Title: Bridging the Digital Gap: The Pe
1Bridging the Digital GapThe Peñalolén Experience
Taiwan R.O.C., October 2009 ADOC Week
2Country Characteristics
POPULATION 16.7 Million by 2020 18.5
Million Urban Population 14.4 Million Rural
Population 2.1 Million Growth Rate 0,99
annually 1,94 children per family
average MEGA CITY - SANTIAGO Over 6.1
Million, equivalent to 40.1 of the total
national population. POVERTY 1990 - 2006 38,6
(1990) to 13,7 (2006)
3City Characteristics
- 250,000 population
- 60,000 homes
- 6th in the M.R.
- 60 lt 500 USD
- 50 lt 30 yrs old
- 4 Indigenous Populations
4Socioeconomic Diversity
Av. J. Arrieta
- Peñalolén Alto
- La Faena
- Lo Hermida
- San Luis
- Peñalolén Nuevo
Av. Américo Vespucio
Av. Departamental
5 Vision
- Peñalolén will be recognized as a model community
in Chile for its capacity to innovate, be a
social programs incubator, the country will know
that it is safe, charitable, friendly, with
integrated urban design, touristic, fun, digital,
they will think of Peñalolén as a place of
gathering and will know that these achievements
have been made with the participation of the
- Peñalolén will be recognized as a model community
in Chile for its capacity to innovate, be a
social programs incubator, the country will know
that it is safe, charitable, friendly, with
integrated urban design, touristic, fun, digital,
they will think of Peñalolén as a place of
gathering and will know that these achievements
have been made with the participation of the
6 Initial Assesment 2004
- Community
- Inefficient processing of citizen requests
- Too many large social problems with limited
resources for ICTs - There is no demand for ICTs or awareness of the
digital divide - Municipality
- Stone-Age Technology
- 50 employees use PCs (out of 600)
- Digital Analphabetism
- 8 ef employees are knowledgeable in PC use
7 Keys to Success
- Mayor decided to include ICT development as a key
strategical objective within the government plan - The technological, innovative, and digital
dimension is installed within the Municipality's
Vision - Institutional modernization and improvement in
processing times and quality of citizen services - Bridge the technological gap with the community
to provide access and opportunities - Increase participation and collaboration
- The Digital Community unit is created
- Strategic Partners are identified and invited to
8Digital Community - Objetives
- Increase local development through the intensive
use of ICTs, generating opportunities for
democratic, economic, educational, and citizen
services development. - Contibute towards institutional modernization
through the use of ICTs.
9Digital Community - Challenges
- An Integral Approach to Technology
- Muncipality and Community
- Access, Alphabetization, Connectivity,
Participation and Government - Infrastructure, general applications, training,
on-line services and business intelligence - Offer pressures and shapes demand
- Strong competition for limited resources
10Digital Community Strategy
- Alone Impossible
- Seeking help and economic resources
- Advisory Board
- Public / Private Partnerships
- National and International Support
- CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
- Develop pilot programs with practical uses that
are both multiplatform and multibrand - Benchmark to measure our performance
Business CISCO CEPRINET ChileEnter ENTEL Microsoft Hewlett-Packard INTEL Magenta Nodo Tecnológico CCE SUN Microsystems VTR International Support ADOC APEC Digital Opportunity Center (Taiwan) IADB Inter American Development Bank IDRC International Development Research Centre (Canadá) European Union Government AGCI CGR DIBAM (Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos) Enlaces (Ministerio de Educación) Estrategia Digital Subdere (Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Regional) Mideplan Subtel TGR Universities Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Universidad de Chile Pontificia Universidad Católica DUOC, Inacap Universidad Mayor
12Digital Community Areas
- Access
- Alphabetization
- Connectivity
- Democracy and participation
- Government
131. Public and Household Access
Evolution of Public Access
1999 2004 2007 2008 2009 134 Public Access Points
6 5 11 HOT Spots
100 ? 100 Cyber-Cafés
1 1 Digital Office of Information
3 1 4 Libraries
1st in Chile El Encuentro 16 5 ? 22 Telecentres ( libraries)
Evolution of Household Access
