
- (a) Perceptual Consistency Retrieved results
(motions) are ranked in a perceptually consistent
order? - (b) Search Quality Motion similarities of
retrieved results?
17Results and Evaluation Comparative User Studies
- Perceptual-consistency
- Computer algorithms rank motions in a certain
order, C. - Humans rank these (the same) motions in another
order, H. - Relationship/consistency between C and H?
- Study Experiments
- 3 query motions (walking, running,
basketball-playing),Top-ranked N (6) results for
query, 4 approaches, total 72 364 results. - Side-by-side comparison and user rating (one is a
searched motion, the other is the query motion),
in a random order. - Rating is from 1 (completely different) to 10
(identical). - 24 experiment participants
18Results and Evaluation Comparative User Studies
- Quality of searched motions
- Compute average similar ratings and standard
deviation - Higher the average similar rating is, the better
quality of search it achieves.
19Results and Evaluation Comparative User Studies
- Perceptual-Consistency
- Plot human-rankings vs computer-rankings in a 2D
space. - Ideal consistency is shown as a straight line.
- Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Scale-invariant optimum linear framework
CCA Coefficient results
20Review of User Studies
- An efficient, example-based human motion
retrieval technique - Major distinctions of our approach
- Efficiency
- Linear to the size of query motion and database
size - Flexible search query
- A human motion subsequence, or a hybrid of
multiple motion sequences - Perceptually consistent search outcomes
- Comparative user studies to find out the
correlations between the result-ranking by
computer algorithms and the result-ranking by
22Discussion and Limitations
- Current approach does not consider the
path/motion trajectory of the root of the human
in the retrieval algorithm. The search results
may enclose different paths/trajectories. - Current approach can only search for
single-character motion sequences.
23Future Work
- A number of empirical parameters of current
approach may critically affect the search
accuracy and outcomes. - Establish quantitative correlations between
parameter setting and search accuracy and
outcomes. - Graphics hardware accelerated, motion query