Making grammar accessible to ELLs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Making grammar accessible to ELLs


... often ordered in terms of priority An example would be how to ... Task Based Language Teaching Accuracy and fluency are addressed in TBLT with a linguistic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Making grammar accessible to ELLs

Techniques in grammar instruction
  • Making grammar accessible to ELLs
  • University of Alberta EDPY 413
  • Presented by Chelsea Androschuk, Nicole Mackay,
    and Robyn Ferguson

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Historically, grammar has been considered to be
(Hinkel Fotos 2002)
-nouns -verbs -participles -articles -pronouns -prepositions -adverbs -conjunctions
The advent of other approaches
  • -Direct approaches (audio-lingualism)
  • -Functional approaches
  • -Communicative approaches

The Audiolingual Method
  • -The audiolingual method focuses on the
    comprehension of language at a largely mechanical
    level (Davidson, 1978).
  • -Examples of mechanically structured activities
    might include repetition or substitution. The
    teacher is in control of the lesson, and students
    can often successfully participate without any
    understanding of meaning (Davidson, 1978).

Functional Approaches
  • -These are usually based on situational language
    needs (Hinkel Fotos, 2002).
  • - According to Skehan, these activities often
    follow a presentation, practice, and production
    protocol (cited in Hinkel Fotos, 2002).

Communicative/Humanistic Approaches
  • -These methods mimic a natural acquisition of
    language, for example, how a child acquires L1
    (Hinkel Fotos, 2002).
  • -Language is acquired using meaningful input,
    with no formal grammatical instruction. It is
    assumed that ELLs will naturally acquire the
    forms of language when this approach is used
    (Hinkel Fotos, 2002).

Myth Grammar structures are meaningless forms
(Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • - Learning a structure in grammar, is not
    complete unless its function is explored at the
    same time (Wagner-Gough, 1975).
  • - There are 3 dimensions to grammar instruction
    form, meaning and function/use (Larsen-Freeman,
  • - Grammar instruction should include the answers
    to when and why to use any given structure
    (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).

Myth Grammar acquisition consists of arbitrary
rules (Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • -Interlanguages (ILs) appear to follow rules, and
    are systematic (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).
  • This does not mean that an ELL would be using a
    grammatical structure as a NS would from first
    exposure, but that they are still moving toward
    its proper use while forming rules in his/her IL.
  • -Though systematic, this development through an
    IL may not be linear (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).

Myth Grammar structures are learned one at a
time (Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • -The acquisition of some structures may depend on
    the acquisition of others. A simple accumulation
    of structures, one at time, can lead to a
    phenomenon known as backsliding. When backsliding
    occurs, it is because certain elements become
    omitted in order to make room for new elements
    (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).

Myth Grammar is acquired naturally, and doesnt
have to be taught (Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • - In French immersion programs, where the focus
    is on meaning alone, students have demonstrated a
    less than expected understanding of grammar in
    the language (Harley Swain, 1984).
  • - Students may develop the ability to convey
    meaning, without developing proper grammar.
    Selective form-focused instruction may therefore
    be necessary to ensure that as language develops,
    so does grammar (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).

Lightbrown and Spada (1990)research (cited in
Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • -This study looked at 4 (primarily communicative)
    French immersion classes, each of which
    incorporated a varying level of form-based
    instruction in grammar.
  • -Their results demonstrated that the class that
    never focused on grammatical form performed the
    worst according to the assessment used.
  • - Part of the reason for this, according to
    Larsen-Freeman (1995), is that focusing student
    attention may facilitate learning.

Myth Error correction and negative evidence
might be unnecessary when instructing grammar
(Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • -If errors are not corrected, then
    overgeneralizations in language tend to occur
    (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).
  • -Negative evidence might be part of the input
    that ELLs need, though they may not have needed
    it to the same extent for their L1
    (Larsen-Freeman, 1995).

Myth All grammatical structures are learned in
the same way (Larsen-Freeman, 1995)
  • Any claim to the effect that all acquisition is
    the product of habit formation or of rule
    formation, or today, of setting/resetting
    parameters or the strengthening of connections in
    complex neural networks, is an obvious
    oversimplification of a complex process
    (Larsen-Freeman, 1995, p. 141).

3 options in language teaching
  • Focus on Forms
  • Focus on meaning
  • Focus on form

Focus on Forms
  • Parts of the language are taught separately and
    step by step so that the acquisition is a process
    of gradual accumulation of parts until the whole
    structure of language has been built upAt any
    one time the learner is being exposed to a
    deliberate limited sample of language (Wilkins,
    1976, p. 2).