142. Digital Alphabetization
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
1.671 3.637 7.967 12.357 18.999 Cumulative Cumulative
144 144 DC Community Organizers
75 814 889 DC Neighbours
470 1.126 1.596 DC Yunus SMEs
568 538 630 1.736 INTEL Schools DC Children Digital Urban Colonies
328 581 1.019 1.928 ADOC SMEs
224 1.042 172 70 1.508 Yunus Otecs SMEs
274 60 12 161 507 DC Municipal Employees
76 204 200 320 800 CORMUP Teachers and healthcare technicians
233 172 454 450 0 1.309 CORMUP Parents
440 267 798 172 880 2.557 El Encuentro Neighbours
998 953 876 1.720 1.478 6.025 Libraries Neighbors
1.671 1.966 4.330 4.390 6.642 18.999 TOTAL
153. Connectivity
Amount of organizations by connection type
First WiMax Network
Wi Max ENTEL INTEL1Mbps LAN Muni DSLTelefó-nica2Mbps ENTEL Will FOGTD WirelessCORMUP2 to 10 Mbps
10 2 9 1
6 3 2 1
Organizations Organizations
22 Telecentres Libraries
16 Schools
11 Primary Healthcare Centers
12 Municipal Units
IP Phones in 30 homes
164. Digital Democracy
- Digital Office of Information
- Community Portal
- Penguin Portal
- Town Hall Streaming Online
- Mayor - Web 2.0 Inclusion
- Community Online Voting
174. Digital Democracy
Community Voting Results from Community Budget
Subsector Vulnerability Index Total Ballots In Person Internet subsector
S1 - La Faena Medium 2.407 787 1.620 67
S2 - La Faena High 3.040 1.038 2.002 66
S3 - Peña.Alto Medium 3.287 1.280 2.007 61
S4 - Peña.Alto High 1.976 842 1.134 57
S5 - L.Hermida High 1.759 1.207 552 31
S6 - L.Hermida High 3.097 1.211 1.886 61
S7 - Peña.Nuevo Low 1.694 39 1.655 98
S8 - Sn.Luis Medium 3.446 2.108 1.338 39
S9 - Sn.Luis High 1.880 1.207 673 36
TOTAL TOTAL 22.586 9.719 12.867 57
185. Digital Government Model
Business Intelligence
On-line Services
General Applications
195. Digital Government - Infrastructure
Infrastructure in Education
Healthcare Centers have more than 200 PCs and
100 in administrative offices.
Year PCs Notebook Total Students per PC
2005 300 300 38,3
2006 350 350 23,5
2007 600 600 17,3
2008 783 96 978 16
Municipal Infrastructure
Email Account Evolution
Year Units People Total Accounts
2009 172 676 848
2008 141 555 696
2006 128 376 504
2004 90 70 160
205. Digital Government General Applications
- Muncipal Enterprise Architecture
- Financial, Accounting,
- Human Resources.
- Citizen Services
- Permits, Licenses, Vehicular Tags.
- Docflow
- Building Permit Application
- Messaging
- Personal Productivity
- Local Circuit Court Application
215. Digital Government Online Services
- Digital Office of Information
- Peñaservices
- e-Building Permits
- Town Hall Streaming
- Vehicular Permits Online (Video, Results)
- Garbage Processing Fee Payment
- Digital Patient File
- Online Voting City Budget Process
- Community Portal www.peñalolen.cl
- Government Transparency Online
- Course Registration - YUNUS
225. Digital Government Overview
- Completed
- Control de gestión,
- GIS Certificados DOM
- Sistema comunal de inversiones
- Oirs Digital, Causas JPL
- Peña Servicios 1.0
- e-DOM. Concejo On line
- Permisos de circulación 2.0 (Result)
- Pago Derechos de aseo y patentes
- Salud - Ficha electrónica
- Votaciones Presuptos.Participativos
- Portal comunal, Transparencia
- Alfabetización Bases de Datos
- Herramientas de productividad personal
- Dock flow (desarrollo)
- 2nd Sem 2009
- Bitácora Vecino
- Sistema Gestión DIDECO
- Sistema Gestión VIVIENDA
- FPS Solicitud encuesta y Obtención Certificado
- Seguimiento expedientes DOM
- Permisos de circulación 3.0
- Servicios vía Celular
- Peña Servicios 2.0
- Herramientas de virtualización Herramientas de
productividad personal y colaboración
- 2010 - gt
- Bitácora Vecino (ampliación)
- GIS Municipal integrado
- Datamining
- Cuadro de Mando integral
- Aplicaciones en Totems
- Certificados DOM
- Renovación Portal Municipal
- Ampliar gama de servicios en Celulares
- Nuevos sistemas
- Herramientas de productividad personal y
colaboración - Seguridad
Business Intelligence
Online Services
General Applications
23 Thank You
245. Gobierno Digital Aplicaciones En Línea
Resultados Permisos de Circulación 2008 v/s 2009
2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 variación veces
Total 1.763 143.399.070 Total 3.633 295.913.500 106 2,06
Valor promedio Valor promedio Valor promedio Valor promedio 81.338 Valor promedio Valor promedio Valor promedio Valor promedio 81.452
255. Gobierno Digital - Infraestructura
265. Gobierno Digital - Infraestructura