RAVEN'S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Pull flat and fast block the PSLB or Safety which ever appears first C: Block head up defender, if uncovered Zone Block BSG: Zone Block. BST: Zone Block. X ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RAVEN'S

The play calling system used to communicate
information necessary for a play to be executed
is combined into a two digit numbering scheme.
These two digit numbers may be preceded by a term
indicating the formation followed by any term
used as an alternation of the formation. After
the formation comes the symbol used to designate
motion. The first number indicates the ball
carrier, while the second number indicates the
point of attack. Following the two digit numbers
will be a term identifying the series action and
blocking scheme. Formation Alternation
Motion Ball Carrier Point of
Attack Series/Blocking Scheme Tight Right
Stud S
4 7
Jet Sweep
First Digit The first digit assigns the ball
carrier. The backs are numbered as follows QB
is 1 - HB is 2 - FB is 3 - SB is 4.
Second Digit The second digit assigns the point
of attack. There are nine points of attack.
With the exception of the two flank areas,
the holes are numbered between the area of the
offensive lineman. The second digit also
indicates the direction of flow of the
backfield. Even numbers signify flow to the
right and odd numbers to the left.
Motion is the means to move the back from one
location to another creating a new formation
without setting for a full second. Motion, like
shifting is a device used to confuse and exploit
the defense. When starting in motion, it is
important to remember that the rest of the
offense has to be set for one count . A. JET
MOTION - (Jet Sweep) Leaving from a Wing or Slot
position at full speed across the
formation with the ball being snapped when the
motion back reaches the OG.
B. 3 STEP MOTION - (Down Option) Leaving
from a Wing or Slot position aiming for the heels
of the FB with the ball
being snapped when the motion back reaches the
near leg of the OT.
C. SLIDE MOTION - (Belly Slide) Leaving
from a Wing or Slot position at 3/4 speed across
the formation
once you reach a point about 1 yd before
the point of attack then you
turn facing the LOS and shuffle to the point of
D. COUNTER MOTION - (Midline) Leaving from
a Wing or Slot position aiming for the heels of
the FB with the ball
being snapped when the motion back reaches the
near leg of the OT. On
the snap of the ball the motion back then will
attack through the B or C Gap
Trade means that the TE will on a signal from
the QB align on the opposite side of the
formation from his original position.
A) Tight Right to B) Slot
Shifting means that the outside receiver on one
side will align himself as a TE on the same side
while the inside receiver on the opposite side
of the formation will go from a TE to a SE.
A) Tight Right to B) Tight Left
BUCK SWEEP BLOCK PSG pulls and KO the outside
most defender. BSG pulls and leads through the
hole COMBO LEAD Part of the combo block where the
outside blocker performs a down block on an
inside defender while the inside blocker post the
same defender COMBO POST Part of the combo block
where the inside blocker COUNTER BLOCK BST pulls
across the formation and blocks the first
defender past the Center F MOTION FB goes in Jet
Motion across the formation FLEX Any two
receivers on the same side will reduce their
splits to 5 yds wide with the
inside back splitting the difference between the
OT/TE and X/Z H MOTION HB goes in Jet Motion
across the formation. JOKER BLOCK BSG pulls
across the formation and KO the first defender
past the PSG and BST follows and leads through
the hole NASTY TE will widen his alignment from
a 3 split to a 5-6 split widening the C
Gap OFF FB offsets on the backside splitting
the difference between the OG OT PANTHER FB
aligns in a wing position opposite the Trips side
of the formation SHIFT Outside receiver on one
side will align himself as a TE on the same side
while the inside receiver on the opposite side
of the formation will go from a TE position to
a SE position SHUTOFF BLOCK Type of block used
when you are covering for a man who has pulled S