Focus on Meaning
  • The essential claim is that people of all ages
    learn language best, inside or outside the
    classroom, not by treating the languages as the
    object of study, but by experiencing them as a
    medium of communication language is organized
    in terms of the purpose for which people are
    learning language and the kinds of language
    performance that are necessary to meet those
    purposes (Wilkins, 1976, p. 13).

Focus on Form
  • Overtly draws students attention to linguistic
    elements as they arise incidentally in lessons
    whose overriding focus is on meaning or
  • (Long, 1991, pp. 45-46).
  • Often consists of an occasional shift of
    attention to linguistic code features by the
    teacher and/or one or more of the students
    triggered by perceived problems with
    comprehension or production
  • (Long Robinson, 1999, p. 23).

Advantage of Focus on Form
  • The learners attention is drawn precisely to a
    linguistic feature as necessitated by a
    communicative demand (Doughty Williams, 1999,
    p. 3).

Arguments against Grammar Instruction
  • The study of grammar promotes knowledge about
    language not how to use the language (Krashen,
    1983, p. 10).
  • We acquire our first language without any
    explicit knowledge of grammar (Krashen, 1983, p.
  • The natural order (Krashen, 1983, pp. 12-36) in
    which languages are learned precludes the
    influence of instruction.
  • If communicative competence is the goal, then
    classroom time is better spent engaging in
    language use (Krashen, 1983, p. 37).

Arguments for Grammar Instruction
  • Without explicit instruction learners
    interlanguage often fossilizes.
  • Grammar instruction may act as an advanced
    organizer helping learners to notice features of
    language when they are ready.
  • Learning finite rules can help to simplify an
    otherwise daunting and complex task by organizing
    it into neat categories.
  • Older students expectation about language
    learning often includes grammar instruction.
  • Learning grammar structures allows for more
    creative applications of language.
  • (Lightbown Spada, 1990, pp. 429-448)

Teaching Grammar
  • Teachers need to consider how to present grammar
    to their students (approach), what options for
    dealing with the grammar should be used, and
    which area they will focus on during practice
    (accuracy, fluency, or restructuring).

  • Deductive teaching through rules (the rule is
    provided followed by the provision of examples in
    which the rule is applied).
  • Inductive teaching through examples (students
    are provided with several examples from which a
    rule is inferred).

Sources of inductive instruction
  • Realia / Actions
  • Worksheets (can often be structured to
    inductively lead students to a grammar rule)
  • Authentic texts (after listening to a dialogue or
    reading a text, students can answer questions to
    highlight certain grammatical structures these
    may then be used to derive rules)
  • Dialogues
  • Recorded Conversations

  • Teaching through practice
  • Drills activities that are structured to allow
    only one correct answer
  • Exercises Open-ended grammar activities
  • Practice leads to the creation of a continuum
    ranging from text manipulation activities to text
    creation activities.

  • Text manipulation activities Provide students
    with sentences that they will be required to
    operate on in some limited manner such as
    fill-in-the blank, make a choice from items
    provided, substitute another item, or transform
    into another pattern.

  • Text creation activities Require learners to
    produce language creatively using the target
    structure (these activities are not truly
    communicative because the students are aware that
    the purpose of the activity is to practice a
    specific structure).

Communicative grammar tasks
  • Provide students with genuine opportunities to
    communicate using language that is known.
  • These tasks differ from text creation activities
    in that the students are not restricted in the
    language that is used.
  • As a result, because students are not focused on
    the use of a particular structure, tasks must be
    designed to ensure that the desired structure is
  • Refer to Penny Urs Grammar Practice Activities,
  • (Lightbown Spada, 1993)

Integrative Grammar Teaching
  • Combines a form-based with a meaning-based focus.
  • form focused instruction and corrective
    feedback provided within the context of
    communicative interaction can contribute
    positively to a second language development in
    both the short and long term (Lightbown Spada,
    1993, p. 205).
  • Students should be able to learn explicit grammar
    rules as well as have a chance to practice them
    in communication in the authentic or simulated
    tasks (Musumeci, 1997).

PPPPresentation / Practice/ Production
  • based on the Grammar-Translation Method in which
    grammar explanations are followed by exercises.
  • follows the premise that knowledge becomes skill
    through successive practice and that language is
    learned in small chunks leading to the whole.
  • views accuracy as a precursor to fluency.

