Title: The Greek Story of Creation
1The Greek Story of Creation
- As taken from Hesiods Theogony
By Mrs. Johnson Credits to Carlos Parada author
of a Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
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3The classical Greek creation story is taken from
Hesiods tale entitled, Theogony (ca. 700 B.C.E.)
. From Theogony - theos means god and gon
means birth.
- Theogony simply means the genealogy of the gods.
It is the creation story of the gods.
5Additional terms
- Logos Greek for the expression of a thought
- Theology the study of the gods
- Mythos Greek for tale or beliefs
6Hesiod and the Theogony
- There are said to be at least six different
mythical accounts of creation by the Greeks.
Hesiods is one that is often cited since it
specifically gives the genealogy of the gods and
is a key source document.
- "Creation" means, in this context, Creation of
the World, which is also called Cosmogony or
Origin of the Universe (Cosmos). Cosmogony
normally includes, not only an account of the
origin of the world, but also a description of
its physical qualities.
Cosmos - harmony of the universe with
order -gon birth or creation Cosmogony
creation of the world
9According to Hesiod
10In the beginning, there was only
11Today we know that chaos means lacking order or
to have confusion.
- Chaos was a shapeless mass of darkness and
- Offspring of Chaos
- Nyx -
- Erebus -
- Tartarus -
- Eros -
- Gaia
13Children of Chaos
Out of Chaos came Nyx (night),Erebus (the
unfathomable deep), Eros (love), Tartarus (lowest
region of the world) and Gaia (earth). It is not
said how these elements or characters came to be,
only that they followed Chaos.
14Nyx is Night, a powerful goddess whose dark light
falls from the stars, and who dictates not only
to men but also to gods. Even Zeus does not wish
to upset Night.
15Erebus is the darkness of the Underworld.
- Do not confuse Erebus with the Underworld. We
will discuss the Underworld later.
- Eros is seen as a youth and known as the god of
- Tartarus is described as a dank, gloomy pit,
surrounded by a wall of bronze, and beyond that a
three-fold layer of night. - According to the Greek poet Hesiod, a bronze
anvil falling from heaven would take nine days
and nights to reach earth, and an object would
take the same amount of time to fall from earth
into Tartarus.
- Tartarus is the lowest abyss beneath the earth
where all waters originate all rivers flow into
the chasm of Tartarus and flow out of it again. - Tartarus is also a place of punishment.
- Tartarus is also the father of many monsters such
as Typhon.
19Gaia (Gaea or Ge)Mother Earth
- It is not uncommon for some of the gods to
reproduce with just one parent. This is known as - parthenogenic birth (i.e., only one parent
needed). Gaia reproduced some of her children in
this manner.
- Gaia creates without a mate, Uranus (the sky) and
Pontus (the sea). Later she has other offspring. - Gaia was also the first to have prophetic powers.
22The offspring of Gaia and Uranus
- Gaia and Uranus mate to have the following
offspring - The Cyclops
- The Hecatoncheires
- The Titans
Uranus becomes an equal to Gaia and will become
her mate.
- Though not much is said of Pontus, he is the god
of the Sea. - He is known more for his offspring.
25The CyclopsCyclopesWheel-eyed
- The Cyclops were three brothers known for the one
large eye in the center of their foreheads. They
were giants in size.
26Hecatoncheires 50 Headed Hundred Hands
- Another offspring of Uranus and Gaia were the
Hecatoncheires. These three large sons had 50
heads each and 100 hands. They were large, ugly
creatures who had great strength.
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28The Titans powerful ones
- The Titans were born huge and powerful like the
Hecatonchieres, but they were not as hideous in
appearance and uncontrollably destructive.
2912 Titans
- Cronus, Rhea, Oceanus, Tethys, Hyperion,
Mnemosyne, Themis, - Iapetus, Coeus, Crius, Phoebe, and Thea were the
children of Gaia and Uranusof these, Cronus was
the youngest and considered the wiliest. -
- After Uranus had banished many of his children to
Tartarus, Gaia sought the help of Cronus to
overthrow Uranus and release her children from
31Cronus attacked his father with the sickle.
32Cronus (Chronus)Personification of time
- In most images of Cronus, he is seen with the
sickle (scythe) and as Father Time, the sickle
is still prominent.
- After Cronus struck Uranus, some of the blood
fell into the sea. A foam appeared and from that
foam, Aphrodite emerged fully grown.
- From the blood that fell to the earth came the
Erinyes (or Furies). These 3 sisters became the
avengers of sin and crime.
35One of the Erinyes
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37The Giants
- The Giants were large creatures, sometimes
described as having serpent feet and a thousand
38And now the rest of the Titans
- Rememberthere were 12 Titans born to Uranus and
Gaia6 boys and 6 girls.
- She became the wife of Cronus and the queen of
the universe. She is the Titaness of fertility. - She along with Cronus will create the Olympians.
40Oceanus and Tethys
- Oceanus the Titan of the unending stream of
water that encircles the earth. - Tethys Titaness, wife and sister of Oceanus.
Together they produce the rivers and the sea
41Hyperion Thea
- Hyperion - the Titan of light and the father of
the sun, moon, and the dawn. - Thea (Thia) a Titaness and wife of Hyperion.
42- Themis - Titaness of justice and order. She is
the mother of the Fates and the Seasons. - Iapetus Titan who was the father of Prometheus,
Epimetheus and Atlas. - Coeus - the Titan of Intelligence.
43- Mnemosyne - the Titaness of memory and the mother
of the Muses. - Crius Little known of this Titan.
- Phoebe Titaness of the Moon.
44Rhea and Cronus
- Cronus had taken each of his five children and
swallowed them to prevent them from overthrowing
45The Golden Age
- As Cronus ruled with his siblings this was a
period known for harmony and no wars. A great
time for humans - The Golden Age
46The Age of the Titans
- They ruled from
- Mt. Othrys
- in central Greece
48Offspring of Gaia
49Offspring of Gaia and Uranus
- The war between the Titans and the Olympians.
Stay tuned!
51Vocabulary Words
- Theos-
- Cosmos-
- Theogony
- Cosmogony
- -gon
- -ology
- Chaos
- Ge-
- Eros
- Tartarus
52Vocabulary Words cont.
- Cyclops (Cyclopes)
- Titan
- Hecta
- Furies
- Chronus
- Scythe
- -ess
- Titanomachy
- Gaia
- Uranus
- Cronus
- Rhea
- Zeus
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