MOTION SB goes in Jet Motion across the
formation STUD FB offsets on the playside
splitting the difference between the OG
OT TRADE TE on a signal from the QB will change
sides of the formation TRAP BLOCK BSG pulls
across the formation and KO the first defender
past the Center
Raven Formations



QB Jab fake to the FB then run your sweep
path taking it wide FB Good
roll fake, attack A gap looking for PSLB blitz
If no blitz bow outside walling off 1st
off colored jersey (PSLB) HB
Double team post on 1 defender over PST SB
Flat jet motion, once you get to the OT slide
motion and pin block 2
defender PST Block head up defender with a
post block with H/S PSG Uncovered pull like
on Jet Sweep, if covered block head
up defender C Block head up defender, if
uncovered block back covering for the
BSG pulling BSG Pull across the formation
turning up blocking the 1st off
colored jersey BST My OG pulls shut down inside
gap and hinge back X Stalk block head up
defender Z Deep 1/3 cutoff block
QB Jab fake to the FB then run your sweep
path taking it wide FB Good
roll fake, attack A gap looking for PSLB blitz
If no blitz bow outside walling off 1st
off colored jersey (PSLB) HB
Double team post on 1 defender over PST SB
Flat jet motion, once you get to the OT slide
motion and pin block 2
defender PST Block head up defender with a
post block with H/S PSG Uncovered pull like
on Jet Sweep, if covered block head
up defender C Block head up defender, if
uncovered block back covering for the
BSG pulling BSG Pull across the formation
turning up blocking the 1st off
colored jersey BST My OG pulls shut down inside
gap and hinge back X Stalk block head up
defender Z Deep 1/3 cutoff block
QB Jab fake to the FB then run your sweep
path taking it wide FB Good
roll fake, attack A gap looking for PSLB blitz
If no blitz bow outside walling off 1st
off colored jersey (PSLB) HB
Double team post on 1 defender over PST SB
Flat jet motion, once you get to the OT slide
motion and pin block 2
defender PST Block head up defender with a
post block with H/S PSG Uncovered pull like
on Jet Sweep, if covered block head
up defender C Block head up defender, if
uncovered block back covering for the
BSG pulling BSG Pull across the formation
turning up blocking the 1st off
colored jersey BST My OG pulls shut down inside
gap and hinge back X Stalk block head up
defender Z Deep 1/3 cutoff block
QB Reverse pivot and fake Jet Sweep and
handoff to the H/S on his counter
path. FB Dive for the playside foot of the
Center and block first defender to
show in the area. HB Take counter
steps and receive the handoff behind
the QB and read the blocks of the pulling
OGs. SB Flat jet motion fake the Jet
Sweep PST Gap/Down/Backer PSG Pull and log
or KO the first man outside the TE block C
On/Cover BSG Pull across the formation read
the block of the PSG and lead H/S
around or though the block of the PSG. BST
Shutoff Block X Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z
33/34 JOKER (WEAK)
QB Reverse pivot faking the Jet Sweep make
a outside handoff to the FB and
fake bootleg FB Counter step stay low
follow the blocks of the pulling OG
OT HB Go in Jet motion and fake Sweep SB
Shutoff block to the inside PST
Gap/Backer (50 front defender shaded to the
inside down block him and we will
bounce the KO one hole out) PSG
On/Gap/Combo Lead/Backer C Combo
Post/Cover BSG Pull across the formation KO
the first to show past the PSG BST
Pull follow the pulling OG and lead though the
hole X Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z
Shutoff block to the inside
QB Reverse pivot faking the Jet Sweep make
a outside handoff to the FB and
fake bootleg FB Counter step stay low
follow the blocks of the pulling OG
OT HB Shutoff block to the inside SB
Go in Jet motion fake Sweep PST Gap/Backer (50
front defender shaded to the inside
down block him and we will bounce the KO
one hole out) PSG On/Gap/Combo
Lead/Backer C Combo Post/Cover BSG
Pull across the formation KO the first to show
past the PSG BST Pull follow the
pulling OG and lead though the hole X Deep
1/3 cutoff block Z Release inside block
first LB from the C. If defender
inside shade block down on him.