PPP- Stage 1
  • In the first stage of the sequence the teacher
    introduces the language and forms to be studied.

PPP- Stage 2
  • In the second stage students practice using the
    language and grammar introduced by the teacher.
    This stage is often characterized by
    decontextualized drills.
  • The focus of this stage is the accurate use of

PPP- Stage 3
  • After students have demonstrated that they can
    accurately use the language and forms introduced,
    fluency is developed by providing opportunities
    for students to use what they have learned in a
    less controlled environment.

Criticism of PPP
  • SLA research demonstrates that practice does not
    lead to perfection (Lightbown, 1985).
  • Language learning does not occur in a linear
    fashion influenced directly by the instruction
    that takes place (Ellis 1993 Skehan, 1996).
  • Relies heavily on the use of decontextualized and
    meaningless drills (Wong Van Pattten, 2003).

Task Based Language Teaching
  • Accuracy and fluency are addressed in TBLT with a
    linguistic focus supporting the task or emerging
    out of difficulties experienced during the task.
  • This maintains the focus on communication rather
    than learning particular forms and promotes the
    relevancy of grammatical instruction.

Willis (1996) Model
  • Pre-Task lexicon is introduced and learners are
    engaged in brief activities to activate their
    schemata about a particular topic or to equip
    them to participate in the main task.
  • Task learners are actively engaged in completing
    a communicative task.
  • Language Focus learners errors are highlighted
    and specific activities are utilized to allow
    them to practice using the correct language

Accuracy Addressed Through Focused Tasks
  • Focused tasks are tasks that are likely to
    require the use of a particular form.
  • For example, writing a recipe will require the
    use of the imperative and decorating a room will
    require the use of prepositions.

Willis TBLT Framework
  • Willis (1996) advocated addressing accuracy
    through the structure of lessons
  • a) Pre-task
  • b) Task
  • c) Post-task (language focus)

Pre-task Phase
  • In this phase the teacher will
  • Introduce and define the topic
  • Use activities to help students recall or learn
    vocabulary and phrases
  • Provide examples of how the task may be completed
  • Provide instructions for completing the task

Task Phase
  • During this stage the students complete the
    central task of the cycle individually (in pairs
    or groups).
  • While the students work, the teacher ensures
    students understand the task and are being
  • The teacher monitors time closely and observes
    how groups are functioning. This information may
    be relayed to students to promote effective group
    functioning or may be used in formulating future

Language focus phase
  • In this phase students move from a focus on
    meaning to a focus on form.
  • The purpose of this phase is to develop accuracy
    by directing students attention to particular
    language forms and usage.

Tasks to Promote Negotiation
  • Negotiation contributes to language acquisition
    by making input more comprehensible (Long, 1985)
    and by providing opportunities to attend to form
    (Pica, 1994).

Types of Tasks Willis (1996)
  • Listing brainstorming, fact-finding
  • Ordering and Sorting sequencing, ranking,
    categorizing, classifying
  • Comparing matching, finding differences and
  • Problem Solving
  • Sharing Personal Experiences
  • Creative Tasks

Types of Tasks Pica, Kanagy, Falodun (1993)
  • Jigsaw learners combine different pieces of
    information to create a whole
  • Information-Gap learners have different
    information. They negotiate to find the other
    individuals information
  • Problem-Solving students must find a solution
    for a problem (typically there is one resolution)
  • Decision-Making students solve an open-ended
    problem by discussing multiple options and
    choosing the best
  • Opinion Exchange learners exchange ideas
    without needing to come to a consensus

Some benefits of TBLT
  • Current educational research outlines that
    learners engage in the learning process using a
    variety of styles and intelligences.
  • TBLT provides an inductive approach to
    instruction and addresses different learning
    styles than PPP.
  • TBLT encourages more meaningful learning
    experiences that are relevant to students.

Some benefits of TBLT (Willis, 1996)
  • PPP is a form of the banking model of education
    whereas TBLT is a student-centered approach that
    provides a voice to students (content and
    language usage).
  • Principles of democracy are more reflective of a
    TBLT classroom.

  • PPP
  • Textbook language
  • Official content valuable
  • Views students as unknowing
  • Learning content not problematic
  • Power difference inherent
  • TBLT
  • Communicative language
  • Process valuable
  • Students are valuable contributors
  • Learning opportunities
  • Students are given a voice

Social Rationale
  • TBLT empowers learners by giving them agency and
    recognizing the value of their language
    (non-standard forms of English).

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