Title: CHAPTER 3 Discrete-Time Signals in the Transform-Domain
1CHAPTER 3 Discrete-Time Signals in the
- Wang Weilian
- wlwang_at_ynu.edu.cn
- School of Information Science and Technology
- Yunnan University
- The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- The Discrete Fourier Transform
- Relation between the DTFT and the DFT, and
- Their Inverses
- Discrete Fourier Transform Properties
- Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences
- Linear Convolution Using the DFT
- The z-Transform
- Region of Convergence of a Rational z-Transform
- Inverse z-Transform
- z-Transform Properties
4The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) or,
simply, the Fourier transform of a discretetime
sequence xn is a representation of the sequence
in terms of the complex exponential sequence
where is the real frequency variable. - The discrete-time Fourier transform
of a sequence xn is defined by -
5The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- In general is a complex function of
the real variable and can be written in
rectangular form as - where and are,
respectively, the real and imaginary parts of
, and are real functions of . -
- Polar form
6The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- Convergence Condition
- If xn is an absolutely summable sequence,
i.e., - Thus the equation is a sufficient condition
for the existence of the DTFT.
7The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- Bandlimited Signals
- A full-band discrete-time signal has a spectrum
occupying the whole frequency rang
. - If the spectrum is limited to a portion of the
frequency range , it is called
a bandlimited signal. - A lowpass discrete-time signal has a spectrum
occupying the frequency range
, where is called the bandwidth of the
signal. - A bandpass discrete-time signal has a spectrum
occupying the frequency range
, where
is its bandwidth.
8The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
- Discrete-Time Fourier Transform Properties
- There are a number of important properties of
the discrete-time Fourier transform which are
useful in digital signal processing applications.
We list the general properties in Table 3.2, and
the symmetry properties in Tables 3.3 and 3.4.
9The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
10The Discrete Fourier Transform
- DTFT Computation Using MATLAB
- The Signal Processing Toolbox in MATLAB
- Functions
- freqz
- abs
- Angle
- The forms of freqz
- H freqz(num, den, w)
- H, w freqz(num, den, k, whole)
- Example 3.8 Program 3_1
11The Discrete Fourier Transform
- Definition
- The simplest relation between a
finite-length sequence xn, defined for
, and its - DTFT is obtained by uniformly
sampling - on the -axis between
at - ,
. -
12The Discrete Fourier Transform
- The sequence Xk is called the discrete Fourier
transform (DFT) of the sequence xn. - Using the commonly used notation
- We can rewrite as
- Inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT)
13The Discrete Fourier Transform
- Matrix Relations
- The DFT samples defined in
can - be expressed in matrix form as
- where X is the vector composed of the N DFT
samples, - x is the vector of N input samples,
14The Discrete Fourier Transform
- is the DFT matrix given by
- IDFT relations
15The Discrete Fourier Transform
- DFT computation Using MATLAB
- MATLAB functions
- fft(x), fft(x,N), ifft(X), ifft(X,N)
- X fft(x, N)
- If N lt Rlength(x), truncate (??) to the first
N samples. - If N gt Rlength(x), zero-padded (??) at the
end. - Example 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, Program 3_2, 3_3, 3_4.
16Relation between the DTFT and the DFT, and their
- DTFT from DFT by Interpolation
- We could express in terms of
17Relation between the DTFT and the DFT, and their
- Sampling the DTFT
- Consider the following question
- We obtain the relation
- Example 3.14
18Relation between the DTFT and the DFT, and their
- Numerical Computation of the DTFT Using the DFT
- Let be the DTFT of length-N sequence
xn. We wish to evaluate at a dense
grid of frequencies
19Discrete Fourier Transform Properties
- Discrete Fourier Transform Properties
- Like the DTFT, the DFT also satisfies a
number of properties that are useful in signal
processing application. A summary of the DFT
properties are included in Tables 3.5, 3.6, and
20Discrete Fourier Transform Properties
- Circular Shift of a Sequence
- Time-shifting property of the DTFT
- Circular shifting property of the DFT
21Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences
- Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences
- Tow N-point DFTs can be computed efficiently
using a single N-point DFT Xk of a complex
length-N sequence xn defined by - where, and
22Computation of the DFT of Real Sequences
23Linear Convolution Using the DFT
- Linear Convolution of Two Finite-Length Sequences
- Let gn and hn be finite-length sequences
of lengths N and M, respectively. Denote LMN-1.
Define two length-L sequences,
24Linear Convolution Using the DFT
- obtained by appending gn and hn with
- zero-valued samples. Then
- Linear Convolution of a Finite-Length Sequence
with an Infinite-Length Sequence - Overlap-Add Method
- Overlap-Save Method
25The z-Transform
- Definition
- For a given sequence gn, its z-transform
G(z) is defined as - where is a
complex variable. - If we let , then the right-hand
side of the above expression reduces to
26The z-Transform
- For a given sequence, the set R of values of
z - for which its z-transform converges is called
- the region of convergence (ROC).
- If
- In general, the region of convergence R of a
z-transform of a sequence gn is an annular
region of the z-plane
27The z-Transform
- Rational z-Transforms
- An alternate representation as a ration of two
polynomials in z - An alternate representation in factored form as
28Region of Convergence of a Rational z-Transform
- The ROC of a rational z-transform is bounded by
the locations of its poles. - A finite-length sequence ROC
- A right-sided sequence ROC
- A left-sided sequence ROC
- A two-sided sequence ROC
29Inverse z-Transform
- General Expression
- By the inverse Fourier transform relation. We
have - By making the change of variable
, the above equation can be converted into a
contour integral given by - Where is a counterclockwise
contour of integration defined by
30Inverse z-Transform
- Inverse Transform by Partial-Fraction Expansion
- can be expressed as
- We can divide P(Z) by D(Z) and re-express G(Z) as
31Inverse z-Transform
- Simple Poles p168
- Multiple Poles p169
32z-Transform Properties
- Three different frequency-domain representations
of an aperiodic discrete-time sequence have been
introduced and their properties reviewed .Two of
these representations, the discrete-time Fourier
transform (DTFT) and the z-transform, are
applicable to any arbitrary sequence, whereas the
third one , the discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
can be applied only to finite-length sequences. - Relation between these three transforms have been
established. The chapter ends with a discussion
on the transform-domain representation of a
random discrete-time sequence. - For future convenience we summarize below these
three frequency-domain representations.
34Assignment and Experiment
- Assignment
- A03 3.2, 3.12, 3.20, See p180182
- A04
- A05
- Experiment
- E03 Q3.3 See p32
- E04
- E05