QB Fake Jet Boot and option the DE if he
attacks shuffle to the wingback if he
sits or attacks the FB keep the
ball and run. FB Run your dive path behind
the Jet motion and flatten out
blocking outside force defender (CB) HB Take
two steps towards the LOS and run to the
playside at a depth of 3 yds and catch the
shuffle pass from QB. If you do
not receive the pass from QB then
turn up and block the first off colored
jersey. SB Flat Jet motion fake Sweep
and set up blocking backside
pursuit. PST ODD front Dog (Post), EVEN front
Dog (lead) PSG Uncovered Area Away/Backer,
covered Dog (Post) C On/Area Away BSG
Pull across the formation turning up blocking the
1st off colored jersey BST My OG
pulls shut down inside gap and hinge back X
Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z Gap/Dog
36/35 DOWN
QB Reverse pivot flat at 3-9 O clock hand
ball off to the FB on his 2nd step
and continue down the LOS. FB Crossover step
aiming at the outside leg of the OT
right off the butt of Jet. Square shoulders up
so you can cut in any
direction. HB Flat Jet motion, roll your
shoulders to fake the handoff and
continue down the LOS turning up to
block the CB. SB Fake the down block on 1
defender and seal off the
PSLB. PST Block Down/Backer PSG Pull and
kickout the first defender on or past the TE. C
On/Zone Block BSG Zone Block BST Zone
Block X Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z
Block Down/Backer
36/35 DOWN
QB Reverse pivot flat at 3-9 O clock hand
ball off to the FB on his 2nd step
and continue down the LOS. FB Crossover step
aiming at the outside leg of the OT
right off the butt of Jet. Square shoulders up
so you can cut in any
direction. HB Flat Jet motion, roll your
shoulders to fake the handoff and
continue down the LOS turning up to
block the CB. SB Fake the down block on 1
defender and seal off the
PSLB. PST Block Down/Backer PSG Pull and
kickout the first defender on or past the TE. C
On/Zone Block BSG Zone Block BST Zone
Block X Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z
Block Down/Backer
36/35 DOWN ISO
QB Reverse pivot flat at 3-9 O clock quick
jab fake to the FB on his 2nd step
ride the FB into the LOS and
continue to follow the FB through the hole. FB
Crossover step aiming at the outside leg of the
OT right off the butt of Jet.
Square shoulders up and lead the QB
through the hole blocking the first
off colored jersey. HB Flat Jet motion, roll
your shoulders to fake the handoff
and continue down the LOS turning up
to block the CB. SB Fake seal block on 2
defender and block down on
PSLB. PST Block Down/Backer PSG Pull and
trap first man on or outside the TE C
On/Zone Block BSG Zone Block BST Zone
Block X Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z
Block Down/Backer
QB Snap the ball when H/S reaches the
outside leg of the PSG. Hand the
ball off to H/S and then fake a
handoff to the FB and bootleg away from the play
FB Good roll fake, and continue on your
Trap or Dive path HB Go in Jet
motion and take handoff from the QB at
full speed and read the playside blocks. SB
Inside seal the 2 defender PST Reach block
and inside seal the 1 defender PSG Pull flat
and fast block the PSLB or Safety which
ever appears first C Block head up
defender, if uncovered block back
setting up Gut. BSG If uncovered block down on
defender over BST setting up Gut. If
covered fold block around the down
block of the C. BST If BSG is uncovered fold
block around the down block of the
BSG. If BSG is covered Zone block. X Stalk
block head up defender Z Deep 1/3 cutoff
block (Touchdown Block)
47/28 JET KEEP
QB Snap the ball when H/S reaches the
outside leg of the PSG. Pivot
around with no fake to the Jet and then
make a quick jab fake to the FB and follow
the Jet on a Sweep path. FB
Good roll fake, and continue on a Dive path
looking to protect the playside A
Gap. HB Go in Jet motion and turn up and
kickout the outside most defender
usually the CB SB Inside seal the 2
defender PST Reach block and inside seal the
1 defender PSG Pull flat and fast block the
PSLB or Safety which ever appears
first C Block head up defender, if
uncovered Zone Block BSG Zone Block. BST Zone
Block. X Crack block on the Deep
defender Z Deep 1/3 cutoff block
(Touchdown Block)
QB Snap the ball when H/S reaches the
outside leg of the PSG. Pivot
around with no fake to the Jet and then
make a quick jab fake to the FB and gain a
depth of 5-6 yds look deep first
then work down. FB Good roll fake, and
continue on a Dive path looking to
protect the playside A Gap. HB Go in Jet
motion and turn up run a 5 yd Out Route SB
Fake seal block then run a Fly Route PST Reach
block and inside seal the 1 defender PSG Pull
flat and fast and set up the perimeter for pass
blocking (EMOL) C Block head
up defender, if uncovered step and hinge BSG
Step and hinge. BST Step and hinge. X
Fade Route Z 15 yd Backside Drag. If a
solid call is made then you stay in
and pass block
QB Snap the ball when H/S reaches the
outside leg of the PSG. Fake the
hand off to H/S and then handoff to
the FB and bootleg away from the play FB
Run your proper Trap path and secure the handoff
from the QB HB Go in Jet
motion and fake a handoff from the QB at
full speed and continue down the LOS. SB
Cutoff block on playside pursuit PST Block
2nd level PSLB PSG Gap/Down/Backer C
If covered block On/Gap and if uncovered block
down covering for the pulling OG
BSG Pull trap the first defender past the
center. BST Zone block. X Deep 1/3
cutoff block Z Deep 1/3 cutoff block
(Touchdown Block)
33/34 BELLY
QB Reverse pivot at 7-9 O clock hand ball
off to the FB on his Belly path on
your 3rd step, no ride then carry
out your Belly Keep path. FB Take your
slide, crossover and square steps, read the
block of the motion back, take the
handoff from the QB on your 3rd
step. HB Block 2 outside most defender
cutoff his path to fold back into
the play SB Flat jet motion, once you get
to the QB slide motion and on the
snap of the ball attack through the B gap
blocking PSLB PST If PSG is uncovered
block head up defender. If PSG is
covered then perform a cross block on his down
defender. PSG Uncovered combo block
on NG. If covered perform a cross
block on the defender over the PST C
Covered combo block on NG. If uncovered block
down on backside defender setting up
gut BSG Uncovered block down on backside
defender. If covered fold block
around the down block of the C BST Covered fold
block around the down block of the OG
Uncovered zone block to the 2nd level
defender X Deep playside cutoff block Z
Backside cutoff block on EMOL so he does not
chase the play down form the backside

QB Reverse pivot at 7-9 O clock jab fake
handoff to FB and continue on a
sweep path reading the blocks of the
FB, X, H (Quick poke fake) FB Take your
slide, crossover and square steps, then bow
outside and block the CB kicking him
out HB Reach and seal block 2 defender like
on Jet Sweep SB Flat jet motion, once you
get to the QB slide motion and on
the snap of the ball attack through the B gap
blocking PSLB PST Reach block on 1
defender PSG Uncovered combo block on NG. If
covered block head up defender.
(Reach Block) C Covered combo block on
NG. If uncovered block down on
backside defender setting up gut BSG
Uncovered block down on backside defender. If
covered fold block around the down
block of the C BST Covered fold block around
the down block of the OG Uncovered
zone block to the 2nd level defender X Deep
playside cutoff block Z Deep Backside
cutoff block
QB Same as Belly Keep, once you fake
handoff to FB semi roll depending
on the block of the FB. Look deep
first then work your way down (H/S hot WR) FB
Take your slide, crossover and square steps,
make these steps a little quicker
and look to log EMOL or LB coming
of the edge. HB Fake reach block on 2 then
get out into the flats as quickly
as possible 5yd out. SB Flat jet motion,
once you get to the QB slide motion
and on the snap of the ball pass block the B
gap looking for a blitzing LB if not
then look backside PST Reach block on 1
defender PSG Uncovered combo block on NG. If
covered block head up defender.
(Pass Block) C Covered combo block on NG.
If uncovered step playside looking
for any blitzing LB then look to
help playside. BSG Step down and hinge BST
Step down and hinge X Run a Post Corner
Route 25 yds Z Run a 15 yd Backside Drag.
If a solid call is made then you will
stay in and pass block the EMOL
QB Fake to Jet Back and a token fake to the
FB then roll out against motion at
a depth of about 6-5 yds with a
run/pass option FB Take your slide,
crossover and square steps, make
these steps a little quicker and look to log
cutting off backside pursuit HB
Run a 12-13 yd Drag Route SB Flat Jet
motion, once you get to the QB slide motion
and on the snap of the ball pass block the
B gap looking for a blitzing
LB PST Block head up defender PSG If
uncovered step down then protect A Gap. If
covered block head up defender C
Covered block head up defender. If uncovered
step backside looking for any
blitzing LB through the backside A
Gap BSG Pull and gain depth of about 3 yds to
set up a backside perimeter block
for the QB. BST Block head up defender X
Run a deep 25 yd Drag Rout into the middle of
the field Z Block man head up
to outside for a two count and
release into the flats on a quick Out Route of
about 3 yds.
17/18 QB SWEEP
QB Jab fake to the FB then run your sweep
path taking it wide FB Good
roll fake, attack A gap looking for PSLB blitz
If no blitz bow outside walling off 1st
off colored jersey (PSLB) HB
Double team post on 1 defender over PST SB
Flat jet motion, once you get to the OT slide
motion and pin block 2
defender PST Block head up defender with a
post block with H/S PSG Uncovered pull like
on Jet Sweep, if covered block head
up defender C Block head up defender, if
uncovered block back covering for the
BSG pulling BSG Pull across the formation
turning up blocking the 1st off
colored jersey BST My OG pulls shut down inside
gap and hinge back X Stalk block head up
defender Z Deep 1/3 cutoff block
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QB Jab fake to the FB carry out sweep look
be aware of the perimeter pass
blocking and look to hit the deep
pattern 1st then look underneath. FB Quick
roll fake, attack A gap looking for PSLB blitz
If no blitz bow outside and pass block
the perimeter taking the first off
colored jersey. HB Double team post on 1
defender over PST SB Flat jet motion, once
you get to the OT slide motion and
fake pin block then release downfield running
a 15 yd out pattern PST Block head
up defender with a post block with H/S PSG
Uncovered pull like on Jet Sweep and set up for
perimeter pass blocking taking the
first off colored jersey. If
covered block head up defender C Block
head up defender, if uncovered block back
covering for the BSG pulling BSG Pull
across the formation set up outside the OT
perimeter pass blocking take the 1st off
colored jersey.
BST Step down and hinge pass blocking X
Fade pattern Z 10 yd Drag pattern
QB Step forward and poke fake to the FB
then a front handoff to H/S and
bootleg away FB Dive to the opposite foot
of the C. Sweep Right left foot
and vice versa. Block area (A Gap) HB Leave
on the snap and aim for 1yd in front of the QB
take the handoff and read the blocks of
the pulling OG SB Go for a
point 1 1/2 yds outside the OT and block
the first man inside. PST
Gap/Down/Backer PSG Pull KO the 1st man
outside C Reach/On/Cover BSG Pull lead
through hole block the 1st defender to show BST
Shutoff block X Deep 1/3 cutoff block Z
Stalk head up defender
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